Can't even imagine what Sophia Parker must mean to L&P at this point. Praydge that he ignores haters, keeps cooking and getting support.
Nothing but a source of money, he is actually being misogynistic with her.
Yeah yeah, nice ass, nice face, nice tits, ok ok, regular bombshell, let's pass that, the beauty filter.
The author has denied her as a person. What Sophia WANTS? Do you know it? What are her future plans? What are her present desires? How does she feels about her current state in life (appart from sex)? What motivates her in life? You have no fucking idea. She is just an object moved from place to place, to interact with men who takes everything they want from her (gradually and slowly).
Sophia is a sexual object moved around, she is not a person anymore. That is misoginy, he denied the human character and only sees a vessel. Trust me, I am NO FUCKING FEMINIST, but agreeing that woman are human beings with more interests, ideas, beliefs, motivations and thoughts rather than sex is kinda basic humans 101.
You could argue that this is a sex novel and that is why her view about sex is the only interest, valid point. He also denied her as a human being in the sex side. Corruption for Sophia is not that she gains awareness of her state in life, asumes the situation and contiously takes decisions. NO. Corruption in Sophia is just weakness, she just puts boundaries that last half of the episode. You know what is going to happen at the end of the episode by reading what she denies at the beggining in a very childish way, is not like an arc of several episodes, the plot lasts less than 10 minutes, it's Harry Potter lvl, come on, even Dora the explorer has more personality than Sophia at this point.
He doesn't loves Sophia, he denies her. He uses Sophia to milk money, I would rather think that he hates her, he bored of her, he feels stuck in life with her.