That quality goes hand in hand with quantity is what you say. For me quality is the fastidious work on every single render including everything from the lighting over scene subtleties to the smallest pose and expression detail. The quantity is just a byproduct which emerges by the amount of renders I need to tell a scene!
First of all I needed 4 month for 1300 renders because 1 month is for programming, translation and render editing! During this time I also keep on writing on the story and the dialogues of the scenes!
After the next update you can tell me which renders were redundant and I will either tell you you're right or explain you why not.
Btw, not every game day is similar huge! For example the upcoming in-game Sunday is one large event which spreads over the morning until the evening!
And I also didn't introduce any new characters like many like to criticize. I'm already done with it for a while. If some new characters appear then they won't play a big role and just are a story staffage! All characters of the next update except Don Morello are in the game since the demo!
Hey. I am not your patron. But I will express my opinion. I like your job. A story without "superfluous", according to many, content will be similar to everything else. Therefore, your concept must be preserved. But it would be appropriate, on your part, to try to attract assistants. Those who, at a decent level, can implement your ideas at a level that suits, first of all, you.
This will speed up the process and satisfy the vast majority of AWAM fans.
An important question that worries everyone! Do you want acceleration?
Answer yourself and if you also want acceleration, then you will have more patrons. At least in my face.
Regards and best wishes.