There's not much point in establishing a dominant position unless sex is the aim. Frustration is the outcome otherwise & what would be the point of all the tasks? We're talking here about a sexually active individual who's turned on by his teacher. I think the Aiden haters should take the first opportunity to leave the storyline but there'll be yet another get-out for those having second thoughts. L&P has voluntarily painted himself into a corner by saying there'll be no non-consensual sex. Now, that we have the likes of genuine shota present in the VN I fail to see why but he's the boss, so it's his decision. Presumably he finds the latter much less objectionable & controversial?
Up to now the balance of Sophia's trepidation, reluctance & enjoyment has, IMO, been just right. This is where L&P has shown his capacity to write to a good standard, incorporating actual eroticism. He also achieved this level with the Alyssa/Antonio & even the prison visit events IMO. They were the sort of happenings that keep me playing.
It's the question of how far Sophia will enjoy, co-operate or instigate the tasks that concerns me. I really don't want to go down the route of, 'Oh Ares, you're so big & hard, what are you doing....that's naughty,' 'Why can't I stop myself when I know this is so wrong?' 'It's as tho' I'm someone else...' etc. This is not only cliched, it's just not erotic. It's been overdone to the point where it's like a slice of burnt toast served cold, without butter or margarine. This is what I suspect is coming, once Sophia has been "corrupted" enough by working through the tasks.
This is why I'm taking action early to try to break the AWAM habit. It's either blackmail, or it's not. There's no real middle way.
Alternatively, I might just take the Morello option & see what happens.....