It's a fact that I feel strongly about all this after 3+ years of playing & being careful in the choices I made. I'd agree that the game feels as though it's come to a pivotal point.
I've never been one to want Sophia wrapped up in cotton wool in sunny, shiny, upwardly mobile suburbia, where life is so good it's dull enough to make you desire your own offspring & I've not only approved of but defended the blackmail storylines. What appears to be on the horizon, however, has me perturbed. It depends now on what kind of venue this really is & until we know for certain we can see that L&P has, whether intentionally or not, ratcheted up the tension. I don't believe he had any other aim than to have Sophia dressed inappropriately, because he knew beforehand, surely, how his paying audience would be likely to vote. That's why he provided a basic choice of only two oufits, between rock chick chic, or desperate housewife. These choices were provided before the probable venue could be seen but I don't believe it would have made that much difference to the poll result, had it being known.
When L&P is on form, he can be a really good writer & the upcoming event may turn out to be as much a tour de force as Aiden's third task. I really hope so. At present I just can't reconcile the outfit, the location & the venue with any good outcome, unless the Sam getaway car, driving into the sunset, after a fracas in the bar is what the paying fans think of as eroticism. Any drive might be punctuated by Sophia adjusting the ripped apart "boob-pockets" on her outfit, Sam stopping the car in a secluded spot to let her get sorted out, offering to help, slipping his hands gently over her shoulders, as the night air suddenly gave her goose-bumps but was it just the night air? Sophia couldn't stop herself from shivering slightly, as the moon suddenly appeared from behind a cloud. Slowly, tenderly, Sam's strong hands explored the nape of Sophia's neck. He edged his fingers under her hair that was being stirred by the breeze, kneading, pressing softly, easing her tension . She made no protest when those same hands moved downwards to gently cup her...etc. etc. It's doable but it wouldn't be a surprise & would be just like any other porn game & if I can write it, then it virtually writes itself.
There are a lot of Aiden & Bennett haters in the assembled company on this thread but what drunk bikers would do to Sophia, in that outfit, could make them look like Salvation Army Captains. Yes, we've been told there'll be no sexual violence/rape but havn't you noticed that the Dev can change his mind? I don't mind darker but give me those two rather than a bunch of strangers.