That's just it. The CS is based on the text/outline of the novel, and the story is based on 79+ characters that have interactions with Sophia. So you have to create a scene for about every interaction with the support character. Especially characters that have no influence whatsoever. A prime example is this scene.
Why do I care if her teeth were polished? She is a fictional character. How long did it take him to work on these 12 CS and render them? How does this influence her corruption points, good wife points, lesbian points, or LI points? I don't see her getting hit on by the dental assistant. So to me, this was a wasted scene or one-and-done. This could have been told through mostly narrations about her talking to her sister about bringing the kids over to her house. And there are other examples, too, throughout the novel.
I'm trying to point out here that he could have omitted most of the one-and-done and put more focus on Sophia and the primary supporting cast members.