He has spent over a month on this event(the last Aiden event took him a month to complete)also he does not do rendering and scene creation at the same time, which seems daft to me.
After 3 days all that moved was Scenes Rendered and with his rig he should be hitting a bigger % of this and a lot quicker.I rendered a 4k scene in a round 30 minutes and the dev's gpu are 2-3 times better than mine so a 5% jump in Scenes Rendered is pathetic.
He has 2 3090 with 10496 CUDA cores and a whopping 24GB of GDDR6X memory ,that is a massive 20992 cores and 48GB GDDR6X memory
That is all I have to say on the matter.
Well I'm sure his rig is too good. But I think there are other factors that we are ignoring.
Like he just doesn't have to make and render scenes. He also has to look for assets of the upcoming events. Decide the kind of outfits that would suit the scene best. Do research to get to know about the nuances and ambience of the place. Also he has to visualise every single render and figure out the best way to present it.
Other factors like exhaustion and getting sick of doing the same thing. He has approximately made 700 plus renders in the past 3 months at a stretch, it does get exhausting. He is a human afterall not a machine. There are somedays where you are just stuck and can't think of anything erotic. I tried writing the stories that I thought, I reached like 70% of it and I felt totally out of it. I had to take a break for a few days just to get the mindset.
Also there is the pressure of presentation to others. Example if we are asked to write an essay we can do it in 20 minutes but if we are asked to write an essay on the same topic but this time we have to read it out on stage if front of thousands we would be really careful about what we are writing and take our time. Some can even take an hour just to write the same essay. The fear of not being upto mark really gets to some people, rather most people.
So I would say that, just judging his pace based on the rig alone is not right. Don't get me wrong I really wish he was twice as fast as he is now. Some questions are indeed valid as well. I just wanted to mention things that we mostly ignore but are critical to development speed. This is why I always say he needs more people, he just can't do it himself, atleast if he ever wants to complete it in reasonable time.