One would think that after more than 4 years, even the most diehard-fans of L&P would start to become sceptical of what's going on behind his closed curtains. Even completely uninformed individuals on the technicalities and processes of a project like this (like me) should at some point question if things are legit or not. There certainly are easy ways to do this, and it really doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Unfortunately, some people, like Bane71, are simply too naive and good willing. L&P knows that and is obviously making bank with it. These people would still stick their money up his rectum even if he were to update the game once every 2 years with 10 minutes of gameplay. There's always an excuse, always a reason on why it could be worth it. And I'm not trying to offend Bane71 or anyone else by saying this. I guess diehard-fans do what diehard-fans do, even in the darkest of times. It's their money in the end, even though I'd wish that some of them would eventually open their eyes.
I for one am still interested in the game, but would I ever subscribe to L&P's patreon again? Hell no! Pirating is the way to go here if you ask me. Yaaarrrrrr!