Correct, L&P has so far given Sophia little reason to cheat Liam. That means Sophia, that is, the player, will probably succumb to the temptation for pure pleasure gain. Even so, if there are no profound reasons for an increasing distance between Sophia and Liam in the future, it is difficult to show the now developing romantic relationship with Sam or Alyssa without severe moral and emotional torment from Sophia. I mean this is a porn game and I just don't feel like this shit. So I think L&P will have come up with a few more reasons to make these relationships credible. And if not - then I'll shrug my shoulders and say to myself: I would have done better! And continue to follow the story, because after all, I'm the pervert here and not Sophia.I agree, I wouldn't even want Liam to cheat. Like after all these corruption points for Sophia, after all this buildup if I have to rely on the cliche of "because Liam cheated I will cheat on him" then what would be the point of all this buildup. If this is what L&P would want to do in the end he could have just shown Liam cheating on the 3rd or 4th day and gotten Sophia to cheat on Liam. Afterall this corruption I would want Sophia to cheat off her own will not because Liam did it first.