I was going to comment on the bar, car & hot tub segment but I see the arguments about production have broken out again. I try to stay out of them because I have no rendering skills & I'm not a Patron. I will repeat, however, that if we ever see one update per month, as in two in a row, I'll be pleasantly amazed.
As for the Sam thing, I've already said that I enjoyed the update taken as a whole & I did but originally I went on that particular route mainly as another way to try & avoid the incest. It's a path that requires a great deal of "suspension of disbelief". This time though, as far as the hot tub sequence was concerned, it required the placing of disbelief in a hot air balloon basket & ascending to 5,000 feet.
It seems Sam is so virginal that he's never even kissed a girl properly, let alone had sexual relations of any description. He's a handsome, hormonal teenager so WTF? What's more, this lack of experience has done nothing to dent his confidence in trying it on with a beautiful, sophisticated woman, more than twice his age. This lad is incredible & while I could just about accept the old 'yawn & arm round the shoulder trick,' which most of us must have done at some point, [I did that a lot], the handling of breasts, sucking nipples & even putting his mouth where it would be most effective AND doing all these things with an effortless expertise.....it was almost surreal. No, it WAS surreal because Liam was right there FFS.
I really expected just a kiss & perhaps some fairly basic fumbling in the car.
Many times I've identified with some of the behaviour of the characters in this VN but Sam's pool performance resembles nothing in my teenage experience, or that of anyone I knew & that goes double for the time before we'd had sex. [Cue smart arse post about how when so & so was still a virgin they seduced a famous pinup, or some such complete bollocks].
I almost expected Liam to say, " what's that dark shape between your legs darling?" Sophia might have replied, " Oh, that's the sea lion I've been asked to look after by a friend." It would have been just as believable as what actually occurred.