But you are authorized to judge the others? Check you attidude my child. I believe that you have great problems to manage your angrer, I don't care about your life and your job, mine is more complicated than yours but this is my life from 1984. I'm a ship's Master trading in far east and Oceania now going in Papua New Guinea, the whole world is my house. I login on this forum just to read some people opinions. My satellite internet connection is not so good to download games but I'm still supporting 12 devs on patreon because I believe that all must have the opportunity to show their skills. I was also supporting this dev years ago but after one year I lost my trust in his ability to reach the end of the game. I reported different your post because of your attitude against some of the Users here, you are not better than the people you attack continuously, so far you only demostrate your weakness and anger. Anyway your job sure is not so heavy if you are allowed to stay here so much time. I hope that you find the artist that you are searching and start to create your own game, I'm sure that this thread is going to be more interesting with you busy on your project. I am sure, also that I'm not going to support your game, considering my age I will die before you start the script but I can tell that your skills are very bad, this analyzing what you posted on the AWAM fan thread. Better you direct your interest in something more appropiate for you. May be the aphorism that chinese put in their bisquit of fortune are more at your level of skills, of course you must copy those from somewhere. Basis the above your inability to understand that other can have their opinon and opinion can be also harsh and not polite, simply give me the full image of what kind of man you are.
Start to train your dog to open a patreon account, at least you can show that one is following you.
Goog luck child.. start to act as a man, the forum is full of clown no need another.
Julius Ash, taking into account what you have said now, in my eyes, you are a ridiculous old man with an exaggerated self-conceit to an incredible extent.
Indeed, during two years, to one degree or another, of being on this forum, I once, the other day, showed anger and rudely sent off the person who insulted me.
This happened only once, so I don’t know what kind of anger you are talking about.
I consider this act of mine to be a manifestation of the weakness that I showed at this particular moment.
I am not a machine, but a person, and sometimes I can be weak, I do not see anything in this that deserves condemnation.
In all your idea of me, the only thing you are right about is that my current job does not bother me at all and allows me to visit the forum quite often. This is also facilitated by equipment and very fast Internet.
In everything that you tell me, there is a desire to pinch me, to belittle me, probably in your opinion, this is a manifestation of WISDOM and PEACE, which, in your opinion, are present in you! )))))
Causes only laughter.
By the nature of my occupation earlier, I have visited more than 25 countries around the world. I have a higher education, in my youth I had relationships with serious representatives of the criminal world, at the moment, most of them are already in their graves, despite the fact that many of them were my peers. There was a case when I had to play the role of a pimp for two weeks, there was a period of my life when I was a real counter-smuggler. At the moment, my girlfriend is 26 years old in my 50s+, and this is just a small, insignificant piece of information about me. And you tell me that your life is more interesting than mine!!! )))))))) You're ridiculous, old man!
Regarding my idea of a 3D fantasy visual novel, I'm not too worried about it because I know if you want to do something well, do it yourself. But I have no desire to study 3D Daz, so it will probably remain one small unembodied idea. This is not a problem for me, I have something to put my efforts into, the current state of things is temporary and it is coming to an end. You won't notice it until spring, then I'll be a rare guest here.
My letter in the fan art thread cannot please a really demanding reader, creating it in a short time, I did not set myself the task of creating a masterpiece. This is almost a joke entertainment.
But what's the difference? It doesn't matter at all what my life really is and it doesn't matter what I tell you about myself, as I have already pointed out in another post, you are simply unable to hear and understand! You have a different setup. You want to show your superiority over others, implied by you and completely absent in reality.
Therefore, with this I say goodbye to you and despite your rudeness and arrogance, I sincerely wish you, old man, health! And first of all, mental health! I got the impression that you raised yourself too high in your conceit. Come down to the sinful Earth and let everything be fine with you.