I'm glad to see some patrons speaking up. I don't think this update will slip to March, but I could see February.
I don't understand his strategy with this announcement. Now he's getting some pushback which should have been entirely predictable. If he wasn't prepared to announce anything he should have just kept quiet until he was ready. This isn't something that you tease, because vague statements don't build hype, they build frustration. I can't help but feel that this whole episode was an unforced error with no real upside but lots of downside. He could have the greatest idea ever in mind, but he should have simply waited until it was ready.
From a marketing perspective it's very dangerous to tell your clients to "trust". If you tell them to trust you and something goes wrong, you have directly put your reputation on the line. It may sound like semantics, but you're better off qualifying the statement. Instead of saying "trust me", say "I believe it'll be worth the wait" or "This new hardware is going to help me create the best version of the game possible." There's a million things you could say, but once you tell your consumer to trust you the pressure is on.