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Jul 12, 2020
You are wrong! He decided to make this game, because he want to earn money! I was on his patreon, but from 1 year i am not. When i paying for something i want to have progress! I am customer! He is ofering something and i want to have it and use it! I am paying for that!

He started with .... 0.065, then 0.07 then 0.75 and they gave us around 500-600 images per 2 months, then he goes in 0.0775 with less images and longer period - 250-350 images and 4 months. How many updates we get last year ?? 3 or 4?

He said that he will split the days so he can push faster updates, now we have 3, or even 4 months for 2 or 3 morning activities and versions goes again down 1.155 ...

This is why people are angry, he doesn't fullfill his promises, just goes slower and slower with every in game day!

I dont believe that LP will finish this game day this year! Next year he will something like that : LP: "Every update will be for one event only so i can push faster updates"

And a joke i wrote in 2020 but it will be true soon!

A day in the future:

L&P is 60 years old. He is on play day 20. And he still doing only teases (no f*ck, no BJ, no any other activities). He is giving his game to his Son to continue developing the game......

Few months later.... His Son:

-Dad, i successfully finished the game. - he enjoyed telling this to his father :D.

-Son, how stupid you are...... I rised you, your brother and sister. We have 2 houses, 5 cars and i wanted to rise your kids with this game but you just finished.... How stupid you are....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
I read the posts and am amazed at how some people's brains are turned!

L&P writes a post in the thread and informs the pirates about their actions. In fact, he does what we lack. We are not well informed.
I don't think he did it for the purpose of someone thanking him.
Just information regarding the development of the game.

And what do we read in the answers?
The usual rudeness and disrespect.
Bravo! You show your true insides. :giggle:
It's so predictable that L&P has stopped responding to it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
instead of bragging about your future animations, why don't you think about the bad programming and communication you are doing?
a sea of excuses, delays for something that can be inserted later, updates reduced to 1/10 of a day that would have led to faster releases.
answer the questions and explain your reasons instead of coming to show your ego
What, what are you saying ? Showing his ego ? Can't you read what the other person wrote. How he made fun of L&P wanting to add animations and when L&P explains what kind of animations he is doing it is his ego speaking. Seriously, he can't even put his point forward. Even if you know nothing about what is happening, you will immediately say he is in the wrong. And assume you are right. Since ofcourse all the work has to be done by L&P, all you have to do is talk shit and complain, takes a few minutes of your day. But takes him hours everyday to make what you finish in "5 minutes".


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
I read the posts and am amazed at how some people's brains are turned!

L&P writes a post in the thread and informs the pirates about their actions. In fact, he does what we lack. We are not well informed.
I don't think he did it for the purpose of someone thanking him.
Just information regarding the development of the game.

And what do we read in the answers?
The usual rudeness and disrespect.
Bravo! You show your true insides. :giggle:
It's so predictable that L&P has stopped responding to it.
he might as well have, but in a very haughty manner and tone. the first sentence already says it all. the last two then ....


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
answer the questions and explain your reasons instead of coming to show your ego
He won't and if he did, it'd just be more excuses to justify what he's doing. This is what many devs on patreon have done and still do. See how little amount of content they can get away with making that their patrons will tolerate without dropping their support. Minimum amount of work for maximum amount of results (in this case, money). It's like i said, he use to turn out full playable days as updates and at a much faster rate. Once he reached a specific amount of money per month and updated his rig to both focus more on the game and be able to complete his work at a faster rate so as to increase the amount of content he was producing, he instead did the exact opposite.

I read the posts and am amazed at how some people's brains are turned!

L&P writes a post in the thread and informs the pirates about their actions. In fact, he does what we lack. We are not well informed.
I don't think he did it for the purpose of someone thanking him.
Just information regarding the development of the game.

And what do we read in the answers?
The usual rudeness and disrespect.
Bravo! You show your true insides. :giggle:
It's so predictable that L&P has stopped responding to it.
Lets say for sake of argument however, all these complaints are without merit. Maybe his rig really can't handle what he wants to do even being upgraded. Maybe he does have real life issues that are detracting from how much focus he can put on this that has slowed down his development time. There could be tons of reasons for these things that are all legitimate. However, all we can go on is what we get to see and for the last couple years all we've seen are empty promises that have slowed down progress to a snail's pace that this game won't be finished before the next 2 decades are up. That's a pretty bad way of developing a game/vn no matter how good the art and story are.

LOL unknowingness at its best again in this troll contaminated forum! I checked these animations just for fun from the latest update and explain you how things really are my friend.

These are 1-2 sec loop animations done with Daz Studio! And not that they're not 60 fps! I hardly believe that this is even 20 fps! It's totally easy quick back and forth movements without any realistic body effects or anything extraordinary at all! Plus there are no volumetrics or any other effects used!

So, 1-2 days for 60 fps animations? OK, then let's talk about the real deal comparing to my scenes and upcoming animations. You got 10 seconds animations with volumetrics and blooming effects. And you don't use amateur programs for the animation like Daz Studio but Blender. And here you use Cycles for rendering. So, please render a 10 seconds long animation with 60 fps, volumetric effects in Blender using Cycles with even two 3090 RTX, at least 10k samples per frame, with denoiser (lower than 10k samples would usually give aweful results) and look how far you will get in 1-2 days LOL! Have fun!
And it's not just the rendering per se which comes only at the very end, it's the freaking hard creation of a realistic and detailed animation!

But main thing, first just talking bullshit again with zero knowledge of the stuff, right?
But I keep quiet. Sooner or later everyone will form his own opinion on my upcoming and future animations;)
Most of us get it, you want to turn out something awesome to rival some of the better devs that have succeeded in doing that themselves. Just don't shoot your own foot in the process and alienate a large portion of people who once supported you. The main complaints have been and still are about the development cycle that went from full playable days to a third of that. It has nothing to do with your art or story. People like those, otherwise they wouldn't be complaining so much. Perhaps you should take some time to recognize that rather than allowing your own ego to blind you.

I don't understand how this game is not bigger than being a dik and Miley city. We should give this dev some months to justify himself.
One, L&P doesn't have a team of people working for him to turn out content like that. Two, the content he use to turn out by comparison to that which he does now, is falling short and has been for a couple years. Being patient beyond that is just foolish. Your choice though. You will however come to see what many of us already have, empty promises.
Last edited:


Jun 27, 2017
The whole development of the game is like a car rolling down a steep hill towards a massive boulder (abandonment of the game) with broken brakes (the slow development speed).
And instead of fixing the broken brakes (doing everything he can to increase development speed) he just pulls out a small and sparkly disco ball (animations) to hang on the rear view mirror and his Patreons and people like Sabertooth and Bane71 are just like "ohhh, look! so shiny! you're a genius!".


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
He won't and if he did, it'd just be more excuses to justify what he's doing. This is what many devs on patreon have done and still do. See how little amount of content they can get away with making that their patrons will tolerate without dropping their support. Minimum amount of work for maximum amount of results (in this case, money). It's like i said, he use to turn out full playable days as updates and at a much faster rate. Once he reached a specific amount of money per month and updated his rig to both focus more on the game and be able to complete his work at a faster rate so as to increase the amount of content he was producing, he instead did the exact opposite.

Lets say for sake of argument however, all these complaints are without merit. Maybe his rig really can't handle what he wants to do even being upgraded. Maybe he does have real life issues that are detracting from how much focus he can put on this that has slowed down his development time. There could be tons of reasons for these things that are all legitimate. However, all we can go on is what we get to see and for the last couple years all we've seen are empty promises that have slowed down progress to a snail's pace that this game won't be finished before the next 2 decades are up. That's a pretty bad way of developing a game/vn no matter how good the art and story are. Most of us get it, you want to turn out something awesome to rival some of the better devs that have succeeded in doing that themselves. Just don't shoot your own foot in the process and alienate a large portion of people who once supported you. The main complaints have been and still are about the development cycle that went from full playable days to a third of that. It has nothing to do with your art or story. People like those, otherwise they wouldn't be complaining so much. Perhaps you should take some time to recognize that rather than allowing your own ego to blind you.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
The whole development of the game is like a car rolling down a steep hill towards a massive boulder (abandonment of the game) with broken brakes (the slow development speed).
And instead of fixing the broken brakes (doing everything he can to increase development speed) he just pulls out a small and sparkly disco ball (animations) to hang on the rear view mirror and his Patreons and people like Sabertooth and Bane71 are just like "ohhh, look! so shiny! you're a genius!".
If you ever read, I am not in favour of animations. I just don't understand calling him names and whining like idiots even when you know you can't do a thing about this.
These people are more worried about what happens to this game than L&P himself. They literally complain as if someone stole their life supporting drugs.

And to every single one of your side, What will you achieve by all this complaining. What can you change. I want fast updates, I want entire playable days in 2 months. Will all this, exposing his lies, calling him milker, calling him a fraudster etc actually get quicker updates. I will side with your crew if that can happen.

But if you can't then what do you hope to achieve. Tell me. If he is slow, if he purposely draws it out, how are you going to change. Or all the entire bunch of y'all can do is whine like a child. And demonize him all the way. Say that everything he says is lie.

When he explains something or communicates his side, he is attacked. Clear evidence is posted on this thread. Does it look like a place anyone would want to explain his side to. These same people complain he doesn't talk and then these same people attack when he does. These same people complain that this game doesn't even have animations and same people complain when he does include them.

The people here will always find a reason to attack him and hence it is better he stops even considering anyone's opinion on This thread whatsoever. Since those whose opinion are worth listening to don't speak up and those who speak only trash never say anything actually productive for the game. There's no point communicating here.


Nov 4, 2017
I spend a modest amount every month supporting a handful of devs, once I was about to support L&P but he lacked what I, and many other people, need to spend our money, even more than quality: Consistency. A consistent DEV or Team can slowly raise their quality without failing the update deadlines, hire good and reliable people, but a lazy and greedy planner only cares about support. You have to worry about patron retention, you can fool new people into it, but the older patrons will bail on you, justifiably. Glad I don't spend a cent with L&P


Jun 4, 2017
Even if he was improving the resolution over time, the models he is using are already starting look outdated.


Nov 3, 2019
I'm writing here after a while. I believe there's no point wasting so much energy on something that makes no sense. L&P has a vision for his game, and he'll want things to be that way regardless of what people say here. The game is his baby (if he's truly passionate about it), and he'll pursue it the way he wants unless there's a mass outcry among his patreons.
I personally was highly disappointed by the way L&P went about the development (and still goes), but since I didn't pay, I had no right to whine here. What I did was explore other options.
There are over 10,000 games on this forum, and some of them are simply incredible. And they're all available for free. So, it was helpful for me to just stop engaging with this game completely and try other games. When this game pops up in the Latest Updates list, I'll download, play, and delete, and move to another game. Unless you're a die-hard fan of this game (which I don't believe most people are), it's best to ignore this game and come to it only when there's a new update.
Btw, I just tried What a Legend. I was always skeptical of 2D games and that too sandbox and sci-fi. But the game was simply incredible!


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2019
L&P has ALWAYS been slow to produce even from the beginning... SO WHAT HAS CHANGED, nothing. That is the way it is. As for those individuals whom attack him for his pace, asserting that he is milking patrons and that those who support him are fools, I submit this to you. Say you successfully dry up his income stream what then. What will occur to the game "POOF" no more game. Then you will then complain that he quit. I'm not taking sides but reason out the end game here. Figure out what you want, if it is for the end of this game state it then leave as you have no interest in the game. For those who want it quicker I just don't see that occurring no matter what is said or done. So for the people who continue to complain that is their lot in life as that is the best that they can aspire to. so sad.
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