- Aug 3, 2018
- 157
- 2,394
A couple of fairly insignificant things I noted in Task 4. I hadn’t caught before that Zac had blabbed to his mom that Sophia taught school braless and showed a lot of cleavage. I’m very disappointed in him! I thought Zac would be the good quiet careful kid that Sophia could trust to keep his mouth shut.This is where I found the complaints in the day or two after the update on Task Four were wrong. It was another ramp up from what we have had before and was the hottest scene in this update. This Task pushed the boundaries for what could accomplish realistically in the classroom but just about stayed in them IMO.
Sophia did try to mitigate and minimise any exposure to the class. She bent down behind her desk where only one girl could see *someone said she was called Evelyn, the class swot??) and took away Aiden and Andre's phones beforehand, the two with advance knowledge that could have got their phone camera poised and ready to record. She gave the class instructions on focussing on the textbooks so they appeared to have had their eyes initially down. Sophia could just about, barely, shrug off the flashing of her underwear as an accident.
And then for the final part she showed her breast and touched Zac's hand when only Aiden was sat behind Zac and positioned her body to cover this fro the person in front of Aiden that would be to Zac's left (facing forward). She chose Zac because she has a good relationship with him outside of school and she made sure he would nt say anything by talking to him alone at the end of the class.
We don't yet know what Aiden has planned for Task Five. It will be hard to escalate what Sophia does / shows in the constraints of that classroom. From memory on Tuesday Sophia has her first gym class so maybe that will give a chance to escalate things in a different environment?
Re the line "Any student gets to see your tits whenever he wants!", I did nt pay too much attention to that as I assumed that was Aiden just being cocky - I can't beleive by Task Five that any student can just request to see her tits on demand. Sophia would have well and truly lost all control if she gets to that point, as the whole class would surely get their phones out if they hear that.
Also, for all the action that Andre saw in this release, L&P had two clear opportunities to allow Andre to see Sophia’s breasts – if not all of them, at least a significant amount of them; and he seemed to go out of his way to not allow Andre that view. Maybe it means something for the future, maybe L&P thought Andre had enough successes in this release, or perhaps it was just that he carefully doles out such monumental moments, as views of Sophia’s breasts are priceless. As Zac said to Sophia, "Every guy in our school would kill for that sight!"