Well, as we know, Aiden's tasks wont be blackmailing anymore because Sofia is becoming more and more interested in his sexual fantasies and she will willingly endure them. I don't say that this will be easy for her, but she is already corrupted an she is ready to go further. On the other hand, Don Morello could easily ask Sophia to please some old fart, like mayor or his old uncle, but for sure this favor wont be easy task (especially in the second half of the game).Well, on one hand it might seem logical to ask Don Morello for help. 'Why be acquainted with the local crime boss on good terms & yet continue to endure the humiliation of acting out fantasies dreamed up by a rotten teenaged bully, who is threatening your son & his friend?' It certainly has appeal, that Morello solution.
On the other hand it's well known that you can never escape the Mafia, 'every time you think you've got out, they reel you back in,' paraphrasing Goodfellas. Also, they damage & kill people. It's an integral part of what they do. So this is the "comfortable" solution.
Who knows, maybe the favour Sophia will have to do in return will just be some home tutoring for a few of the Don's &/or his brother's kids. I wonder how old they are.......
Do you know why mature lady when greeting children always pinch their cheeks ........ because they love young meat