Yes but I'm referring to the very beginning when Sophia has to decide whether to meet Aiden or not because she spotted the gang:
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In the code
menu day20_Sophia_decides_meeting_Aiden_or_not:
"Turn around and drive home":
st "Damn it, what the fuck am I doing here?!"
st "This looks suspicious AF! Screw this!"
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.4
"Sophia listened to her feminine intuition, turned around, and drove back home."
scene day20_Sophia_meets_Aiden_at_hangout_place 203 with fade
"She watched some TV and enjoyed a moment of rest."
$ renpy.pause(0.4, hard=True)
$ renpy.pause()
jump day20_Sophia_after_relaxing_in_living_room
"Stay and risk it":
If she turns around and goes back there is no trace to capture this choice.
As you said, if both those variables are False it means that:
- Sophia took the Flee option in the menu you showed
- the Flee option in this other (previous) menu (show panties)
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- she was never at the meeting in the first place because she drove back immediately.
But there is no way to express a condition to know *exactly* that she refuse to enter the hideout because she spotted the gang members.
That's what I found odd. it's like being there or not being there was not relevant.
And, similarly, you cannot tell whether she showed the panties and then flee or she refused to show the panties, because you can only check that the 2 variables are false, which happens in the 3 different cases above (drive back, try to flee (panties) and try to flee (breast/grope).
While showing panties might not be so relevant or important, driving home it's a completely different event that need to/should be addressed in future dialogues.