Still, the question is justified why he invests so much time in a scene that (seemingly) doesn't advance the overall story in the end. This applies to the Jennifer scene as well as the scene in the backyard.The whole point of having a choice is that if you think it is a dumb or redundant scenario you exit it.
The scene was just Aiden having his fun. The scene in the gallery is named clearly that. It was not meant to progress Aiden route. You can raise the issue of why make scene that doesn't move the route when ten development is so slow. But that's out of the point here.
Of course, one can say that time was spent to give the protagonists of the game character depth. That's what makes a story interesting and the storyline more comprehensible. Personally, I like this, even though these side stories will never appear in my main routes, but it leaves the stale aftertaste of wasted time.
Another explanation why L&P did the scenes anyway is surely that he has supporters who can't get enough of such scenes and are totally into it. They will never say "it was unnecessary". For everyone else - The accusation/question about the wasted time and the unbelievable scene construction is justified.
That's not to say it's hated, but criticized.