Looking back, I can say that L@P did not deviate one iota from the planned scenario. So what are we complaining about ?
After seeing so maaany low-quality adult games (easily 99,9% of the adult games are just poor!), where the primary goal is to show as much nudity or erotic scenes as possible right from the beginning, without any good story or character development (not even good images!), often only to get money as fast as possible! So, I decided to develop my own ambitious, realistic, for perfection striving, detail-oriented, qualitative adult game, what became like a little obsession to me - what you probably noticed if you’ve played the Demo (Vers. 0.1), which already has over 900 full designed and staged images! In other words: I’m trying to fuse art and erotic, combined with a slowly developing story full of lust and passion, to create an aesthetic, realistic adult game.