No, I'm saying that the endless bitching is ultimately impotent, and the only thing that the perpetual whining circle jerk is accomplishing is getting on people's nerves. If anyone has a problem, I encourage them to stop following it, and stop financially supporting him, but I'm willing to put down my life savings that you're going to keep on coming back, and people are going to keep on paying the guy. Your "criticism" is falling on deaf ears, because nobody's willing to put their money where their mouth is. I'm invested in the Sam subplot, so I'm checking in for that update, and then I'm done for a very long time, but I don't think you guys are capable of that. You read like addicts.
To roll with your analogy, it's like five guys hanging out in the booth of a packed restaurant bitching about the service being slow, but they're still there every week, so absolutely nothing changes. The service is kind of slow, and the waitress never asks if you need refills, but the mozarella sticks are pretty good, so it's up to you to decide whether you're going to visit that establishment in the future. Also, since you're talking about reviewers, there's a separate section for reviews, and it's not in the discussion area.
And yes, "real" reviewers are expected to have a ton of knowledge as to the ins-and-outs of film production, as an example. Guys on Ebert's level have doctorates in film theory. Nobody expects "MILFLOVER69" to get how it works, but nobody really puts much value in their assestment either, because they have next to no idea what they're talking about.
For the love of god, we get it, the pace is slow. Either move on, or shut up, because he's not changing.