ExactlySometimes i think l&p dosen't have animator assistant and he do all of this alone OR he has animator and the animation is ready now but he upload fake progress!
ExactlySometimes i think l&p dosen't have animator assistant and he do all of this alone OR he has animator and the animation is ready now but he upload fake progress!
Also don't forget it is still 2017 for Sophia and everyone in her reality. After all, it's only been 13 days since they started their new lives in the city and not 5 - 6 years like it has been for us. Cementing her age at 19 in 2002 according to the teaser means that she was pregnant with Ellie at a very, very, very young age.Yeah,like he is making 5 min animation,not 20 sec.
Don't forget she should be either pregnant on the time of the photos or already given birth to Ellie.So not only studen,but mother too.
strap in for a long ride... these teasers are to preoccupy the long wait thats going to take to make this update.What the hell is going on with these endless teasers? What's the point of all these teasers L&P get on with the update i saw people say the % bar had not moved in days FFS
I would be willing to pay and be a sub but not if this carries on
That poster would look good on Dylan’s ceiling
Shoot now I can make posters of her and post then everywhereThat poster would look good on Dylan’s ceiling
What a fantastic location for a relatively unknown magazine!
L&P: oh shit
I think this game is in real time, only the action takes place on the planet venus. Of course, this is supported by this explanation: 'On Venus, however, the situation is brought to the point of absurdity. A Venusian year is shorter than a Venusian day! While Earth's twin takes 224.70 days to complete one orbit around the Sun, one day there lasts 243.02 days! To make matters worse, Venus rotates on its axis in the opposite direction to the Earth, so there (using a free dictionary) the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east.' End of quote.Also don't forget it is still 2017 for Sophia and everyone in her reality. After all, it's only been 13 days since they started their new lives in the city and not 5 - 6 years like it has been for us. Cementing her age at 19 in 2004 according to the teaser means that she was pregnant with Ellie at a very, very, very young age.