- Apr 30, 2023
- 1,476
- 4,905
Great speed!!! ! ❤❤❤❤ Surely we'll be able to play the Update within march 2024
Great speed!!! ! ❤❤❤❤ Surely we'll be able to play the Update within march 2024
You are in some mistake for thinking about to finish the game in 5 years.I'm always surprised by the number of fans who come up with time-scales for AWAM apparently plucked from the air, with ideas that it's going to take another 5, 10, 15 years, or whatever, to reach a conclusion. It's not difficult to arrive at an estimate of more than 40 years, as the Dev is working towards a roll-out pace of over 2 months for each event, with a minimum of 2 years per PD but a strong possibility of taking longer. No fan needs to be a mathmetician. I think part of the issue is the sheer length of time the game is due to take. It's conclusion is currently so far away that it's hard to grasp, especially given that L&P's stated intention at the beginning was to finish in around 5 years, i.e. it would have been 2022.
I think of this differently now & maintain an interest for the quality renders & to see how much further AWAM can deteriorate owing to the Dev's decisions. If past evidence had given any cause for optimism, or there was word of a credible, believable projection for speeding up, I believe Patreon numbers would rise. Word would soon get around.
Unless something as yet unknown occurs, the only way to achieve a "quickening" without a visible commitment to working harder, faster & smarter, is to cut storylines & characters. There is a sense in which this has already been done informally, particularly for those who don't play for incest, so it will be 6 years until Aiden reappears, (originally announced as 5 but drifting calmly into the distance) & it will be 12 years, in 2035, before Nathalie turns up again, to name 2 secondary but important cast members. Will they ever be seen again, is a legitimate question.
How many other characters of the non-incest variety will have disappeared by then remains to be seen, hence the curiosity value AWAM now possesses. There are many fans who are happy with the current situation & I can understand that, because it is what it is, then there are those of the currently correct opinion that they're being well-served, because they enjoy the M/S incest. Regardless of viewpoints & personal tastes, however, I believe it's essential basic information for fans & followers to have an understanding of how long this project is due to take.
I totally agree. L&P is going to talk about building a team but, unless he is actively training them in whatever schools are local to his residence address - he is not actively building a team.This is nonsense. Like armion82 said, L&P makes WAY more than $3k. L&P's made more than $7k+ back in 2019 with only 900 subscribers at the time.
5 years? That "long run" you're talking about is not 5 years, it's currently around 34 years considering a single PD takes ~2 years of development with 17 more PD's left. So even if he'd hire someone and cut the time in half, we'd still be looking at 17+ years of development. Calling even that a "long run" would be an understatement. That's centuries in the world of game development, so to speak.
L&P would easily have twice as many subscribers by now if it wasn't for the fact that this game will likely never be completed. That is a major turnoff for anyone looking to support a project. Why would I waste my money on something that is barely progressing, knowing it will never be finished anyway? I've done it years ago, and stopped doing it when I realized that this isn't going anywhere. Many people here can tell you the exact same story.
Add to that L&P's character, his arrogant attitude, his lies and contradictions, broken promises....and so on. All things considered, you'd surely come to the conclusion that the reason for his rather "low" number of patrons is not about the fetishes he provides with this project.
But you are certainly right implying one thing; He won't deliver any faster.
Oh, maybe L&P should stop telling his supporters about hiring people to speed up development then...you know, for the past 4+ years? He's not gaining anything by doing that either. He's only losing trust, credibility, faith...whatever you wanna call it. And he's basically lost all of it already, atleast when it comes to 99% of people on this platform of which many are former patrons.
ridiculous progress. a snail is faster than L&P
Hey, what more do you expect? He's managed to press the render button for 5% of the already created scenes in only 3 days time. Yes, rendering (not creating) a couple images is only a matter of minutes, but still. No complaints here!ridiculous progress. a snail is faster than L&P
Hmm, you are assuming that these people have dignity.Всем тем, кому не нравится, как действует разработчик: не позортесь и не заглядывайте в чужой кошелек. Есть много профессий, где люди зарабатывают средства более неблаговидными способами. Не нравится - уйдите достойно, не брызгая слюной. Хотя, не исключаю, что этот принцип актуален только для моей страны и для меня лично.
To all those who do not like how the developer acts: do not disgrace yourself and do not look into someone else's wallet. There are many professions where people earn money in more unseemly ways. If you don't like it, leave with dignity, without splashing saliva. Although, I do not rule out that this principle is relevant only for my country and for me personally.
Well, I think it should make a difference for a partron to see whether the money from which he gives a part is actually matched by a corresponding performance in return, or not. Here someone asks for support for his project. It is only normal to check whether everything is correct.Всем тем, кому не нравится, как действует разработчик: не позортесь и не заглядывайте в чужой кошелек. Есть много профессий, где люди зарабатывают средства более неблаговидными способами. Не нравится - уйдите достойно, не брызгая слюной. Хотя, не исключаю, что этот принцип актуален только для моей страны и для меня лично.
To all those who do not like how the developer acts: do not disgrace yourself and do not look into someone else's wallet. There are many professions where people earn money in more unseemly ways. If you don't like it, leave with dignity, without splashing saliva. Although, I do not rule out that this principle is relevant only for my country and for me personally.
You don't understand what Capitalism is and it really shows.View attachment 2690641
thanks F95zone...I'm now part of capitalism...just like L&P i'll milk it till last drop.
its sarcasm. dude... for that idiot scene from new indiYou don't understand what Capitalism is and it really shows.
Just letting you know.
View attachment vNeDC_1.gif.mp4boring, what to do?
Angelica temptations from the beginning has good panties that they can useI expect her wearing more sexy panties for Dylan.
View attachment 2683969
You're right, that was the original idea & the Dev said he hoped AWAM would be the first of several games. I was working from memory & seemed to recall a fan's query, from when it began to be clear that it would take longer. That's where the 5 years came from & I thought at the time that sounded reasonable, despite it being longer than most games around back then.You are in some mistake for thinking about to finish the game in 5 years.
The original idea was 3-3,5 years,4 in worst case scenario.
Someone please add old renders from previous gameplay. Idk who has the entire renders of Bikini Photoshoot with Dylan & Sam or just Dylan. I would greatly appreciate if someone would share those. Please and thank you.CG Day 18 v 0.095 Mega
CG Day 18 v 0.100 Mega
CG Day 19 v 0.115 Mega
CG Day 19 v 0.130 Mega
CG Day 19 v 0.130 (Individual renderers) Mega
CG Day 19 v 0.150 Mega
CG Day 20 v 0.160 Mega
CG Day 20 v 0.161 Mega
CG Day 20 v 0.165 Mega
CG Day 20 v 0.170 Mega
CG Day 20 v 0.175 Mega
CG Day 20 v 0.180 Mega
CG Day 20 v 0.185 Mega
Someone please add old renders from previous gameplay. Idk who has the entire renders of Bikini Photoshoot with Dylan & Sam or just Dylan. I would greatly appreciate if someone would share those. Please and thank you.