I don't think this is a fair criticism. We don't need Sophia owning dozens of different bathing suits, outfits, or shoes. L&P is guilty of a lot of things, but anyone who has used Daz will understand that it isn't easy to find quality clothing assets, and when you do you use them a lot. There are a lot of limitations to Daz, and the quality of assets is one of them.
This. I've taken my shots at L&P (for good reason) but this is not something to argue about or be mad about. DAZ assets are very limited in all reality. It would be dumb to not do a basic color swap on something like a bikini that is coming off anyway.
DAZ is difficult and slow. I never once argued the opposite. I do think he is milking but it's not entirely out of being lazy to work or such. His renders are good and even the animations tend to be solid (yes, he is the animator lol). I just don't think the result is worth the payoff...or rather time needed to payoff. That animation with the girl getting fucked in the classroom pushed that update an extra month and, while good, they weren't worth it.
Still, it's not easy so you can see why that takes so long.
His issue is that he lacks focus on the story. Many, many months have been wasted by him making side stories with no bearing on the overall story. Pure dead-ends. The clearest sign that he makes up a ton of this story on a whim.
I just think he needs to focus the story and quit bullshitting just to pass the months (pull income). Cut the fat and finish this thing before 2025.
A color swap on a bikini is not his issue and if he didn't do that you'd be waiting longer than you do.