If I, as the player, can make the decision whether or not to take Sophia's wedding ring off, and I let Sophia put the wedding ring in her purse, then there should be at least 20 corruption points for that.
It is unusual but not reprehensible for Sophia to go to a nightclub with her son to have a nice evening, dance a little and have fun. If her own son is not embarrassed to show up with his own mother at such a place, why should she be.
But then here in the game something quite unbelievable happens. I don't know which way it happens yet, but Sophia removes her wedding ring. That she might do it to avoid embarrassing her son in the nightclub would be understandable if Sophia didn't know about her son's sexual desire. At this point, she betrays Liam and her marriage. It is a conscious decision with the knowledge of what Dylan wants from her. This decision goes further than when Sophia spent an evening at a nightclub with Patricia and Elli.
L&P has written that Dylan gets even further than Sam in a certain way. I know that we want to understand this statement in a different, sexual, context. But by this action of Sophia (the removal of the wedding ring) is in my opinion the fact that Dylan comes further than Sam to 100% fulfilled.