He's publicly said that it is. That was some years ago. AWAM is not being extended indefinitely for nothing. I applaud your 'honesty' concerning 'younger people wanting more sex than an older audience' but wish you'd given a reference to the research that shows this to be the case. AWAM has a large paying audience who vote for Dylan without fail. L&P uses crude, puerile, tweenage language to refer to the "twins" that he's made such a grossly out-sized, centre-piece of the game & it's fully accepted, apparently. [Anyone over 18 using such terms might be on their way to becoming a 40 year old virgin. It's either that, or they're in a large male-only gathering &/or drunk]. Scripts have become simplified. Dylan & co., (virgins expected, {i.e. in teen porn certain}, to satisfy someone more than twice their age), have taken over. These alone do not confirm youth but the patterns observable over the years in relation to AWAM do.
This paying audience collectively part with substantial sums of money, every month but as yet there has been no extra-marital, full-on, penetrative sex. Dream sequences, flashbacks & fantasies don't count because they're not occurring in San Alejo 'real time.' That's in a a story billed as a corruption game, after 6 years. There is no mass movement of fans voting with their wallets, ergo, they must be content without the extra-marital sex that was promised but not happening & happy to be teased along, year after year. This does not indicate a young audience clamouring for proper sex scenes, or realising that they have leverage sufficient to obtain delivery, or cause abandonment. Maybe they don't want to risk the latter.
As for myself, I'm part of a dwindling older audience. I read my first porn story in 1965 & have since read or seen all the ludicrous, trash, "porn logic" output that any man needs. Even back then I preferred a good story to basic 'fuck them all' rubbish & I was no intellectual, privately educated, swot but came from a place that is in the poorest 2% of my nation. It's a hard place still. I just wasn't a hard case myself, as my friends & I swapped magazines & novels. We couldn't have afforded to pay for a non-delivering project. As a teenager, I was already bored by the dross. I'm completely certain that many of AWAM's current teen followers feel the same but they continue to subsidise this slow-motion train wreck. I assume hope triumphs over reality.
Speaking as someone with kids older than Sophia, I can say that from my POV it would appear that where AWAM is concerned, it's the older audience that are more than ready for some actual sex. Slow burn is great but there comes a time to ease it off. Sam's event provided a point where this should have happened. What I think of how it actually turned out & why it did, can be seen in my earlier comments.