Laughable. This started out as that but ultimately the dev chose to go about it in a dishonest manner once he realized how easy it was to part fools from their money. That's called milking, plain and simple.
That's actually a poor business strategy. Gaining the approval of one's fanbase, customers, audience, etc is what keeps that golden goose laying golden eggs long term. Short term only leads to what i already mentioned, abandonment of said project once the goose keels over. This sort of thing has played out countless times from a long list of developers as proof enough. The only reason it is still working for him is that he does have a good story and provides quality rendering. Eventually though, more people are going to realize he likely has no intention of completing this and in a few years, his support will dry up.
Fallacious ad hominem argument. Seems i touched a nerve. Perhaps you should control your emotional responses a little better.
I'm not surprised you went here though considering you're opening statement was blatantly disrespectful.
Next time, express an opinion. Also, do not attack a person, go after the idea. You lost all credibility the moment you used that as your opening response.
Oh, good ol' times are back. Pls, I eat people like you for breakfast, don't sweat much.
You can be frustrated with L&P, his methods which doesn't change a fact that only a drastic drop in a number of subscribers gonna force him to re-evaluate his approach once more.
Maybe, just maybe, you should visit some other threads with development issues to get a grasp of what milking is. It's your perception vs mine, in the end.
I've been hearing a song about god-awful handling of his own VN for quite some time now. The train keeps rolling. People come and go. You were saying smth about possible dwindling support? Wishful thinking. Tell me about it couple years from now, we'll laugh together.
Why would I respect a person who calls another a liar, never met him and keeps calling his supporters fools for no reason? You get what you deserve, nothing else. Keep on dreaming about AWAM's demise at night, if that comforts you. Cheers.