It's hard to disagree with your opinion. It's hard to say, but maybe he shouldn't at all to respond to any sugestions on how this game should be or how any tiny thread of this game should to develop. I agree, it would be better for the game development if he concern on game itselt and not wasting time on on justifying each of his decisions regarding the behavior of the game's heroes. Almost 1000 patrons, many other funs here on this forum, every one has one’s owns likes and dislikes, owns small fetishes, for example this one likes pubic hairs this one dislikes it etc. Yeah, this forum is for sharing opinions about the game, it is obvious, but how many of us are disappointed in their expectations that something in the game does not goes according to their thoughts and tries to influence changes? And more over on Patreon where many feel empowered for their opinion because they are paying. What for, it should be banned?
Any of us would have his own suggestions about game development, try to imagine if developer would try to implement it in already planned game. Probably a total flop.
Probably even reading all those suggestions and giving it a thought distracts him from work.
Of course, I'm not blameless myself, one time he introduced school Aiden blackmail story I was a bit litlle disappointed. What, another blackmail, something standard, which we have seen with so many in other ordinary games! Something like at first not to wear a bra, second go to school in mini skirt, next go without panties, next set on teachers table and open your legs for the whole class, and one of futher assigment – butt plug. Brr, I don’t like this at all. But after second thought I am OK with Aidens blackmail idea, I believe that L&P will not go as easily as described above, but he will surprise us with something really interesting. And therefore, I am now really for this story. What this task should be? No idea, hard to imagine, I only believe they will be story driven, more elaborate, more suprising. I would wish something like that – Sophia must dress in mini skirt, like a hot chick and goes on a walk through dirty suburbs of Alejo’s full of do-nothing hobos, which provokes some hot-troubling, difficult to cease situations for Sophia. This kind of assigment would be really great for me.