Thanks... a moment of clarity in another wise cloudy dark sky.
However, as I read the script, I notice two glaring problems. Them being the side jobs... they are gone from all reporting I have seen, so there is a huge block of time now missing. And I haven't found any other details about that block of time in how it is going to be used.
The soul crushing part, "the day at the museum" just makes my head shake in wondering what the Hell. Granted whatever happens with the boys at the museum it's not going to be that bad as I am thinking about it, but I see it as a wasted opportunity to finally move Patrica and Sophia to the lesbian route or kill it.
How I see the museum date with Patricia and Sophia and just two boys are that there are no outside distractions that wouldn't prevent Sophia and Patrica sharing a deep secret. And it's that secret they would share that would be fuel for Patrica and Sophia getting together or not. To my way of thinking either and or both Patrica and Sophia should get laid where the other and or both Sophia and Sophia go way too far with the date.