It would be pleasant surprise if one... there was logical plots, consequences, progression, and just simple organization. I've lost count how many months been lost with all the side events and most I myself haven't seen firsthand... tutoring/old guys for example... but wasted time I'd like to get back doing through the Deshawn thing.
People have mentioned an Ellie/Dylan route. OK assume that this is the case... is it going to have a stupid ending as in the slumber party when Ellie sees a tasty cock wondering how it would be to give a BJ...? Logically you would thing an innocent girl would wonder how it might feel instead of sucking on it? Maybe...just maybe?
What the hell are all these side events that have so buried main plot developments that they are a distant memory. But after what has it been a year...? The story steps back into a major theme of the game Just; how many major plot themes are out there anyway, and they too been stuck in limbo.
Lost opportunity in the story for small events that count or contribute nothing to the overall flow of the game. I've said it before, if night at the museum with the college boys doesn't further the Patricia and Sophia route than what is the point of even bothering to have that story in the game?
So its 181 renders, 2 animations in February, consider L&P's track record. Lost to time and memory, no progression in the main game themes, more distractions in events that have nothing to do with the story coming up, an over cooked trope of a character build in a filthy wife... with all that and more am I excited about February, oh Hell no. Maybe or maybe not that I'd bother to see it--perhaps if I get bored and want to watch a disaster I will. Better games are out there and more are coming.
I don’t know why you’re describing all this!
I speak the vision of my point of view, i’m not saying that this will happen - knowing LP, he can make a useless event! I'm just saying it's will be suck!
I myself wrote that side jobs are a waste of six months of real time!
If it happens that the "most important sex event" will be with museum guys, then it’s just crazy, those. Sophia does different things with the same characters and her conscience still torments her and then she (like someone guessing) will blow one of them at the second meeting!?
I just remember the progress of the game and when it was time for Dylan's events, LP raised the level of sexy events up, even the event of girls' parties was hot! And now he writes that not every event should be a sexy event, that in every event, even if it is a sexy event, Sophia should be naked - this is complete absurd!
Everyone wants every event to be a sexy event, so that Sophia is naked in every sexy event, and if we take the realism of the LP, then there is no need to do non-sexy events with 200 renders, a maximum of 50 is enough!