
Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2022
All the girls lmaooo man the ranch event will be limited to Sophia Patricia and her friend Zoey and will take place in her ranch and Ellie wont even be part of this event in any way coz she wont be going lol so i guarantee you that Sophia's first full fledged lesbian sex scene wont be with Ellie but with either Patricia or Zoey or as i am hoping it will include a hottt threesome among them..:BootyTime::BootyTime::BootyTime:
You're right and Again, Patricia can be considered an important character. The sisters do yoga together, depending on choices, confront Sophia's muggers and does have influence, however slight, in Sophia's personality.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2022
So, with a bit of delay, let's unpack what happened in this v0.220 before the new one starts.

Actually, there were no big surprises in the event, the course of events was already pretty clear thanks to or because of the many teasers we got.

On the other hand, there were some parts of the event that depended on previous choices and paths.

Here is a flowchart summarizing the event. It is refactored for better readability (hopefully!) over the code, but it gives an idea of how the event is structured.
View attachment 4609899

To sum up, the event consisted of roughly 5 parts (to be noted that the event takes place no matter which path you are on, the content of course changes depending on the path):

1. The elephant in the room
In Dylan's path (i.e. if she made him cum in the hot tub the night before), Dylan starts addressing the elephant in the room while still at home. During the drive, instead, in the cuck path Dylan can tell her that he likes that she is now dressing more sexy and tease his teammates.
View attachment 4609531
2. At the field
Once at the field there are two moments, one with the teammates where she can tease them in the cuck path, and one with Alyssa when she joins the other parents.
View attachment 4609535
3. The match
Sophia has the choice of going home for Sam's cello lesson or staying for the entire game. In the first case, she only misses the first half and comes back for the second half. In the second case, she chats with Alyssa during the first half, mostly listening to Alyssa's nasty comments about her son's teammates. The second half is the same regardless of the previous choice, with Alyssa again talking dirty to Sophia.
As for the match itself, Dylan's team loses with different score depending on Dylan's path. In Dylan's path the team loses 4-3 and Dylan scores 3 goals, otherwise it loses 4-1 with Dylan missing some chances he would normally score.
Note also that Alyssa's invitation is given no matter what Sophia's choice made regarding the cello lesson and playing along with the dirty talk.
View attachment 4609540
4. The Drive back
Only on Dylan's path they will continue the role play from last night as Sophia's idea of lighten up Dylan's mood. Which leads to the breast sucking until they get home, almost caught by the Liam &Co. in the driveway.
View attachment 4609547
5. At home
Once at home, on Dylan's path, they have to hurry up to put themselves togheter as Liam, Neil, and Mr. Harris are waiting in the driveway. They enjoy the little show of Sophia's skimpy dress without bra which she justifies with a lie.
Then it is mostly a setup for the upcoming second part of the next release, with some Dylan's thoughts and the little cliffhanger that announces the choice to go to the museum date or stay at home with the 4 men.
View attachment 4609550

The elephant in the room

While Sophia is changing, she is still consumed by her conflicting thoughts about last night. On one hand she enjoyed the moment and she tries to convincing herself that she did it to give him the experience he needs. On the other hand it was clearly wrong and she does not know what to say or do.

In the end, Dylan making the first move and coming to discuss it is what turned things around. She sees his mature side of taking responsibility and making the first move. Even though she still thinks it was wrong, she is reassured by his behavior and the way he considers the experience as part of his growth.

Another big point is the secrecy. In the morning when she woke up, she was terrified at the idea of him letting something slip. Now she is completely reassured by their agreement to keep it secret:
s "What happened in the hot tub stays in the hot tub. Let's leave it at that for now."
Which **could** also foreshadow something happening in the hot tub in the future thanks to this agreement.

While this would seem to move their relationship away from a purely sexual approach, the role-playing for educational purposes seems to remain.

Sam's cello lesson

As expected, the event was quite short and not much happened. Still, there are a few things worth mentioning.

She mentioned the bra she threw at him in the morning (depending on the path). We knew that the bra was not supposed to play any special role, it could just be mentioned for context.

There is a flashback of the previous lesson while Sam waits for Sophia.
View attachment 4609845
We have had flashbacks before, but they were used to show events from the past, like Sam and Dylan spying on Sophia when they were kids, Sophia's first time, etc.
This is the first time that the flashback is used as a reminder of what we already saw in a previous event. We had this kind of flashback at Christine's party when Dylan was unable to sleep on the sofa because he kept thinking about what he just witnessed during the truth or dare game. But in that case it was just from the same event.

We get a glimpse of future events. Sophia says it's the penultimate lesson, so there will be one on Monday too, in addition to the one we already know about on Sunday, before the ranch (which is also mentioned when she leaves).

More importantly, Sophia promises to "renegotiate our arrangement" after the concert for her parents. Nothing new as we knew that there will be a "reward" if she manages to impress her parents, as Sam himself asks in this event. But maybe it will be more than just a reward. Maybe the "secret girlfriend" deal will be changed and upgraded in other ways.

In any case the sensual tension between the two is largely described and it's made it clear that the lessons are not just about the music for Sophia:
"As she closed the door behind her, she realized again the reality of her situation. Her secret lessons had been exciting, but they had been built on a foundation of lies destined to crumble on the most precarious of webs."
"She made her way back to pick up her son, her heart heavy with the knowledge of the charade she was living."
"The scent of Sam's perfume clung to her, a strong reminder of the illicit pleasures she craved."
Finally, as a curiosity, note that the narrative device used to allow Sophia to practice long enough without missing the second half of the game is the referee's late arrival on the field, which delays the start of the game.

Cuckold path

Sophia, as she did at the mall and during the bathtub event the night before, asks once again Dylan what his friends/teammates says about her.
This is already a change wrt the previous time as she is not worried or shocked but she accepts it with the usual "smirk". And obviously the big show that she puts up for the teammates is a clear sign that she not only accepts the idea of being watched by these hormonal teenagers, but also embraces the idea of teasing them quite provocatively, of course within certain limits for the moment.

Zac's reaction is quite interesting. He has been "blessed" by the "incident" in class the day before, which of course he has to keep to himself when Darnell makes crude comments about his teacher. But after Sophia's show, the seed of the doubt that she is doing it on purpose is planted in his mind.
"Zac had to smile sheepishly at this, as he got a lot more. If only he could report that. And after yesterday's act, he began to doubt whether his hot teacher's appearance was really just a coincidence or intentional. 'But why would she do that? Who are we to her? She's unattainable for us. Or is she?'"
We'll see the next event on Monday in school if he will be again playing a role in Aiden's 5th task and if he will act on his doubt to see if he could really have a chance with her.

Dylan had, in a way, similar thoughts too. He had mixed and conflicted feelings about showing her off to his teammates knowing that they cannot have any chance with her.
"As the banter continued, Dylan couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and jealousy as he watched his teammates drool over his mother."
"On one hand, he was proud to have such a desirable and sexy mom, but on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel possessive. He wanted to show them that she was off-limits, yet he also wanted to tease them with her sexiness."
At the same time, he gets more and more curious about the possibility that his mother might have something going on with his teammates, especially Darnell.
"Dylan couldn't shake off his newfound fascination with seeing his mother in a more desirable light. The more he watched her interacting with his teammates, the more he found himself fantasizing about her with them, especially Darnell."
"There was something about the way Darnell carried himself, exuding a silent confidence, that made him stand out from the rest."
up to the point of daydreaming about it. Here we got another daydream, quite similar to his own previous fantasy he had before going out on a date with Sophia the night before:
View attachment 4609847 View attachment 4609843

Finally, Dylan's last thoughts on the matter come back to the original thoughts of just teasing the teammates with something that they would never get. Even because, he thinks, she's would never do anything like that, being such an idealized mother figure to him.
"Inside, Dylan wondered if Darnell would be able to get into his mom's pants. He could hardly believe that she would get involved in something like this. She was too good and pure and true for that. But Darnell seemed to be able to wrap a woman around his finger and he wondered if he would be able to do the same with his mom."
# later at home
dyt "She's married anyway and would never do anything with one of these kids. But that's also why it's so funny when she teases them. 'Cause it's like holding a treat in front of their noses that they can never reach. *Smirk*"
Finally, Sophia invites the Dylan's teammates to his upcoming birthday party, mentioning it will be a pool party, which sparks another cuck fantasy in Dylan. We still don't know when the birthday party will happen. It was already mentioned during the bathtub scene (the famous "you are turning X" :)) but still we don't have a date. If it happens during a weekend (so it does not interfere with school etc) we don't have many left, either the next one (PD 21-22) or in two weeks (PD 28-29). The next one will come after another week of Sophia's increasing corruption while the second will be basically the end of the game: if the party has something to do with Darnell it **might** fit with what he said about Darnell appearing only later on when Sophia is corrupted enough.


We knew that Alyssa would have been part of the event, but she had a quite interesting interaction she has with Sophia.

Alyssa seems to be Patricia's alter ego, as Sophia also points out to her. Her crass and cynical comments about their sons' teammates (1st Half) are quite nasty, like something Patricia would say.

Similarly she then engages (2nd half) in some dirty talk and fantasies to motivate the team to do better. This reminds a lot of Patricia in the many times she pushed Sophia (the showers at the gym, the museum guys, at the concert choosing who you'd do from the band etc). Since Patricia's and Alyssa's path are mutually exclusive it is not hard to tell that in any case Sophia will be driven in her corruption by a similar character.

Alyssa started strong with Sophia with a suggestive incentive to motivate the teammates:
  • from the classing beating to grounding them to forcing them eating vegetables, until she finally gets to her point;
  • BDSM these boys into submission;
  • a naked shower with the teammates behind their sons' back;
  • sexy lingerie to motivate their sons.
All cooked up with a lot of mutual teasing and sexual innuendo. This makes the next event with Alyssa quite intriguing as she seems to be the one pushing Sophia to the next level of corruption.
And one cannot help but think that there might be some foreshadowing in some of these fantasies that a future event might happen with the two of them.

Speaking of which, we now know that the next event with Alyssa will be on Tuesday PD 17: they will meet at her place after training with the boys. There seems to be quite a few possible scenarios, from another round with Antonio with a more lesbian take this time, to something involving their respective sons, given what she said/fantasized about them.

Sophia / Dylan drive back

The drive back is of course the most important scene of the event, but not just because of the breast sucking. It feels like that during this drive their relationship reaches a turning point, if not a point of no return.
All of Sophia's worries, fears, and remorses fade away as she begins to see Dylan as the mature man who made the first move earlier and who spent the night with her instead of going to a party when Liam didn't have time for her. She also can now fully trust him with their secret. This seems to be the way L&P chose to get her to embrace the idea of having this special relationship and move away from a simple sex-ed approach. Which, in a way, it still remains in the form of their role-playing game.

It is interesting to note that Sophia is more worried about being seen by the other drivers than by what Dylan is doing to her, especially when he takes off the bra.

And it will be interesting to see how the interaction resumes in pt2 after they almost get caught in the driveway. Will that, once again, make her backing off a bit? The general feeling is that the proverbial Rubicon has been crossed and there is no going back.

Concerning the breast sucking, we see Sophia reminiscing about the early days when Dylan was breastfeeding. It has been pointed out that it could also be part of the typical "empty nest syndrome", as she sees her son growing up and becoming more independent. This could also be related to her desire to have a baby, a desire she has expressed to Liam on several occasions.

Finally, a couple of silly notes:

  • Dylan certainly has better skills than Sam in removing a bra, even with a single hand.
View attachment 4609854

  • At long last, we got a real "lip biting" render after many events in which it was only in the text. We have again a couple of this moments in the text that have nothing to do with pleasure or arousal
View attachment 4609876 View attachment 4609867

Then, while Dylan is after her breasts, we can (finally!) see in the animation that she bites her lip. :)
View attachment 4609887

What's next

We know that part 2 will be longer and much hotter that this event. L&P has confirmed that it will be
  • it will definitely be the hottest event of the game so far where the boundaries are pushed further and things happen that haven't happened in the game yet. (source)
  • The next event promises a lot and will certainly be a new milestone in the game so far in terms of lasciviousness and hotness. It will also be bigger in scope than the last updates with two different approaches. (source)

That being said, in terms of the story there are already some hints.

There is a choice on whether or not to join Patricia for the date with the Museum boys or not. This is the last frame of the event in which we see Sophia answering Patricia's call only if jason_haru_phonenumber. The museum event has become an alternative and mutually exclusive event to the pt2 of the event. After all, it is a "bonus" event that will not have consequences in the story.

Sophia will freshen up and workout before dinner. From Dylan's thoughts we know that he'd like to watch and take the opportunity to address the show Sophia's put up with his teammates at the field. Considering the presence of the other 2 men in the house he **may** also suggest her some dare or some similar teasing during the evening.

Dylan must return the money he "borrowed" the day before before Sophia notices. From his thoughts we know that he will try to do it while she is freshening up in the bathroom. It is likely that if he fails Sophia will pissed off and the route will end.
It's hard to tell atm what are the implications or the extent of this little "quest". It could be just as simple as putting the money back or not, or it could be something more elaborate that leads Dylan to hide e.g. inside the closet to avoid being caught, as described here.

Sophia will also take her n-th shower of the day after the workout. We'll see if that leads to another "water event" with Dylan. Obviously not the main "action" but it could be an appetizer to make Sophia even more comfortable around Dylan.

It's not clear what the roles of the hosts, Neil and Mr. Harris, will be, whether their presence will be marginal and used e.g. for spicing up the taboo of doing things while the others are close by (e.g. like in Sam's event), or whether they will have a more active role in the event.
The variable day14_Sophia_learns_that_Neil_drugged_her was used in Sophia thoughts when he was ogling her cleavage in the driveway, it is to see if the past actions with Neil will have a consequence.
As mentioned before, they could be used as part of the cuck route for some exhibitionism. L&P in a recent post mentioned that there will be "two different approaches": it's not clear if he's referring to the cuck and romantic path or simply to different lewd choices the player can take like it happened in recent events (e.g. in the shower with Vicky/DeShawn or with the apostles)

Sophia in the car suggests to watch a movie together in the evening. So they will probably leave the men and their game to watch a movie, probably in Dylan's room as it might be safer. In a classic cliché, the movie could be what trigger the action. For example an (unexpected) erotic scene may lead to some "educational" talk (e.g. how to please a woman) and things escalate from there.

Well, I guess it won't be long before we get the first teasers that will shed some light on the second part.

For those who likes these recap and unpack posts, I will (slowly) add a link to all the previous ones for each event in the Archives.
Those are nice theories but I ain't holding my breath for any of it. At This point of the game, I'll take a "Wait and See" approach. There's been too many changes, excuses and delays to make me skeptical.


May 11, 2017
"Cant you understand simple English lmao 1st big hetero or lesbian scene WITH an important character which basically Sophia having sex or lesbian WITH an important character for eg Sophia with Dylan Sophia with Deshawn Sophia with Sam etc etc or Sophia with Patricia Sophia with Ellie etc etc..:KEK::KEK::KEK:"

My English comprehension is excellent. Your comprehension is lacking. Can't you understand that important does not equate to Sophia? There are three major characters in the game - Sophia, Dylan, & Ellie. All of them are important. Dylan and Ellie could have sex with each other or someone else with Sophia nowhere to be found.

The words you are looking for are main or titular character but they do not exist.
Troll detecting 101.

A reply with an insult to your ability to understand "simple English" whilst filling the reply without a single correct use of punctuation is high on my troll detecting heuristics. Along with unoriginal usernames including a long sequence of repeating numbers at the end not including 69.

I cynically agree with the idea that L&P's use of the vague phrase "important character" leads to the possibility the situation might not include Sophia at all. Maybe he says that to avoid a spoiler, maybe he says that to pique your interest without telling you it doesn't include Sophia. Instead it's someone else that is high on the polls at that time.
Oct 7, 2022
So, with a bit of delay, let's unpack what happened in this v0.220 before the new one starts.

Actually, there were no big surprises in the event, the course of events was already pretty clear thanks to or because of the many teasers we got.

On the other hand, there were some parts of the event that depended on previous choices and paths.

Here is a flowchart summarizing the event. It is refactored for better readability (hopefully!) over the code, but it gives an idea of how the event is structured.
View attachment 4609899

To sum up, the event consisted of roughly 5 parts (to be noted that the event takes place no matter which path you are on, the content of course changes depending on the path):

1. The elephant in the room
In Dylan's path (i.e. if she made him cum in the hot tub the night before), Dylan starts addressing the elephant in the room while still at home. During the drive, instead, in the cuck path Dylan can tell her that he likes that she is now dressing more sexy and tease his teammates.
View attachment 4609531
2. At the field
Once at the field there are two moments, one with the teammates where she can tease them in the cuck path, and one with Alyssa when she joins the other parents.
View attachment 4609535
3. The match
Sophia has the choice of going home for Sam's cello lesson or staying for the entire game. In the first case, she only misses the first half and comes back for the second half. In the second case, she chats with Alyssa during the first half, mostly listening to Alyssa's nasty comments about her son's teammates. The second half is the same regardless of the previous choice, with Alyssa again talking dirty to Sophia.
As for the match itself, Dylan's team loses with different score depending on Dylan's path. In Dylan's path the team loses 4-3 and Dylan scores 3 goals, otherwise it loses 4-1 with Dylan missing some chances he would normally score.
Note also that Alyssa's invitation is given no matter what Sophia's choice made regarding the cello lesson and playing along with the dirty talk.
View attachment 4609540
4. The Drive back
Only on Dylan's path they will continue the role play from last night as Sophia's idea of lighten up Dylan's mood. Which leads to the breast sucking until they get home, almost caught by the Liam &Co. in the driveway.
View attachment 4609547
5. At home
Once at home, on Dylan's path, they have to hurry up to put themselves togheter as Liam, Neil, and Mr. Harris are waiting in the driveway. They enjoy the little show of Sophia's skimpy dress without bra which she justifies with a lie.
Then it is mostly a setup for the upcoming second part of the next release, with some Dylan's thoughts and the little cliffhanger that announces the choice to go to the museum date or stay at home with the 4 men.
View attachment 4609550

The elephant in the room

While Sophia is changing, she is still consumed by her conflicting thoughts about last night. On one hand she enjoyed the moment and she tries to convincing herself that she did it to give him the experience he needs. On the other hand it was clearly wrong and she does not know what to say or do.

In the end, Dylan making the first move and coming to discuss it is what turned things around. She sees his mature side of taking responsibility and making the first move. Even though she still thinks it was wrong, she is reassured by his behavior and the way he considers the experience as part of his growth.

Another big point is the secrecy. In the morning when she woke up, she was terrified at the idea of him letting something slip. Now she is completely reassured by their agreement to keep it secret:
s "What happened in the hot tub stays in the hot tub. Let's leave it at that for now."
Which **could** also foreshadow something happening in the hot tub in the future thanks to this agreement.

While this would seem to move their relationship away from a purely sexual approach, the role-playing for educational purposes seems to remain.

Sam's cello lesson

As expected, the event was quite short and not much happened. Still, there are a few things worth mentioning.

She mentioned the bra she threw at him in the morning (depending on the path). We knew that the bra was not supposed to play any special role, it could just be mentioned for context.

There is a flashback of the previous lesson while Sam waits for Sophia.
View attachment 4609845
We have had flashbacks before, but they were used to show events from the past, like Sam and Dylan spying on Sophia when they were kids, Sophia's first time, etc.
This is the first time that the flashback is used as a reminder of what we already saw in a previous event. We had this kind of flashback at Christine's party when Dylan was unable to sleep on the sofa because he kept thinking about what he just witnessed during the truth or dare game. But in that case it was just from the same event.

We get a glimpse of future events. Sophia says it's the penultimate lesson, so there will be one on Monday too, in addition to the one we already know about on Sunday, before the ranch (which is also mentioned when she leaves).

More importantly, Sophia promises to "renegotiate our arrangement" after the concert for her parents. Nothing new as we knew that there will be a "reward" if she manages to impress her parents, as Sam himself asks in this event. But maybe it will be more than just a reward. Maybe the "secret girlfriend" deal will be changed and upgraded in other ways.

In any case the sensual tension between the two is largely described and it's made it clear that the lessons are not just about the music for Sophia:
"As she closed the door behind her, she realized again the reality of her situation. Her secret lessons had been exciting, but they had been built on a foundation of lies destined to crumble on the most precarious of webs."
"She made her way back to pick up her son, her heart heavy with the knowledge of the charade she was living."
"The scent of Sam's perfume clung to her, a strong reminder of the illicit pleasures she craved."
Finally, as a curiosity, note that the narrative device used to allow Sophia to practice long enough without missing the second half of the game is the referee's late arrival on the field, which delays the start of the game.

Cuckold path

Sophia, as she did at the mall and during the bathtub event the night before, asks once again Dylan what his friends/teammates says about her.
This is already a change wrt the previous time as she is not worried or shocked but she accepts it with the usual "smirk". And obviously the big show that she puts up for the teammates is a clear sign that she not only accepts the idea of being watched by these hormonal teenagers, but also embraces the idea of teasing them quite provocatively, of course within certain limits for the moment.

Zac's reaction is quite interesting. He has been "blessed" by the "incident" in class the day before, which of course he has to keep to himself when Darnell makes crude comments about his teacher. But after Sophia's show, the seed of the doubt that she is doing it on purpose is planted in his mind.
"Zac had to smile sheepishly at this, as he got a lot more. If only he could report that. And after yesterday's act, he began to doubt whether his hot teacher's appearance was really just a coincidence or intentional. 'But why would she do that? Who are we to her? She's unattainable for us. Or is she?'"
We'll see the next event on Monday in school if he will be again playing a role in Aiden's 5th task and if he will act on his doubt to see if he could really have a chance with her.

Dylan had, in a way, similar thoughts too. He had mixed and conflicted feelings about showing her off to his teammates knowing that they cannot have any chance with her.
"As the banter continued, Dylan couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and jealousy as he watched his teammates drool over his mother."
"On one hand, he was proud to have such a desirable and sexy mom, but on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel possessive. He wanted to show them that she was off-limits, yet he also wanted to tease them with her sexiness."
At the same time, he gets more and more curious about the possibility that his mother might have something going on with his teammates, especially Darnell.
"Dylan couldn't shake off his newfound fascination with seeing his mother in a more desirable light. The more he watched her interacting with his teammates, the more he found himself fantasizing about her with them, especially Darnell."
"There was something about the way Darnell carried himself, exuding a silent confidence, that made him stand out from the rest."
up to the point of daydreaming about it. Here we got another daydream, quite similar to his own previous fantasy he had before going out on a date with Sophia the night before:
View attachment 4609847 View attachment 4609843

Finally, Dylan's last thoughts on the matter come back to the original thoughts of just teasing the teammates with something that they would never get. Even because, he thinks, she's would never do anything like that, being such an idealized mother figure to him.
"Inside, Dylan wondered if Darnell would be able to get into his mom's pants. He could hardly believe that she would get involved in something like this. She was too good and pure and true for that. But Darnell seemed to be able to wrap a woman around his finger and he wondered if he would be able to do the same with his mom."
# later at home
dyt "She's married anyway and would never do anything with one of these kids. But that's also why it's so funny when she teases them. 'Cause it's like holding a treat in front of their noses that they can never reach. *Smirk*"
Finally, Sophia invites the Dylan's teammates to his upcoming birthday party, mentioning it will be a pool party, which sparks another cuck fantasy in Dylan. We still don't know when the birthday party will happen. It was already mentioned during the bathtub scene (the famous "you are turning X" :)) but still we don't have a date. If it happens during a weekend (so it does not interfere with school etc) we don't have many left, either the next one (PD 21-22) or in two weeks (PD 28-29). The next one will come after another week of Sophia's increasing corruption while the second will be basically the end of the game: if the party has something to do with Darnell it **might** fit with what he said about Darnell appearing only later on when Sophia is corrupted enough.


We knew that Alyssa would have been part of the event, but she had a quite interesting interaction she has with Sophia.

Alyssa seems to be Patricia's alter ego, as Sophia also points out to her. Her crass and cynical comments about their sons' teammates (1st Half) are quite nasty, like something Patricia would say.

Similarly she then engages (2nd half) in some dirty talk and fantasies to motivate the team to do better. This reminds a lot of Patricia in the many times she pushed Sophia (the showers at the gym, the museum guys, at the concert choosing who you'd do from the band etc). Since Patricia's and Alyssa's path are mutually exclusive it is not hard to tell that in any case Sophia will be driven in her corruption by a similar character.

Alyssa started strong with Sophia with a suggestive incentive to motivate the teammates:
  • from the classing beating to grounding them to forcing them eating vegetables, until she finally gets to her point;
  • BDSM these boys into submission;
  • a naked shower with the teammates behind their sons' back;
  • sexy lingerie to motivate their sons.
All cooked up with a lot of mutual teasing and sexual innuendo. This makes the next event with Alyssa quite intriguing as she seems to be the one pushing Sophia to the next level of corruption.
And one cannot help but think that there might be some foreshadowing in some of these fantasies that a future event might happen with the two of them.

Speaking of which, we now know that the next event with Alyssa will be on Tuesday PD 17: they will meet at her place after training with the boys. There seems to be quite a few possible scenarios, from another round with Antonio with a more lesbian take this time, to something involving their respective sons, given what she said/fantasized about them.

Sophia / Dylan drive back

The drive back is of course the most important scene of the event, but not just because of the breast sucking. It feels like that during this drive their relationship reaches a turning point, if not a point of no return.
All of Sophia's worries, fears, and remorses fade away as she begins to see Dylan as the mature man who made the first move earlier and who spent the night with her instead of going to a party when Liam didn't have time for her. She also can now fully trust him with their secret. This seems to be the way L&P chose to get her to embrace the idea of having this special relationship and move away from a simple sex-ed approach. Which, in a way, it still remains in the form of their role-playing game.

It is interesting to note that Sophia is more worried about being seen by the other drivers than by what Dylan is doing to her, especially when he takes off the bra.

And it will be interesting to see how the interaction resumes in pt2 after they almost get caught in the driveway. Will that, once again, make her backing off a bit? The general feeling is that the proverbial Rubicon has been crossed and there is no going back.

Concerning the breast sucking, we see Sophia reminiscing about the early days when Dylan was breastfeeding. It has been pointed out that it could also be part of the typical "empty nest syndrome", as she sees her son growing up and becoming more independent. This could also be related to her desire to have a baby, a desire she has expressed to Liam on several occasions.

Finally, a couple of silly notes:

  • Dylan certainly has better skills than Sam in removing a bra, even with a single hand.
View attachment 4609854

  • At long last, we got a real "lip biting" render after many events in which it was only in the text. We have again a couple of this moments in the text that have nothing to do with pleasure or arousal
View attachment 4609876 View attachment 4609867

Then, while Dylan is after her breasts, we can (finally!) see in the animation that she bites her lip. :)
View attachment 4609887

What's next

We know that part 2 will be longer and much hotter that this event. L&P has confirmed that it will be
  • it will definitely be the hottest event of the game so far where the boundaries are pushed further and things happen that haven't happened in the game yet. (source)
  • The next event promises a lot and will certainly be a new milestone in the game so far in terms of lasciviousness and hotness. It will also be bigger in scope than the last updates with two different approaches. (source)

That being said, in terms of the story there are already some hints.

There is a choice on whether or not to join Patricia for the date with the Museum boys or not. This is the last frame of the event in which we see Sophia answering Patricia's call only if jason_haru_phonenumber. The museum event has become an alternative and mutually exclusive event to the pt2 of the event. After all, it is a "bonus" event that will not have consequences in the story.

Sophia will freshen up and workout before dinner. From Dylan's thoughts we know that he'd like to watch and take the opportunity to address the show Sophia's put up with his teammates at the field. Considering the presence of the other 2 men in the house he **may** also suggest her some dare or some similar teasing during the evening.

Dylan must return the money he "borrowed" the day before before Sophia notices. From his thoughts we know that he will try to do it while she is freshening up in the bathroom. It is likely that if he fails Sophia will pissed off and the route will end.
It's hard to tell atm what are the implications or the extent of this little "quest". It could be just as simple as putting the money back or not, or it could be something more elaborate that leads Dylan to hide e.g. inside the closet to avoid being caught, as described here.

Sophia will also take her n-th shower of the day after the workout. We'll see if that leads to another "water event" with Dylan. Obviously not the main "action" but it could be an appetizer to make Sophia even more comfortable around Dylan.

It's not clear what the roles of the hosts, Neil and Mr. Harris, will be, whether their presence will be marginal and used e.g. for spicing up the taboo of doing things while the others are close by (e.g. like in Sam's event), or whether they will have a more active role in the event.
The variable day14_Sophia_learns_that_Neil_drugged_her was used in Sophia thoughts when he was ogling her cleavage in the driveway, it is to see if the past actions with Neil will have a consequence.
As mentioned before, they could be used as part of the cuck route for some exhibitionism. L&P in a recent post mentioned that there will be "two different approaches": it's not clear if he's referring to the cuck and romantic path or simply to different lewd choices the player can take like it happened in recent events (e.g. in the shower with Vicky/DeShawn or with the apostles)

Sophia in the car suggests to watch a movie together in the evening. So they will probably leave the men and their game to watch a movie, probably in Dylan's room as it might be safer. In a classic cliché, the movie could be what trigger the action. For example an (unexpected) erotic scene may lead to some "educational" talk (e.g. how to please a woman) and things escalate from there.

Well, I guess it won't be long before we get the first teasers that will shed some light on the second part.

For those who likes these recap and unpack posts, I will (slowly) add a link to all the previous ones for each event in the Archives.
Holy crap bro you are a fucking God mate and the amount of research and effort you put into making these impressively detailed posts is absolutely on behalf of us horndogs who are a part of the AWAM community i thank you from the bottom of my heart brother..:love::love::love:


Sep 17, 2024
So, with a bit of delay, let's unpack what happened in this v0.220 before the new one starts.

Actually, there were no big surprises in the event, the course of events was already pretty clear thanks to or because of the many teasers we got.

On the other hand, there were some parts of the event that depended on previous choices and paths.

Here is a flowchart summarizing the event. It is refactored for better readability (hopefully!) over the code, but it gives an idea of how the event is structured.
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To sum up, the event consisted of roughly 5 parts (to be noted that the event takes place no matter which path you are on, the content of course changes depending on the path):

1. The elephant in the room
In Dylan's path (i.e. if she made him cum in the hot tub the night before), Dylan starts addressing the elephant in the room while still at home. During the drive, instead, in the cuck path Dylan can tell her that he likes that she is now dressing more sexy and tease his teammates.
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2. At the field
Once at the field there are two moments, one with the teammates where she can tease them in the cuck path, and one with Alyssa when she joins the other parents.
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3. The match
Sophia has the choice of going home for Sam's cello lesson or staying for the entire game. In the first case, she only misses the first half and comes back for the second half. In the second case, she chats with Alyssa during the first half, mostly listening to Alyssa's nasty comments about her son's teammates. The second half is the same regardless of the previous choice, with Alyssa again talking dirty to Sophia.
As for the match itself, Dylan's team loses with different score depending on Dylan's path. In Dylan's path the team loses 4-3 and Dylan scores 3 goals, otherwise it loses 4-1 with Dylan missing some chances he would normally score.
Note also that Alyssa's invitation is given no matter what Sophia's choice made regarding the cello lesson and playing along with the dirty talk.
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4. The Drive back
Only on Dylan's path they will continue the role play from last night as Sophia's idea of lighten up Dylan's mood. Which leads to the breast sucking until they get home, almost caught by the Liam &Co. in the driveway.
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5. At home
Once at home, on Dylan's path, they have to hurry up to put themselves togheter as Liam, Neil, and Mr. Harris are waiting in the driveway. They enjoy the little show of Sophia's skimpy dress without bra which she justifies with a lie.
Then it is mostly a setup for the upcoming second part of the next release, with some Dylan's thoughts and the little cliffhanger that announces the choice to go to the museum date or stay at home with the 4 men.
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The elephant in the room

While Sophia is changing, she is still consumed by her conflicting thoughts about last night. On one hand she enjoyed the moment and she tries to convincing herself that she did it to give him the experience he needs. On the other hand it was clearly wrong and she does not know what to say or do.

In the end, Dylan making the first move and coming to discuss it is what turned things around. She sees his mature side of taking responsibility and making the first move. Even though she still thinks it was wrong, she is reassured by his behavior and the way he considers the experience as part of his growth.

Another big point is the secrecy. In the morning when she woke up, she was terrified at the idea of him letting something slip. Now she is completely reassured by their agreement to keep it secret:
s "What happened in the hot tub stays in the hot tub. Let's leave it at that for now."
Which **could** also foreshadow something happening in the hot tub in the future thanks to this agreement.

While this would seem to move their relationship away from a purely sexual approach, the role-playing for educational purposes seems to remain.

Sam's cello lesson

As expected, the event was quite short and not much happened. Still, there are a few things worth mentioning.

She mentioned the bra she threw at him in the morning (depending on the path). We knew that the bra was not supposed to play any special role, it could just be mentioned for context.

There is a flashback of the previous lesson while Sam waits for Sophia.
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We have had flashbacks before, but they were used to show events from the past, like Sam and Dylan spying on Sophia when they were kids, Sophia's first time, etc.
This is the first time that the flashback is used as a reminder of what we already saw in a previous event. We had this kind of flashback at Christine's party when Dylan was unable to sleep on the sofa because he kept thinking about what he just witnessed during the truth or dare game. But in that case it was just from the same event.

We get a glimpse of future events. Sophia says it's the penultimate lesson, so there will be one on Monday too, in addition to the one we already know about on Sunday, before the ranch (which is also mentioned when she leaves).

More importantly, Sophia promises to "renegotiate our arrangement" after the concert for her parents. Nothing new as we knew that there will be a "reward" if she manages to impress her parents, as Sam himself asks in this event. But maybe it will be more than just a reward. Maybe the "secret girlfriend" deal will be changed and upgraded in other ways.

In any case the sensual tension between the two is largely described and it's made it clear that the lessons are not just about the music for Sophia:
"As she closed the door behind her, she realized again the reality of her situation. Her secret lessons had been exciting, but they had been built on a foundation of lies destined to crumble on the most precarious of webs."
"She made her way back to pick up her son, her heart heavy with the knowledge of the charade she was living."
"The scent of Sam's perfume clung to her, a strong reminder of the illicit pleasures she craved."
Finally, as a curiosity, note that the narrative device used to allow Sophia to practice long enough without missing the second half of the game is the referee's late arrival on the field, which delays the start of the game.

Cuckold path

Sophia, as she did at the mall and during the bathtub event the night before, asks once again Dylan what his friends/teammates says about her.
This is already a change wrt the previous time as she is not worried or shocked but she accepts it with the usual "smirk". And obviously the big show that she puts up for the teammates is a clear sign that she not only accepts the idea of being watched by these hormonal teenagers, but also embraces the idea of teasing them quite provocatively, of course within certain limits for the moment.

Zac's reaction is quite interesting. He has been "blessed" by the "incident" in class the day before, which of course he has to keep to himself when Darnell makes crude comments about his teacher. But after Sophia's show, the seed of the doubt that she is doing it on purpose is planted in his mind.
"Zac had to smile sheepishly at this, as he got a lot more. If only he could report that. And after yesterday's act, he began to doubt whether his hot teacher's appearance was really just a coincidence or intentional. 'But why would she do that? Who are we to her? She's unattainable for us. Or is she?'"
We'll see the next event on Monday in school if he will be again playing a role in Aiden's 5th task and if he will act on his doubt to see if he could really have a chance with her.

Dylan had, in a way, similar thoughts too. He had mixed and conflicted feelings about showing her off to his teammates knowing that they cannot have any chance with her.
"As the banter continued, Dylan couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and jealousy as he watched his teammates drool over his mother."
"On one hand, he was proud to have such a desirable and sexy mom, but on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel possessive. He wanted to show them that she was off-limits, yet he also wanted to tease them with her sexiness."
At the same time, he gets more and more curious about the possibility that his mother might have something going on with his teammates, especially Darnell.
"Dylan couldn't shake off his newfound fascination with seeing his mother in a more desirable light. The more he watched her interacting with his teammates, the more he found himself fantasizing about her with them, especially Darnell."
"There was something about the way Darnell carried himself, exuding a silent confidence, that made him stand out from the rest."
up to the point of daydreaming about it. Here we got another daydream, quite similar to his own previous fantasy he had before going out on a date with Sophia the night before:
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Finally, Dylan's last thoughts on the matter come back to the original thoughts of just teasing the teammates with something that they would never get. Even because, he thinks, she's would never do anything like that, being such an idealized mother figure to him.
"Inside, Dylan wondered if Darnell would be able to get into his mom's pants. He could hardly believe that she would get involved in something like this. She was too good and pure and true for that. But Darnell seemed to be able to wrap a woman around his finger and he wondered if he would be able to do the same with his mom."
# later at home
dyt "She's married anyway and would never do anything with one of these kids. But that's also why it's so funny when she teases them. 'Cause it's like holding a treat in front of their noses that they can never reach. *Smirk*"
Finally, Sophia invites the Dylan's teammates to his upcoming birthday party, mentioning it will be a pool party, which sparks another cuck fantasy in Dylan. We still don't know when the birthday party will happen. It was already mentioned during the bathtub scene (the famous "you are turning X" :)) but still we don't have a date. If it happens during a weekend (so it does not interfere with school etc) we don't have many left, either the next one (PD 21-22) or in two weeks (PD 28-29). The next one will come after another week of Sophia's increasing corruption while the second will be basically the end of the game: if the party has something to do with Darnell it **might** fit with what he said about Darnell appearing only later on when Sophia is corrupted enough.


We knew that Alyssa would have been part of the event, but she had a quite interesting interaction she has with Sophia.

Alyssa seems to be Patricia's alter ego, as Sophia also points out to her. Her crass and cynical comments about their sons' teammates (1st Half) are quite nasty, like something Patricia would say.

Similarly she then engages (2nd half) in some dirty talk and fantasies to motivate the team to do better. This reminds a lot of Patricia in the many times she pushed Sophia (the showers at the gym, the museum guys, at the concert choosing who you'd do from the band etc). Since Patricia's and Alyssa's path are mutually exclusive it is not hard to tell that in any case Sophia will be driven in her corruption by a similar character.

Alyssa started strong with Sophia with a suggestive incentive to motivate the teammates:
  • from the classing beating to grounding them to forcing them eating vegetables, until she finally gets to her point;
  • BDSM these boys into submission;
  • a naked shower with the teammates behind their sons' back;
  • sexy lingerie to motivate their sons.
All cooked up with a lot of mutual teasing and sexual innuendo. This makes the next event with Alyssa quite intriguing as she seems to be the one pushing Sophia to the next level of corruption.
And one cannot help but think that there might be some foreshadowing in some of these fantasies that a future event might happen with the two of them.

Speaking of which, we now know that the next event with Alyssa will be on Tuesday PD 17: they will meet at her place after training with the boys. There seems to be quite a few possible scenarios, from another round with Antonio with a more lesbian take this time, to something involving their respective sons, given what she said/fantasized about them.

Sophia / Dylan drive back

The drive back is of course the most important scene of the event, but not just because of the breast sucking. It feels like that during this drive their relationship reaches a turning point, if not a point of no return.
All of Sophia's worries, fears, and remorses fade away as she begins to see Dylan as the mature man who made the first move earlier and who spent the night with her instead of going to a party when Liam didn't have time for her. She also can now fully trust him with their secret. This seems to be the way L&P chose to get her to embrace the idea of having this special relationship and move away from a simple sex-ed approach. Which, in a way, it still remains in the form of their role-playing game.

It is interesting to note that Sophia is more worried about being seen by the other drivers than by what Dylan is doing to her, especially when he takes off the bra.

And it will be interesting to see how the interaction resumes in pt2 after they almost get caught in the driveway. Will that, once again, make her backing off a bit? The general feeling is that the proverbial Rubicon has been crossed and there is no going back.

Concerning the breast sucking, we see Sophia reminiscing about the early days when Dylan was breastfeeding. It has been pointed out that it could also be part of the typical "empty nest syndrome", as she sees her son growing up and becoming more independent. This could also be related to her desire to have a baby, a desire she has expressed to Liam on several occasions.

Finally, a couple of silly notes:

  • Dylan certainly has better skills than Sam in removing a bra, even with a single hand.
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  • At long last, we got a real "lip biting" render after many events in which it was only in the text. We have again a couple of this moments in the text that have nothing to do with pleasure or arousal
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Then, while Dylan is after her breasts, we can (finally!) see in the animation that she bites her lip. :)
View attachment 4609887

What's next

We know that part 2 will be longer and much hotter that this event. L&P has confirmed that it will be
  • it will definitely be the hottest event of the game so far where the boundaries are pushed further and things happen that haven't happened in the game yet. (source)
  • The next event promises a lot and will certainly be a new milestone in the game so far in terms of lasciviousness and hotness. It will also be bigger in scope than the last updates with two different approaches. (source)

That being said, in terms of the story there are already some hints.

There is a choice on whether or not to join Patricia for the date with the Museum boys or not. This is the last frame of the event in which we see Sophia answering Patricia's call only if jason_haru_phonenumber. The museum event has become an alternative and mutually exclusive event to the pt2 of the event. After all, it is a "bonus" event that will not have consequences in the story.

Sophia will freshen up and workout before dinner. From Dylan's thoughts we know that he'd like to watch and take the opportunity to address the show Sophia's put up with his teammates at the field. Considering the presence of the other 2 men in the house he **may** also suggest her some dare or some similar teasing during the evening.

Dylan must return the money he "borrowed" the day before before Sophia notices. From his thoughts we know that he will try to do it while she is freshening up in the bathroom. It is likely that if he fails Sophia will pissed off and the route will end.
It's hard to tell atm what are the implications or the extent of this little "quest". It could be just as simple as putting the money back or not, or it could be something more elaborate that leads Dylan to hide e.g. inside the closet to avoid being caught, as described here.

Sophia will also take her n-th shower of the day after the workout. We'll see if that leads to another "water event" with Dylan. Obviously not the main "action" but it could be an appetizer to make Sophia even more comfortable around Dylan.

It's not clear what the roles of the hosts, Neil and Mr. Harris, will be, whether their presence will be marginal and used e.g. for spicing up the taboo of doing things while the others are close by (e.g. like in Sam's event), or whether they will have a more active role in the event.
The variable day14_Sophia_learns_that_Neil_drugged_her was used in Sophia thoughts when he was ogling her cleavage in the driveway, it is to see if the past actions with Neil will have a consequence.
As mentioned before, they could be used as part of the cuck route for some exhibitionism. L&P in a recent post mentioned that there will be "two different approaches": it's not clear if he's referring to the cuck and romantic path or simply to different lewd choices the player can take like it happened in recent events (e.g. in the shower with Vicky/DeShawn or with the apostles)

Sophia in the car suggests to watch a movie together in the evening. So they will probably leave the men and their game to watch a movie, probably in Dylan's room as it might be safer. In a classic cliché, the movie could be what trigger the action. For example an (unexpected) erotic scene may lead to some "educational" talk (e.g. how to please a woman) and things escalate from there.

Well, I guess it won't be long before we get the first teasers that will shed some light on the second part.

For those who likes these recap and unpack posts, I will (slowly) add a link to all the previous ones for each event in the Archives.
As always, great analysis xxxorro! :coffee:

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PS: I love how she keeps his head locked to her chest, and of course that lip bite.
3.20 star(s) 504 Votes