L&P has stated from the beginning that Dylan is the 2nd MC. If you look at the polls, it becomes clear why. He is in 1st place in every poll, which of course means that L&P has to implement this result in the game.
Dylan is AWAM's money-printing machine.
But I don't think Dylan is the problem, I think there are just too many characters/paths in the game.
He could have had the opportunity to take some out. But it seems he sticks to his plan.
Therefore we have more Dylan events compared to others and have to wait longer for other characters to have an event again.
Dylan was absolutely not the 2nd MC from the start. What's in the promo blurb now is not fundamentally different from the original, apart from the removal of "realism" as a selling point. At least that's honest given some of the ridiculous set-ups that have accrued. It's probably too late to retitle the game as "A Wife and Mother, a Son and Brother," AWAMASAB, though surely that's what it has become.
He most certainly IS L&P's money printer & his elevation to MC was an outcome of poll results. At the time, however, there was a feeling that the incest fans were voting for Dylan because they wanted more of him & Sophia, not that they wanted a second MC. Whatever the case, they got their wish. His appearances have relegated most other stories to limbo, if they ever reappear at all. Too many characters & too much fetish duplication are more or less baked into the game. Why not officially lose some?
It's fairly clear that whenever padding is required, some of the now technically redundant characters, (that's most of the cast), can be relied on. Hence Vicky & DeShawn's episode, where again I wonder when they'll be back, ie how many years? Wheel out a certain fetish that's not incest or Dylan related, then put it on hold indefinitely, does not seem like sticking to a story teller's plan, nor does it feel as though even an outline original tale is being adhered to. Incidentally, I wonder if any fans of the stereotyped old BBC fetish have ever seen a tamer evocation of that specialised kink? Tease for the undetermined future is another part of the Dev's actual masterplan.
What has to be accepted by those with no interest in incest & who played for virtually all the other routes, is that every action concerning the increasingly mentally challenged Sophia is a move along the track to her eventual copulation with her own son & that nothing else really matters. It also has to be taken as read that there will never be a "get out" event for anyone not wanting the Dylan incest route, as there was for blackmail detractors/Aiden objectors. Making Dylan MC meant he & his obsession became almost unavoidable. That's why I contended elsewhere that the game could finish in 5 years or less by focussing on mainly the MCs & the mother-fucking that so many want to see. Whether those same fans were to leave after such an event should be neither here nor there. Most good erotic stories get better after the initial shagging & there's always the potential spin-offs.
As an example of a popular but redundant character why not take Nathalie? L&P himself said fans "would have to be patient" & that she was due back in 2035. What's the point & why bother? Past practice indicates that at least another 2 years should be added to this egregious hiatus, probably more. Any fan aged 12 right now, (as many fans appear to be), will be in their mid-20s by the time she returns. Not only will they have left home & lost their virginity but they might also have a steady girlfriend, or long-term, live-with partner, even children. Will they really be keen to see if Dylan has pimped his mother out yet, or had her get another body piercing or unsightly tattoo? (n.b. Those are just some of the stock features of the average teen porn that AWAM has become). I personally doubt it. There will need to be a constant refreshing of young, sexually inexperienced, teen incest fans, for the game to carry on as it is now.