YEP... I CONCUR with everything you said . I'm 5 years older than you, so the old Rolling Stones song ' Time is on my Side ' ain't in play anymore.
Dylan getting blow job via 69 is DUE considering the tutor job Jack N gizz shots. THAT would be progressive !
After the Geezer/ nurse episode disaster, fiasco, which was really really really bad. Embarrassing to watch.
Go back a couple years, even the DATE lacked PIZZAZZ--the ass grab on the dance floor ; BIG disappointment !
Along with the NIGHTCLUB BALCONY SCENE. What a wasted effort.
I rate the last 2 years a B- .
If it weren't for spinoffs by other artists i would've lost complete interest.
The JACUZZI finale SAVED the Date AND NOW we deserve a nasty 69 & bj AT MINIMUM, anything less will cause serious repercussions for L&P profit picture.
L& P set up this episode in excellent Style. The ROVER RIDE , which was a dialogue tour de force & animation spectacle, and somewhat humorous cliffhanger.
I'm really counting on a kickass episode here, the samples look very good. .....(Dylan's getting to tall for his age though.)
So what would be left ??? Fun plenty !
& the finale in 2031 the SOCCER TEAM GANGBANG starring Alyssa & Sophia in a lesbian warm up for the boys to watch, before the intense gangbang poolside.