No there is no way unfortunately. I think I will have to darken the background part of the dialogue a bit more to solve the problem.
I went into the script file and modified the color on the text. the what_color="#000000" is what makes it unreadable. Just change them to the same color and they will display in the color of the Character's name. Modified script file attached.
define nicole = Character("Nicole", color="#dc95dd", what_color="#dc95dd",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define liam = Character("Liam", color="#e9f034", what_color="#e9f034",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define angela = Character("Angela", color="#e9967a", what_color="e9967a",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define augusto = Character("Augusto", color="#5f9ea0", what_color="#5f9ea0",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define gianni = Character("Gianni", color="#dc143c", what_color="#dc143c",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define alexa = Character("Alexa", color="#e9f034", what_color="#e9f034",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define thomas = Character("Thomas", color="#6495ed", what_color="#6495ed",font="Arial Black.ttf") #papà di liam
define katrin = Character("Katrin", color="#dc95dd", what_color="#dc95dd",font="Arial Black.ttf") #mamma di liam
define corriere = Character("Courier ( Corriere)", color="#e9f034", what_color="#e9f034",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define sabrina = Character("Sabrina", color="#dc95dd", what_color="#dc95dd",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define pensieronicole = Character("Thinking Nicole (Pensiero)", color="#fff8dc", what_color="#fff8dc",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define pensieroangela = Character("Thinking Angela (Pensiero)", color="#fff8dc", what_color="#fff8dc",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define pensieromisako = Character("Thinking Misako (Pensiero)", color="#fff8dc", what_color="#fff8dc",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define pensierothomas = Character("Thinking Thomas (Pensiero)", color="#e9f034", what_color="#e9f034",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define misako = Character("Misako", color="#228b22", what_color="#228b22",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define piter = Character("Peter", color="#c0c0c0", what_color="#c0c0c0",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define peter = Character("Peter", color="#c0c0c0", what_color="#c0c0c0",font="Arial Black.ttf")
define luca = Character("Luca", color="#0000ff", what_color="#0000ff",font="Arial Black.ttf")