3.10 star(s) 63 Votes

justin 13

Mar 21, 2020
Game like this and few other don't get leak even if it is out for low teirs but i see many game with even low income update get leaked in high tiers. That is really very strange. is f9 ___ the link
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Camerun55


Apr 11, 2020
Game like this and few other don't get leak even if it is out for low teirs but i see many game with even low income update get leaked in high tiers. That is really very strange. is f9 ___ the link
thats because the dev puts it on here himself in 4 days he will put it on here


Engaged Member
Jul 11, 2018
thats because the dev puts it on here himself in 4 days he will put it on here
that never helped that ppl give it out early. after choices the dev from free pass allways gave it out just 1 week after patreon and it still got leaked early.

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
I think these games hit too close to home for the people that come to these game posts and just poop on a fetish lol
Hang on, I think there's some needed general call to self awareness needed for this whole thread. I do agree that there are SOME people that shit on other kinks just because.... I dunno, they have no lives or social competence, or whatever. But let's also be fully transparent here. On just the first page of comments here, we have 2 NTR fans going at each other, basically trying to gatekeep whether female protag NTR works count as "legitimate NTR", Meanwhile, these same people, claiming that "it's not legit NTR if the wife's cheating on her husband is shown from her perspective", are praising other works as "good ol classic NTR", where there's absolutely ZERO romantic relationship between the targeted woman & the "cuck", (such as the MC's mother or childhood friend, etc...). How the hell does that make any sense?

Additionally, as I've pointed out countless times, Half the reason people play these VNs & games is A, for the enjoyment of the story & B, for the freedom & control to explore different routes the story can take & what different places those choices could lead to. It's the same spirit of adventure & exploration that made the Choose your own adventure books back in the 80's so popular. Yes, kink preferences & fap value are factors too, but if that was the ONLY relevant factor, keep in mind, you have to wait months to be drip fed the content bit by bit in updates, hope that it doesn't get abandoned, (which is does half the time), & after a couple years, you have a vn that's 70% or more non porn / plot material that you have to grind through frame by frame, to get to the comparitively small handlful of still images & 3 to 5 second animation loops to bust a nut to. Why would ANYONE, looking for pure fap value choose this medium instead of NTR porn comics, (which are just as, if not more plentiful), or cheating / NTR themed porn videos, (which are far FAR more plentiful), that are 80% to 90%+ straight up fappable content, are already complete beginning to end, & by all measures is specifically designed to service that Fap value far better, without all the drawbacks present within VNs. So it obviously stands to reason that there MUST be something present within VNs that those other mediums simply do not offer. & naturally those things are Story & the power to influence & change the direction of the story through the choices presented.

Now, with that in mind, THIS is where the majority of the "anti-NTR" criticism that I personally have observed & encountered comes from. Not anything that actually IS anti-NTR, but rather the lack of any real creativity in the genre, in favor of almost suffocating homogenity. In ALL other kinks across the spectrum of this community, most creators seem to at least make an effort to provide their own unique story in their works, so varying levels of quality & success. Now obviously, there's loads of the low effort cash grabs in those areas too, such as the waves of Big Brother & Dating my Daughter clones that flooded the site after the success of those 2 titles. However, those are in the rather small minority. For most though, there's at least some observable effort to be at least somewhat unique & new with their story, even if they are following the same kink tropes.

NTR on the other hand, seems to be the opposite, so much so that it's not just absent from this community, but actually actively avoided & met with open hostility from fans if there's even the request or suggesting from a fan to deviate from the rigid pattern of telling the exact same story over & over & over again. I distinctly recall getting swarmed by rabid, almost cult like NTR fans going off on me, telling me I'm an "anti_NTR hater", even accusing me of trying to "demand The dev take the NTR out of the game & rob them of their beloved kink servicing content", merely because someone else on one game thread said he'd like to see a path where the MC snapped & went on a dark revenge arc", & I defended his right to have & express his opinion when that same swarm attacked HIM for being "an anti-NTR hater" & "How what he suggested isn't NTR & he should fuck off & just stick to his 'vanilla' games". Keep in mind, I'm not anti-ntr, I made no such demands or requests to remove any content, I simply just defended the rights of another user to have & express his own opinion of what he'd like to see, & that they were being assholes with the way they were dogpiling him & with their false claims about his character. & frankly, THIS is where what you guys perceive as "anti-NTR hate" comes from. Not anything actually relating to the kink itself, but rather people that actually DO like NTR, but are kind of burned out on 90%+ of NTR games literally being the exact same story every single time.

I mean... Guys. NTR is the genere with the MOST kinetic novels, (completely stripping away the whole appeal of having any control or ability to explore where the story goes, outside the linear, pre-built, single path trajectory), Most of the games with choices don't actually lead anywhere different, but rather slightly different variations of the same path. & again, from what I've observed, this trend seems to be due to creativity & originality being actively discouraged by portions of the fanbase, A fanbase that will aggrissively dogpile on anyone that suggests anything like "a revenge arc for MC" or "MC rallying & making a comeback" or "MC moving on to better & the former love interest regretting her choices", or really "Something, really ANYTHING that's different than the exact same thing every time".

I mean, from what I've seen, With EVERY other sub-genre, It's mostly games with their own stories, with wildly branching directions that the story can go into depending on the choices made, but for their porn content will adhere to simmilar patterns of servicing that kink.
With the exception of VERY FEW titles, NTR games, at least on here, tend to be ONE SINGLE story, retold over & over & over & over & over again, with only relatively cosmetic changes, such as title, characters involved, artwork & moderate changes to dialogue. But for 90% of the available content, it's all reruns of the same single story told the exact same way. Now if that's what get's you guys off, I ain't mad at you for that. Fap away. I ain't gonna stop you. But WHY are you guys so viscerally angry & upset that those of us that want the same level of originality & creativity in story want something that originality & creativity here too?

What I ask of you guys is to pause & consider these details for a few moments. I think the answer to the question that I just asked a moment ago is answered by the detail I pointed out about 2 of your own NTR fans going at each other about the legitimacy of female protag NTR. You guys are so angry & so ready to fight that you're even caniballizing each other. Maybe THAT is the problem. Maybe it's not the kink at all. Maybe it's simply the attachment you guys have to it & how eager you guys are to go on the attack against anyone that doesn't gobble up the same repeated, cash grab schlock like you guys do. Someone wants something new & inventive in an NTR story? ANTI-NTR HATER! Someone merely stands up for another's freedom of speech that you guys have already labeled an "enemy" of NTR? ANOTHER ANTI-NTR HATER! Someone likes a slightly different presentation of NTR than what you like? YET ANOTHER ANTI-NTR HATER!

You ever pause & consider that, for some of those folks that say "Oh, NTR. I'm gonna skip this game", you ever consider that maybe it's not because of the kink, but maybe they are skipping it because they already know that it's going to be nearly identical to at least a dozen other NTR game's they've already played & don't want to waste their time on something where they already know from the beginning exactly what every single beat of the story is going to be? Wouldn't it be nice if the diversity of stories, originality & creativity was welcomed in the NTR genre instead of aggressively stifled? Maybe then most of the "Anti-NTR hate" would actually go away & the devisiveness tied to the kink wouldn't be so bad? Is that something that you guys even want, or do you guys actually take some pleasure in being the edgy "extreme few that the vanilla normies can't handle", so you actively keep this nonsense going too preserve that conflict & status?

By the way, calling the rest of the community "Vanilla" really makes y'all look dumb when you guys are the ones that demand the exact same story retold the exact same way constantly. You're the epitome of vanilla & homogenous. That's like saying "Hah. Look at those vanilla eaters, eating all kinds of meats, grains, fruits, vegetables, etc... They can't handle my extreme diet of the exact same top ramen with slight variance in the flavor of the salt & MSG powder flavoring packet". Dude, YOU guys are the vanilla ones. Come on man.

My point being, Notice how NOTHING I've said in any way, shape or form has anything to do with opposition of the kink itself? I don't mind the kink. NTR isn't the problem. NTR isn't where the hate is aimed. LOOK at this game thread to see that. It's the community that seems to be the issue. If you don't want the issue, that seems to be the best place to start changing direction. Just my thoughts.
Last edited:


Aug 27, 2017
Hang on, I think there's some needed general call to self awareness needed for this whole thread. I do agree that there are SOME people that shit on other kinks just because.... I dunno, they have no lives or social competence, or whatever. But let's also be fully transparent here. On just the first page of comments here, we have 2 NTR fans going at each other, basically trying to gatekeep whether female protag NTR works count as "legitimate NTR", Meanwhile, these same people, claiming that "it's not legit NTR if the wife's cheating on her husband is shown from her perspective", are praising other works as "good ol classic NTR", where there's absolutely ZERO romantic relationship between the targeted woman & the "cuck", (such as the MC's mother or childhood friend, etc...). How the hell does that make any sense?

Additionally, as I've pointed out countless times, Half the reason people play these VNs & games is A, for the enjoyment of the story & B, for the freedom & control to explore different routes the story can take & what different places those choices could lead to. It's the same spirit of adventure & exploration that made the Choose your own adventure books back in the 80's so popular. Yes, kink preferences & fap value are factors too, but if that was the ONLY relevant factor, keep in mind, you have to wait months to be drip fed the content bit by bit in updates, hope that it doesn't get abandoned, (which is does half the time), & after a couple years, you have a vn that's 70% or more non porn / plot material that you have to grind through frame by frame, to get to the comparitively small handlful of still images & 3 to 5 second animation loops to bust a nut to. Why would ANYONE, looking for pure fap value choose this medium instead of NTR porn comics, (which are just as, if not more plentiful), or cheating / NTR themed porn videos, (which are far FAR more plentiful), that are 80% to 90%+ straight up fappable content, are already complete beginning to end, & by all measures is specifically designed to service that Fap value far better, without all the drawbacks present within VNs. So it obviously stands to reason that there MUST be something present within VNs that those other mediums simply do not offer. & naturally those things are Story & the power to influence & change the direction of the story through the choices presented.

Now, with that in mind, THIS is where the majority of the "anti-NTR" criticism that I personally have observed & encountered comes from. Not anything that actually IS anti-NTR, but rather the lack of any real creativity in the genre, in favor of almost suffocating homogenity. In ALL other kinks across the spectrum of this community, most creators seem to at least make an effort to provide their own unique story in their works, so varying levels of quality & success. Now obviously, there's loads of the low effort cash grabs in those areas too, such as the waves of Big Brother & Dating my Daughter clones that flooded the site after the success of those 2 titles. However, those are in the rather small minority. For most though, there's at least some observable effort to be at least somewhat unique & new with their story, even if they are following the same kink tropes.

NTR on the other hand, seems to be the opposite, so much so that it's not just absent from this community, but actually actively avoided & met with open hostility from fans if there's even the request or suggesting from a fan to deviate from the rigid pattern of telling the exact same story over & over & over again. I distinctly recall getting swarmed by rabid, almost cult like NTR fans going off on me, telling me I'm an "anti_NTR hater", even accusing me of trying to "demand I take the NTR out of the game & rob them of their beloved kink servicing content", merely because someone else on one game thread said he'd like to see a path where the MC snapped & went on a dark revenge arc", & I defended his right to have & express his opinion when that same swarm attacked HIM for being "an anti-NTR hater" & "How what he suggested isn't NTR & he should fuck off & just stick to his 'vanilla' games". Keep in mind, I'm not anti-ntr, I made no such demands or requests to remove any content, I simply just defended the rights of another user to have & express his own opinion of what he'd like to see, & that they were being assholes with the way they were dogpiling him & with their false claims about his character. & frankly, THIS is where what you guys perceive as "anti-NTR hate" comes from. Not anything actually relating to the kink itself, but rather people that actually DO like NTR, but are kind of burned out on 90%+ of NTR games literally being the exact same story every single time.

I mean... Guys. NTR is the genere with the MOST kinetic novels, (completely stripping away the whole appeal of having any control or ability to explore where the story goes, outside the linear, pre-built, single path trajectory), Most of the games with choices don't actually lead anywhere different, but rather slightly different variations of the same path. & again, from what I've observed, this trend seems to be due to creativity & originality being actively discouraged by portions of the fanbase, A fanbase that will aggrissively dogpile on anyone that suggests anything like "a revenge arc for MC" or "MC rallying & making a comeback" or "MC moving on to better & the former love interest regretting her choices", or really "Something, really ANYTHING that's different than the exact same thing every time".

I mean, from what I've seen, With EVERY other sub-genre, It's mostly games with their own stories, with wildly branching directions that the story can go into depending on the choices made, but for their porn content will adhere to simmilar patterns of servicing that kink.
With the exception of VERY FEW titles, NTR games, at least on here, tend to be ONE SINGLE story, retold over & over & over & over & over again, with only relatively cosmetic changes, such as title, characters involved, artwork & soderate changes to dialogue. But for 90% of the available content, it's all reruns of the same single story told the exact same way. Now if that's what get's you guys off, I ain't mad at you for that. Fap away. I ain't gonna stop you. But WHY are you guys so viscerally angry & upset that those of us that want the same level of originality & creativity in story want something different?

What I ask of you guys is to pause & consider these details for a few moments. I think the answer to the question that I just asked a moment ago is answered by the detail I pointed out about 2 of your own NTR fans going at each other about the legitimacy of female protag NTR. You guys are so angry & so ready to fight that you're even caniballizing each other. Maybe THAT is the problem. Maybe it's not the kink at all. Maybe it's simply the attachment you guys have to it & how eager you guys are to go on the attack against anyone that doesn't gobble up the same repeated, cash grab schlock like you guys do. Someone wants something new & inventive in an NTR story? ANTI-NTR HATER! Someone merely stands up for another's freedom of speech that you guys have already labeled an "enemy" of NTR? ANOTHER ANTI-NTR HATER! Someone likes a slightly different presentation of NTR than what you like? YET ANOTHER ANTI-NTR HATER!

You ever pause & consider that, for some of those folks that say "Oh, NTR. I'm gonna skip this game", you ever consider that maybe it's not because of the kink, but maybe they are skipping it because they already know that it's going to be nearly identical to at least a dozen other NTR game's they've already played & don't want to waste their time on something where they already know from the beginning exactly what every single beat of the story is going to be? Wouldn't it be nice if the diversity of stories, originality & creativity was welcomed in the NTR genre instead of aggressively stifled? Maybe then most of the "Anti-NTR hate" would actually go away & the devisiveness tied to the kink wouldn't be so bad? Is that something that you guys even want, or do you guys actually take some pleasure in being the edgy "extreme few that the vanilla normies can't handle", so you actively keep this nonsense going too preserve that conflict & status?

By the way, calling the rest of the community "Vanilla" really makes y'all look dumb when you guys are the ones that demand the exact same story retold the exact same way constantly. You're the epitome of vanilla & homogenous. That's like saying "Hah. Look at those vanilla eaters, eating all kinds of meats, grains, fruits, vegetables, etc... They can't handle my extreme diet of the exact same top ramen with slight variance in the flavor of the salt & MSG powder flavoring packet". Dude, YOU guys are the vanilla ones. Come on man.

My point being, Notice how NOTHING I've said in any way, shape or form has anything to do with opposition of the kink itself? I don't mind the kink. NTR isn't the problem. NTR isn't where the hate is aimed. LOOK at this game thread to see that. It's the community that seems to be the issue. If you don't want the issue, that seems to be the best place to start changing direction. Just my thoughts.
TLDR. this is just a porn game brutha
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Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
TLDR. this is just a porn game brutha
I know man, I ain't got any issues with the game. Just that on literally every single game with the NTR tag, it's always the same nonsense flooding the comments of "HUHHUHHHH Her cum duh NTR hayterz to cry bout moar NTR". Then jumping on any chance they can possibly get to start a fight in the comments. Just trying to give them a bit of self reflection on the fact that it's not NTR that's the problem, it's them.

Give it a quick read. Should only take a minute. I think you'd have to admit, I ain't wrong.

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
nah just here for the fuk. if i wanted to read a story id just read a book
Ok, well I've been trying to get an answer to this question for a LONG time, maybe you can provide some insight. The question is WHY? I mean like I said, you have to wait for months for updates, half these games get abandoned, & the majority of the content has zero fap value, with the fapable content being a small handful of still images & short animation loops. If all you're here for is jack off material, WHY THIS instead of porn comics or porn videos that are A, complete from start to end & B have WAY more actual fap content, not to mention, much more content overall? WHY this kind of medium that seems least fitting for your specific purposes? Can you make that make sense for me?
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Mar 20, 2022
Hang on, I think there's some needed general call to self awareness needed for this whole thread. I do agree that there are SOME people that shit on other kinks just because.... I dunno, they have no lives or social competence, or whatever. But let's also be fully transparent here. On just the first page of comments here, we have 2 NTR fans going at each other, basically trying to gatekeep whether female protag NTR works count as "legitimate NTR", Meanwhile, these same people, claiming that "it's not legit NTR if the wife's cheating on her husband is shown from her perspective", are praising other works as "good ol classic NTR", where there's absolutely ZERO romantic relationship between the targeted woman & the "cuck", (such as the MC's mother or childhood friend, etc...). How the hell does that make any sense?

Additionally, as I've pointed out countless times, Half the reason people play these VNs & games is A, for the enjoyment of the story & B, for the freedom & control to explore different routes the story can take & what different places those choices could lead to. It's the same spirit of adventure & exploration that made the Choose your own adventure books back in the 80's so popular. Yes, kink preferences & fap value are factors too, but if that was the ONLY relevant factor, keep in mind, you have to wait months to be drip fed the content bit by bit in updates, hope that it doesn't get abandoned, (which is does half the time), & after a couple years, you have a vn that's 70% or more non porn / plot material that you have to grind through frame by frame, to get to the comparitively small handlful of still images & 3 to 5 second animation loops to bust a nut to. Why would ANYONE, looking for pure fap value choose this medium instead of NTR porn comics, (which are just as, if not more plentiful), or cheating / NTR themed porn videos, (which are far FAR more plentiful), that are 80% to 90%+ straight up fappable content, are already complete beginning to end, & by all measures is specifically designed to service that Fap value far better, without all the drawbacks present within VNs. So it obviously stands to reason that there MUST be something present within VNs that those other mediums simply do not offer. & naturally those things are Story & the power to influence & change the direction of the story through the choices presented.

Now, with that in mind, THIS is where the majority of the "anti-NTR" criticism that I personally have observed & encountered comes from. Not anything that actually IS anti-NTR, but rather the lack of any real creativity in the genre, in favor of almost suffocating homogenity. In ALL other kinks across the spectrum of this community, most creators seem to at least make an effort to provide their own unique story in their works, so varying levels of quality & success. Now obviously, there's loads of the low effort cash grabs in those areas too, such as the waves of Big Brother & Dating my Daughter clones that flooded the site after the success of those 2 titles. However, those are in the rather small minority. For most though, there's at least some observable effort to be at least somewhat unique & new with their story, even if they are following the same kink tropes.

NTR on the other hand, seems to be the opposite, so much so that it's not just absent from this community, but actually actively avoided & met with open hostility from fans if there's even the request or suggesting from a fan to deviate from the rigid pattern of telling the exact same story over & over & over again. I distinctly recall getting swarmed by rabid, almost cult like NTR fans going off on me, telling me I'm an "anti_NTR hater", even accusing me of trying to "demand The dev take the NTR out of the game & rob them of their beloved kink servicing content", merely because someone else on one game thread said he'd like to see a path where the MC snapped & went on a dark revenge arc", & I defended his right to have & express his opinion when that same swarm attacked HIM for being "an anti-NTR hater" & "How what he suggested isn't NTR & he should fuck off & just stick to his 'vanilla' games". Keep in mind, I'm not anti-ntr, I made no such demands or requests to remove any content, I simply just defended the rights of another user to have & express his own opinion of what he'd like to see, & that they were being assholes with the way they were dogpiling him & with their false claims about his character. & frankly, THIS is where what you guys perceive as "anti-NTR hate" comes from. Not anything actually relating to the kink itself, but rather people that actually DO like NTR, but are kind of burned out on 90%+ of NTR games literally being the exact same story every single time.

I mean... Guys. NTR is the genere with the MOST kinetic novels, (completely stripping away the whole appeal of having any control or ability to explore where the story goes, outside the linear, pre-built, single path trajectory), Most of the games with choices don't actually lead anywhere different, but rather slightly different variations of the same path. & again, from what I've observed, this trend seems to be due to creativity & originality being actively discouraged by portions of the fanbase, A fanbase that will aggrissively dogpile on anyone that suggests anything like "a revenge arc for MC" or "MC rallying & making a comeback" or "MC moving on to better & the former love interest regretting her choices", or really "Something, really ANYTHING that's different than the exact same thing every time".

I mean, from what I've seen, With EVERY other sub-genre, It's mostly games with their own stories, with wildly branching directions that the story can go into depending on the choices made, but for their porn content will adhere to simmilar patterns of servicing that kink.
With the exception of VERY FEW titles, NTR games, at least on here, tend to be ONE SINGLE story, retold over & over & over & over & over again, with only relatively cosmetic changes, such as title, characters involved, artwork & moderate changes to dialogue. But for 90% of the available content, it's all reruns of the same single story told the exact same way. Now if that's what get's you guys off, I ain't mad at you for that. Fap away. I ain't gonna stop you. But WHY are you guys so viscerally angry & upset that those of us that want the same level of originality & creativity in story want something that originality & creativity here too?

What I ask of you guys is to pause & consider these details for a few moments. I think the answer to the question that I just asked a moment ago is answered by the detail I pointed out about 2 of your own NTR fans going at each other about the legitimacy of female protag NTR. You guys are so angry & so ready to fight that you're even caniballizing each other. Maybe THAT is the problem. Maybe it's not the kink at all. Maybe it's simply the attachment you guys have to it & how eager you guys are to go on the attack against anyone that doesn't gobble up the same repeated, cash grab schlock like you guys do. Someone wants something new & inventive in an NTR story? ANTI-NTR HATER! Someone merely stands up for another's freedom of speech that you guys have already labeled an "enemy" of NTR? ANOTHER ANTI-NTR HATER! Someone likes a slightly different presentation of NTR than what you like? YET ANOTHER ANTI-NTR HATER!

You ever pause & consider that, for some of those folks that say "Oh, NTR. I'm gonna skip this game", you ever consider that maybe it's not because of the kink, but maybe they are skipping it because they already know that it's going to be nearly identical to at least a dozen other NTR game's they've already played & don't want to waste their time on something where they already know from the beginning exactly what every single beat of the story is going to be? Wouldn't it be nice if the diversity of stories, originality & creativity was welcomed in the NTR genre instead of aggressively stifled? Maybe then most of the "Anti-NTR hate" would actually go away & the devisiveness tied to the kink wouldn't be so bad? Is that something that you guys even want, or do you guys actually take some pleasure in being the edgy "extreme few that the vanilla normies can't handle", so you actively keep this nonsense going too preserve that conflict & status?

By the way, calling the rest of the community "Vanilla" really makes y'all look dumb when you guys are the ones that demand the exact same story retold the exact same way constantly. You're the epitome of vanilla & homogenous. That's like saying "Hah. Look at those vanilla eaters, eating all kinds of meats, grains, fruits, vegetables, etc... They can't handle my extreme diet of the exact same top ramen with slight variance in the flavor of the salt & MSG powder flavoring packet". Dude, YOU guys are the vanilla ones. Come on man.

My point being, Notice how NOTHING I've said in any way, shape or form has anything to do with opposition of the kink itself? I don't mind the kink. NTR isn't the problem. NTR isn't where the hate is aimed. LOOK at this game thread to see that. It's the community that seems to be the issue. If you don't want the issue, that seems to be the best place to start changing direction. Just my thoughts.
Hi Slappy Kinkaid - Since you have replied on this game's forum (I mean you made yourself available here)... Just wanted to know bro... "what's the future plan on your game" (Angelica's temptation)? Still planning to revive it with new content, or is it abandoned for lifetime? Followers have spent 2+ years now keeping the faith in you, waiting for next update. :)
Also I don't think you update the forum anymore with info about the progress on your game, as you used to do earlier?
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3.10 star(s) 63 Votes