Hello! This is important, but not very important) In my humble opinion, the most important thing in games is not being obvious when choosing. If everything is predictable, then it's not interesting to play. Something like "Until Dawn"..
True true. Only in stories like this the predictability is that your wife cheats on you for no real
reason than to give the reader porn to fap to making the MC a bumbling idiot and/or weak noodle
who for reasons unknown is absolutely incapable of having a real thought on whether he should
do something about it or just sit there and let it happen because hahaha cuck. Which in reality is
either the developer/writer's inability to understand actual human interactions and just parrots
other bad stories/situations or is straight up taking a piss on you mostly white male audience
and your assumed lack of penis size and sexual capability. BNWO amirite! haha
Take that all you white male readers! Your woman wants a midnight melanin rich horse cock
that your little white self just can't compete with. But what if the white male reader has a dick
the Gods admire? You might not be able to relate at all? What if you're a legit alpha male IRL and
can't even come close to tolerating the mess of an MC you usually get in these?
These MCs are so bad even if you are a caged cuck in real life you're like daaaaym this guy is bad hahaha
So yeah. Keeping things non predictable is good. Having believable MCs/FMCs/NPCs is good.
Having some decent people thrown in is good. Having cause and effect reasons for things happening
is good. Even if it's linear storytelling. If you're a writer and reading this and you have to have a male
lead that's a waste of skin, focus on the partner that's actually interesting and doing things.
Permission. Good story but do you really care about following a guy to work and scratching his nuts
waiting for his wife to tell him how her day was without him? Instead of, I dunno. Following her... actually
doing things... and making the real life choices.... instead of MENU: 1. Text my Wife 2. Go To Bed.