Unity Completed Abandoned: A Tale Of Forgotten Lives [v1.0] [Kerni]

4.30 star(s) 57 Votes

Pervy Rogue

Nov 9, 2016
I think I know why Unity has so many problems it tries to do too many things at once they are either slow or crash all the time
The reason A:ATOFL has these issues is because Kerni kept everything in the same world space. Yeah, it slows things down and yeah, its a learning opportunity. Maybe we can convince Kerni to let some folks help him if he does a larger sequel.

My lord. The spelling and grammar. So offputting I can't even deal with talking to the base AI. Second time I've tried and just had to bail. Forgot about the first time. I can deal with a bit of mess. But when it's so bad it's all I can focus on then it to bad.
Current progress on the edit isn't that far along. Give me a couple of weeks and I can do it though.
Heres the current mod file:


Nov 14, 2017
The reason A:ATOFL has these issues is because Kerni kept everything in the same world space. Yeah, it slows things down and yeah, its a learning opportunity. Maybe we can convince Kerni to let some folks help him if he does a larger sequel.
I'm running this game on a crappy 6 year old laptop, so I don't think there's a performance issue here. Also, keeping everything in a single world is actually beneficial in a few ways. Firstly, you don't have any loadings mid game. Secondly, when you call an android or command a delivery bot to pick them up, they actually have to go to you, instead of just spawning at the entry to the room you are in, which gives a bit of realism.
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Pervy Rogue

Nov 9, 2016
I'm running this game on a crappy 6 year old laptop, so I don't think there's a performance issue here. Also, keeping everything in a single world is actually beneficial in a few ways. Firstly, you don't have any loadings mid game. Secondly, when you call an android or command a delivery bot to pick them up, they actually have to go to you, instead of just spawning at the entry to the room you are in, which gives a bit of realism.
You actually do teleport around the map as all of the different levels are just floating in the map all spread out. The issue with performance occurs when your rig renders all the sections of the map at once, its a lot of unoptimized objects being rendered.


Nov 14, 2017
You actually do teleport around the map as all of the different levels are just floating in the map all spread out. The issue with performance occurs when your rig renders all the sections of the map at once, its a lot of unoptimized objects being rendered.
You do, but as you said, you teleport rather than despawn, load a new area and spawn again. Also, none of the characters ever get despawned as I've explained above.


Nov 21, 2017
Okay first things first: Kerni - thank you so much. I really enjoyed the game (this is probably my 7th playthrough).
The story is good, the delivery is good, atmosphere is very attractive.
I'd love to see a sequel! (If it ever comes to that)

However... as you probably aware - some issues pop up here and there. The spelling is the most obvious - but I assume that is low on your priority list. I think we all would appreciate a full spellcheck before 1.0 release =) "Beeing uor fetisch , i assum ?"
And please for the love of God - just use A.I. and E.I. later okay? I get that E.I. will use formal language and Aemi, at the start is mostly machine but... Or I don't know how about calling it ArtIn and EmIn - it's not as short as AI but it's an alternative =D

So anyway this is sort of issues that I found while playing this version, there is only One game breaking bug, and I think I know how to recreate it. I don't think you'd actually need it (or care) but who knows maybe it's a Blue moon out there!

  • When Vivian in restraints for the first time her arm is jerking slightly. It's a loop. But the other arm is moving fine.
  • When Vivian is carried to the elevator one of the nipple vibrators vanishes.
  • If Aemi is caught right after using Test Machine her mouth remains open. Aemi broke her neck when using motherplant sample, it didn't stick but looked a bit creepy =D
  • Girls still moan even when nothing sexual is happening (I assume it's a sound synchronisation bug) and moaning presists through MANY scenes.
  • Vivian ofter hunched forward holding herself even when she's not aroused. It's glaring especially during first Nightmare.
  • After Victor goes to sleep, and Vivan and Aemi are in Observation room/office. There is a cutscene where he says: I'd better Not disturb them. After chatting with Vivian about the Nightmare, she leaves to the same area. But if Victor follows her - the cutscene (I better not disturb THEM) is played.
  • There is an issue with the tray that holds ring gag in Hydroponics - it's phasing through the table a bit. Just visual bug.
  • When Victor picked up the second restraints machine from Hydroponic deck he temporarily appeared standing
    somewhere (his body appeared) on top of destroyed/active spider-drone before moving to the hangar.
  • Sometimes when you give girls a collar, it's partially invisible in their hands. Looks like some texture issues.
  • When Aemi finds parasite, and we're at the lab - one of the leg restraints is in looping animation. More so
    Aemi removes all clothing (including collar for some reason) and devices that should be locked. But that's not a problem. I get that it's neccesary - the problem is that she doesn't put it back. As a result sometimes she can get stuck wearing only overalls and not all of them.
  • I noticed few bugged lines in dialog. Sometimes Victor mentions an *action* but it lacks the asetrix. Other times the line of dialog belongs to one character but it is spoken by another character instead. For example: When Victor asks about organic suits there is a line "I really am an open book for you" the window treats it like it's Vivian who said it. Or During the role play interrogation Vivian supposed to say "Snap out of it" to Aemi but instead this line is spoken by Victor.
  • Rope "suits" lose their crotch area after Victor wakes up.
  • After winning the VR game and placing the "table" from the Hangar bay, Help instructions remain on the screen. They're gone once you either finish the scene or by placing another item. I also failed to finish the scene by going to the office cuz I skipped the dialog bit. (Maybe there should be a reminder instead?)
  • After liberating command section servo sounds are still present after Aemi's body is repaired. They're gone right away so I'm guessing same issue as the moaning.
  • After setting up the cleaning machine and finishing the cleaning process Vivian still stares at the camera when Aemi is being used by Victor, rather than at Victor.
  • For some reason Lingerie for Aemi is missing (I think it was there in version .75)
  • Mechanical stocks from command center, make nipple vibrators dissapear when in first person.
  • When using the strap-on on Vivian. Aemi who should be standing in Hangar bay by our side is still walking
    around. I assume there was path finder error or something.
  • After cutscene with the plant (in free-roam) where Aemi suggest to not use it. If you don't speak with Vivian about using the plant with her, talking to Aemi about "Is there something you want to talk about?" and starting "Plant Threesome" event - the event will NOT TRIGGER! And you'll be stuck with two girls following you around.

    And that's it. Again - thank you soo much.


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 9, 2017
However... as you probably aware - some issues pop up here and there. The spelling is the most obvious - but I assume that is low on your priority list. I think we all would appreciate a full spellcheck before 1.0 release =) "Beeing uor fetisch , i assum ?"
And please for the love of God - just use A.I. and E.I. later okay? I get that E.I. will use formal language and Aemi, at the start is mostly machine but... Or I don't know how about calling it ArtIn and EmIn - it's not as short as AI but it's an alternative =D

So anyway this is sort of issues that I found while playing this version, there is only One game breaking bug, and I think I know how to recreate it. I don't think you'd actually need it (or care) but who knows maybe it's a Blue moon out there!
Oh my.. so many little bugs >_<

But first things first , the game breaking bug is fixed in my dev version and i was planning to release a 0.96 version this weekend. I also fixed some other things regarding the triggering of events when you load a old savegame.

Okay.. and now to the small things :

  • After cutscene with the plant (in free-roam) where Aemi suggest to not use it. If you don't speak with Vivian about using the plant with her, talking to Aemi about "Is there something you want to talk about?" and starting "Plant Threesome" event - the event will NOT TRIGGER! And you'll be stuck with two girls following you around.
Fixed in dev version

  • When Vivian in restraints for the first time her arm is jerking slightly. It's a loop. But the other arm is moving fine.
As for all the animations (especialy the old ones) i will not replace them. Mainly , because i am afraid of breaking the animation as a whole as well as the scripted sound to the animation if i reimport them into my framework.

  • If Aemi is caught right after using Test Machine her mouth remains open. Aemi broke her neck when using motherplant sample, it didn't stick but looked a bit creepy =D
Sometimes the *look at target* script failes because i am using a external script (final IK ) and my script tries to get the gameobject to look at and sometimes failes to do so.

  • Girls still moan even when nothing sexual is happening (I assume it's a sound synchronisation bug) and moaning presists through MANY scenes.
This is due to my framework handles the animations sound , if a new sound is played along with an animation then this sound will be played but if a animation triggers without a sound then the sound will play until the file is finished playing.
Uf.. maybe i can fix this but this is really just a minor issue.

  • After Victor goes to sleep, and Vivan and Aemi are in Observation room/office. There is a cutscene where he says: I'd better Not disturb them. After chatting with Vivian about the Nightmare, she leaves to the same area. But if Victor follows her - the cutscene (I better not disturb THEM) is played.
I was just lazy so you do not follow Vivian when you should go to Aemi in the hangar bay.

  • There is an issue with the tray that holds ring gag in Hydroponics - it's phasing through the table a bit. Just visual bug.
There are many,.. many... many of those things in my game mostly seen with clothes on the characters. I will have a look at this one since it can be fixed easiely.

  • Sometimes when you give girls a collar, it's partially invisible in their hands. Looks like some texture issues.
This is a problem with camera culling , i do not want to set it everytime since i am one my own and this is a minor thing.

  • I noticed few bugged lines in dialog. Sometimes Victor mentions an *action* but it lacks the asetrix. Other times the line of dialog belongs to one character but it is spoken by another character instead. For example: When Victor asks about organic suits there is a line "I really am an open book for you" the window treats it like it's Vivian who said it. Or During the role play interrogation Vivian supposed to say "Snap out of it" to Aemi but instead this line is spoken by Victor.
if(Kerni == Human){
Kerni.DoHumanErrors = True;

  • After winning the VR game and placing the "table" from the Hangar bay, Help instructions remain on the screen. They're gone once you either finish the scene or by placing another item. I also failed to finish the scene by going to the office cuz I skipped the dialog bit. (Maybe there should be a reminder instead?)
I will have a look into my script , i guess i can easely fix this.

  • For some reason Lingerie for Aemi is missing (I think it was there in version .75)
I will test this in my version (dev) maybe i broke a reference.

  • When using the strap-on on Vivian. Aemi who should be standing in Hangar bay by our side is still walking
    around. I assume there was path finder error or something
THis is a AI life error and in my version she stood right next to me in this scene.
I have no idea to be honest since as long as NPC's are mentioned within a VN-event the AI life system will pause.
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Nov 21, 2017
if(Kerni == Human){
Kerni.DoHumanErrors = True;
You're an awesome human who managed to make such huge game by yourself! =D
And remembered to update your fans... unlike some people who work in a large group and not trying to make a single player story...
I understand. (But please spellcheck!)

Fixed in dev version
Okay =)

Mainly , because i am afraid of breaking the animation as a whole as well as the scripted sound to the animation if i reimport them into my framework.
Okay, got it. If it's not broken don't fix =D


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 9, 2017
You're an awesome human who managed to make such huge game by yourself! =D
And remembered to update your fans... unlike some people who work in a large group and not trying to make a single player story...
I understand. (But please spellcheck!)

Okay =)

Okay, got it. If it's not broken don't fix =D

Thank you , but goign through all dialouge woudl take ages (24000 VN frames). So i rather start a new game and leave this to the guys best suited for the job (Pervy and dubsington for example) since iam not a nativ english speaking person.

You should take a look at pervys current spellchecking script in the mod framework , he already fixed some things ^_^


Nov 21, 2017
Oh I thought you could just dump the dialog text in a text file, and then do "Replace all Beeing with Being and Fetisch with Fetish" Silly me. =D Well tome for some mods then =D

(I know that english isn't your first language - you said that. I'm sorry.)

Pervy Rogue

Nov 9, 2016
Oh I thought you could just dump the dialog text in a text file, and then do "Replace all Beeing with Being and Fetisch with Fetish" Silly me. =D Well tome for some mods then =D

(I know that english isn't your first language - you said that. I'm sorry.)
Being the guy doing this, I know its not that simple. Kerni's first spellcheck tool simply compared strings and that is what I am using to go through with a basic spell check tool. Its not easy though, 24630 events with an average of 3 errors per event, most of which are not errors but onomatopoeias.

But, as you mentioned in your earlier post, there are other inconsistencies and I aim to fix those as well with a comprehensive edit using the same tool kerni uses to create events. When we're done, I'll hand it back to Kerni who can decide if he wants to use that for 1.0 or not. We're not always on the same page but I am glad to have his blessing on the edit. I'll be asking him to review it as we hit major milestones on the edit.

If you would like to contribute to the effort, you can find me over in the Discord:


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 9, 2017
Being the guy doing this, I know its not that simple. Kerni's first spellcheck tool simply compared strings and that is what I am using to go through with a basic spell check tool. Its not easy though, 24630 events with an average of 3 errors per event, most of which are not errors but onomatopoeias.

But, as you mentioned in your earlier post, there are other inconsistencies and I aim to fix those as well with a comprehensive edit using the same tool kerni uses to create events. When we're done, I'll hand it back to Kerni who can decide if he wants to use that for 1.0 or not. We're not always on the same page but I am glad to have his blessing on the edit. I'll be asking him to review it as we hit major milestones on the edit.

If you would like to contribute to the effort, you can find me over in the Discord:
Wait a second.. you are still using the old framework o_O?
I thought you would use the new one wich does exchange whole VN frames ?
(Or just the spellchecking if you deactive the full mode injection)

Pervy Rogue

Nov 9, 2016
Wait a second.. you are still using the old framework o_O?
I thought you would use the new one wich does exchange whole VN frames ?
(Or just the spellchecking if you deactive the full mode injection)
Both actually. I could take the time to rip all the strings from the js file that the VN tool provides but why do that when the old, built in one does it just fine. Im talking about the SpellCheck.txt file the game produces from the f3 menu.

What I am doing is a basic spellcheck against that file, or half the file. I pull in my StoryMod.js, then f3, parse out the file into a tab-delimitated file in notepad++, import it into excel, cut one of the columns out, spellcheck that, insert it back in, the parse it back to the way the game uses it. Then take any of the .js files out of the folder, leaving just the prelim spellcheck, load the game with that and create a new StoryEdit.js file to work on. See how easy that was?


Nov 21, 2017
See how easy that was?
Well that sure told me! It's just that file that is created after using F3 during dialogue... I thought what you're doing is mashing F3 all the time making small change, then editing it in as a txt file (in say wordpad) and then reinsert it into the game... Silly me...


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
So, the game is practically complete and only bug fixing and finishing touches remain? Or there's more to be added later?

Pervy Rogue

Nov 9, 2016
Well that sure told me! It's just that file that is created after using F3 during dialogue... I thought what you're doing is mashing F3 all the time making small change, then editing it in as a txt file (in say wordpad) and then reinsert it into the game... Silly me...
lol. Im really not using just that file. Thats just a prelim run to make it just a little easier. A prelim run that last 608 pages in Word.

The real editing then starts in the VN tool. Im not just going through and correcting spelling. English is Kerni's secondary language and there are a lot of inconsistent ways we use english. I'm going through and fully editing at least one third of the entire writing.


Nov 21, 2017
lol. Im really not using just that file. Thats just a prelim run to make it just a little easier. A prelim run that last 608 pages in Word.

I'm going through and fully editing at least one third of the entire writing.
Yeah I figured. Well thank YOU for doing this =D
Again you're also responding - Unlike some *cough* Xmoon *cough* people.

Pervy Rogue

Nov 9, 2016
So, the game is practically complete and only bug fixing and finishing touches remain? Or there's more to be added later?
The game is what most would call feature complete. Im hoping to convince Kerni to hold off on calling it 'done' as in a 1.0 until it can be done with the edit.

Have the changes been significant enough for a second play through?
Use one of the saves to play the last of the content and the free roam. I would however suggest a replay with the edit when done.
4.30 star(s) 57 Votes