? There is literally no magic sequence to get 3 stars in this game... that much is straight forward. I do agree that this is slow as shit and just a couple ass shots a month; so far, nothing special. The most annoying thing is there not being a save, but fortunately (rather unfortunately) there isn't much content where a lack of a save isn't too bad.
If you're having a hard time getting 3 stars just do this combination:
1 star is picking all top, another is picking all bottom, and the third is alternating. <---- story part
For the tasks it's just picking the right outfit for the right task. I don't think there are 3 stars available for all tasks, whether it's bugged or not I dunno, you get the same conversation for some outfits. I just played again real quick and got 3 stars on 2 & 4. I swear I got it on a third one the first time I played, but I could be remembering incorrectly as I haven't reproduced it.