God man, Lily is such an unlikable cunt. Playing through the intro always kills my boner cause I'm just irritated the whole time. I guess people on here just have a high tolerance for bullshit.
Yeah, i really hate how the game frames YOU as being the asshole if you get upset. Lily basically thinks that her machine getting damaged and requiring a few months of work to fix, is equal to your entire identity being erased.
"Hey man, why are you so upset i ran you over? Sure, you might've broken every bone in your body, and are in total agony due to the pain, but i'll have to spend like 100 dollars to get someone to change my front lights and wash your blood off! See? we were equally hurt by this!"
Oh, and then there is also the bit where she promises you a lucrative job but then can't give it because of your body change, so she lands you with a shit entry job that pays almost nothing, and then gets annoyed if you get upset with that aswell, saying that you should be
grateful that she's giving you a job at all.
She promises you the world, then fucks you over and gives you almost nothing at all. And then she has the nerve to say that we're the bad guy for being upset, with the game basically agreeing with her.