I'm fairly new to the community and haven't played a lot of the games here. But this is - for better or worse - one of my favorites. I think I like the potential and the size of the board. It makes me imagine that this game could ultimately be played from any fantasy angle, incorporating any kink. The mod system that can be downloaded has the potential to allow users to add a ton of custom content.
The problem is the number of "placeholders" and incomplete paths. There are entire areas with zero content and little explanation of their place in the story/game. The stats are wild - and with the cheats added in - the player has to keep their head on a swivel to keep from dying of loneliness, exploding from milk production, or winding up "mindbroken" with no clue how to fix it. The clothing system, previously mentioned, is indeed expansive, but ultimately incomplete and inconsequential. NPCs will mention your clothes and nudity can draw LE attention, but other than that just hit your "home" button and awkward situations magically go away.
This is a real up and down playing experience. If you try to mess with the cheats (which you will want to do, lest you die repeatedly) you can totally jank it. The cheats are necessary, but also game-breaking. It is rich and deep in some ways - and it appeals to my own "over-thinking", "Yes-but-whatabout" nature. I think the development suffers from developer kink which makes this game most engaging when you play as "eager to get pregnant." On the one hand, there is a passion for the kink that makes it interesting even for someone (me) who really isn't into that - and the developer has made room for mods to give the player a good bit of control. On the other hand, this leaves everything else kinda partly done, hardly implemented, and puts much of the experience on the player to craft their own.
It's ambitious, but it's like a tree with a lot of baby limbs. Sadly, given the development time put in so far, I have to question whether or not a fleshed out version is something those of us following the game can hope for.