It's a little better now. You can load up the game and try to live, while being hit on by approaching NPCs that you will either date or not date. One weakness to this, is that it does not tell you who is hitting on you. You don't know if the person is attractive or not, and not even reliably whether they are male or female (due to typos). So, it is off the ground, but just barely. As usual with ThaumX, something has appeared but it is sloppy and has errors that are most likely permanent or at least won't be fixed within anyone's lifetime.
While doing this, you can try to seduce the person that you really want, although this is more or less broken as well. If you seduce them up to the point that they make a marriage proposal, you will have to close the game and reload, because that module is entirely broken and cannot advance.
As for deaths, I turn it on the easiest mode, because why do anything else? Of course now that I have said this, the next change will probably make easy a death-fest too.