4.30 star(s) 77 Votes


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
please excuse the long wall of text. i feel like its easier to approach a message when it is segmented and annotative like yours but i'm not entirely sure how to quote messages like that lol.
Oh, I don't know how everyone else does it but I just highlight the part I want to reply to, right-click, then it'll give you the option to either "quote" or "reply" to the highlighted part. Choose reply.

badik is one game on this site that definitely has some significance to me. in terms of the avns i've played, i initally started with those that have visuals made using koikatsu, then honey select, then daz3d. honestly, my first impression of daz visuals was not a plesant one. they seemed uncanny since they lean greatly towards realism, yet most devs here can't fancy themselves 3d artists either. it is already very difficult to capture realism in 3d without the use of cgi and motion capture, but the unnatural movements, physiques and expressions from the characters in some of these games really turned me off for a very long time. badik is the first daz3d avn i'd ever played and its the game that got me accustomed to those types of visuals by maintaining my attention and interest for quite a while. i'd say that this is because the game is undeniably better written than those that update every other week. more effort is put in, more money is invested, the game looks, sounds and reads entirely differently and that was what made me so invested. as the game progresses though, i started feeling as though the writing got dumber for the sake of introducing conflict and manifesting some type of imaginary stakes. personally, bella is one of my all-time favorite characters and the way dpc made mc fumble their date made me cringe so hard it physically hurt. i would've much preferred conflict with bella to arise from the mc's relationship with her BEST FRIEND jill. sure, the internal struggle with her guilt, being a married woman, definitely added character, but it always seemed so strange to me that jill was never even an afterthought, even as far as episode 7. i mean, she did give jill her blessing to pursue mc, yet, she's slowly falling for him herself, while indulging in him intimately.
It's actually the opposite for me. I started playing the ones with Daz and it was the Honey Select stuff that felt weird to me at first. In fact, my preference for Daz really displays itself when I'm willing to break my personal rule of not trying an Early Dev VN until at least "1,000 renders" or 4 updates because well ... shit like this happens. I broke my rule for Acquainted because it looked so good and it was a time where other VNs either were still in their dev cycles or everything else just looked so unappealing in terms of render models and overall render quality.

(Edit: Oh yea, one more thing. I actually enjoy sandboxes ... which really says a lot when I say I didn't like how Ep 9 was just a giant free roam. And yea, haha BADIK's counter-intuitive map navigation is well-known. There are some sandboxes that I just dislike because the dev confuses difficulty with hellishly tedious by leaving out basic QoL features but yea, sandboxes are never usually a minus for me.)

I actually had a conversation with someone else on this site and DPC's writing was briefly mentioned. Basically, DPC is a GREAT writer for self-contained scenes. "Moments", I guess. He really knows how to bring it all together with the dialogue, render posing, music, etc. It's just that in terms of character writing and overall plot, not so much. Honestly, I think one of the major reasons why BADIK is so popular is that it's so nostalgic for a lot of people who've watched American Pie, played games like Bully, and even the tried and true tropes from the late 90s to the early 2000s. (Just look at those old Disney Channel original movies and all that classic whiteboi rock stuff, man the nostalgia hits hard lol). Doesn't have to be too deep but has a certain charm to it that people just don't really see these days.

He makes some pretty questionable decisions when it comes to writing characters and presents an illusion of choice with all the "hidden variables" you can get that don't really change the story but sometimes have a separate render or two. Only to be forced along the predetermined path. The reason why it worked is because he was so good at perfectly writing those old tropes we all like. Even then, it just kind of feels like he phoned it in a little bit for Ep 8 and 9 for some parts. It's a contentious topic so I won't get into it but I hope it doesn't become a trend. It just reminds me of some hack writer for some Netflix show that just inserts pop culture references or current social "blah blah blah, I don't care. I don't want to think about it right now" that makes you roll your eyes.

I don't think the writing got "dumber" regarding what you're referring to. If you really think about it, that's just how he writes in general. LOL. He'll write in a way that makes things feel contrived either for the sake of convenience or because he doesn't know how to create natural conflicts. It's understandable. Too many routes for him to make it something perfectly cohesive. Bella can't have a conflict with MC and Jill if the player isn't playing on MC's route. That's pretty much the problem with what happened at the end of Ep 8 and a little bit into Ep 9. Stuff happens that doesn't really make sense relative to the importance based on what path you're on and DPC just kind of does an ass pull to cover it up. Just to be clear. I really don't mind it. I don't care about the soap opera-level writing because 1. it'd be incredibly difficult to write something different for all the intertwined variables and 2. as long as it still has that fun theme and he just keeps it going rather than taking a year or longer to do it, I'll be too distracted to care.

Instead of "Bella's date sucked and now I have to wait another year at the least for some kind of resolution or excuse for why it sucked" it could be "Bella's date sucked but at least we'll get another episode sometime in the summer with some more distractions and maybe an ass-pulled explanation for what happened". The distractions really aren't as effective when they're so far apart.

what dpc is doing now, is holding onto a habit that he could afford to abandon. it is one that he SHOULD abandon. his first game was a success, his current project is among the best, he really and truly does not need to end each chapter with a dramatic cliff-hanger. at this point, he has enough recognition already, the endings of each chapter should really feel like the ending of a game, it should feel like a closing act, a resolution that provides some degree of catharsis. he should be more confident that people will return, still wanting to know what comes next for our mc and the girls. character development really is too slow and, to a degree, non-existent for some girls. though, i guess that's just what happens when you attempt to introduce so man characters to your game. the analogy you used, comparing the game to fireworks, just works all too well.
Yea, again. I think that's just how he writes, lol. I don't assume he thinks that he needs the cliffhangers. It's just that he wants them lol. It's not so much a habit but rather his core as a writer is being melodramatic. He can't help it. Again, which is fine. It's just, you know, keep em coming damn it. No one's waiting around for some half-assed excuse for what happened to Character B in the last episode. We just want to see the next sparkly thing. It's not a secret that's how he writes. Just look at how he ended Acting Lessons :LOL:.

i wanted to give yuno the benefit of the doubt as well, i was interested in seeing what came next and meeting the characters that were presented in the art, but not yet introduced in-game. the reason i've really been going so hard on the dev is really due to the neglected opportunity. i also feel that a first time developer may not be great at rendering, coding, music or sound design, but if you're gonna be making a visual NOVEL....come on man....take a class in writing :ROFLMAO:
i'm loving these recommendations btw lol. i find it easier to start something entirely new, than to continue a game that i've neglected for a while. i also find it easier to consume content that doesn't take itself too seriously. i mean, i do profusely enjoy literature that presents itself in earnest, but in order to truly affect me, it has to be good. often times, what you get from these devs is barely (if ever) good enough.
maybe i am beating on yuno a bit much.
i am still quite upset about the lack of passion, but when you said "we have no idea how long he took for that one release" i felt a tinge of guilt being so critical of this project. one side of me wants to say "if he took so long then he had ample time to put some good writing into this". that's the hater in me lol. truth is, i definitely understand the amount of time, effort and work that goes into producing something like this and i've gotta give that to him. he likely won't see or read this though, so no harm. i'm still keeping an eye out for the random new title though. i'm not sure exactly when this project was abandoned, but his patreon still looks to be active to me.
Meh, I don't knock him for the writing so much. From what I've seen, Yuno was already well-known for his Daz renders or something (I don't really know. Literally anyone else probably does) and he just thought to make an attempt at a full-blown VN. I'm guessing he took so long because he kept the same hobby-mindset for making 3D renders. Go to work, come home, maybe work on it for an hour, maybe work it on the weekend. I can imagine all the time he wanted to put into it went into working on it. Not so much improving his skills. Honestly, that's fine. If an update suddenly comes out after 2 years or something, I'll still play it (if I'm still playing VNs at that time). It's good as a hobby for him and to make a little beer money from people who make questionable decisions with their money but as a project and potential full-time thing, it's dead in the water. I wouldn't feel guilty about it. It just kind of is what it is. It kind of goes back to judging based on a case-by-case basis. Just change the perspective on to view the project, I guess. Rather than a project someone seriously wants to make into an ongoing thing, it's more like a hobby someone does whenever he has the mind to work on it. This is all my own assumptions, btw. Don't take my word for it. He could be dealing with an 80 hour work week for all I know and really wants to make this work. I'm just assuming based on what I've seen.

i agree with you on your take on the pateon model and the way devs treat it. you really should look at it on a case-by-case basis. i do believe (really and truly) that MOST devs are milkers, because most devs are truly lacking in passion and you see that, not only in their consistency, but in their effort and investment. the writing, the soundtrack, the ui, their interactions with the community, their update and upload schedule etc. crowd funding really does give devs the option of being total waste men, but at the same time, i definitely do see some individuals that show real passion.
as much as people like to poke fun as Lust Fight (and they do. almost bullied him into quitting and he abandoned his games) the guy would still update his game, regardless of how much money he was making. there was a time when the dude literally had 0 subs, still working on his shit. as of rn he's totally stranded with no current ongoing projects and no cash flow from this direction, yet he recently mentioned that he's learning coding to make a new game.
i cannot remember the last time anyone gave that guy money to do anything related to game development. that's gotta be passion and that's definitely a contributing factor to my support.
Luckily(?), Yuno didn't really put out enough shit yet for me to make an accurate judgement on whether he's a milker. The whole vibe just feels so "casual" for it to feel like milking. Although, it doesn't help his case that he hasn't paused Patreon payments. If he was smart about it, at least. He would've rushed something out and make a post every 3 months but this feels like something else.

I'm honestly not sure about how many devs are milkers. I'm just usually averse to calling devs milkers. They might be, I don't know for sure. It's usually just more like a personal assumption I make than something objective. I admittedly just don't pay attention to most games that don't update often. I'm saying this after seeing tens of VNs just sputter out and go into development limbo (which is probably why I'm burnt out). For the ones I do follow, it feels like most of them are making an effort. At least half of them are even decently active on this site.

I think there a handful of devs that I've seen that just go full-blown milking. I'm not talking about the ones that start out with the ambition but whose initial enthusiasm eventually peter out (I feel like most don't know where to take the story after so long). I'm talking about "Yea, we just hired 1000 people!" then take a year to put something out, give an excuse about working with a new "something-or-other" but say they've got the hang of it now, and then still take just as much time even though there's apparently a whole-ass team working on it.

Yea, if a dev really shows passion. You really can't help but root for the game and the dev. I'm also kind of the opposite. I don't really like trying anything new. Especially if it's early dev (which is why I usually wait). 9 out of 10 times, it usually has terrible or no proofreading. A few updates come out and then ... it's abandoned.

Also, ay yo! Another fan.
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Reactions: Neko-Chan Pacifica

Neko-Chan Pacifica

Active Member
Jul 6, 2021
its sad to see this game become abandoned I actually high hopes it wouldn't, the graphics and models are just beautiful. I can guarantee that out of 100 vn's on my ssd, 90
5 or more have become abandoned which id really annoying to say the least.
  • Sad
Reactions: gentlemanclub


Jul 25, 2020
its sad to see this game become abandoned I actually high hopes it wouldn't, the graphics and models are just beautiful. I can guarantee that out of 100 vn's on my ssd, 90
5 or more have become abandoned which id really annoying to say the least.
same here brother and I can't even pinpoint why the dev started their projects just to abandon them. Were they planning to make it big with their projects in a short amount of time? Or simply just wanted to make a quick buck and see what happens.
Sep 3, 2020
same here brother and I can't even pinpoint why the dev started their projects just to abandon them. Were they planning to make it big with their projects in a short amount of time? Or simply just wanted to make a quick buck and see what happens.
if the game gets abandoned it really sucks but I can understand that life happens but to go radio silent without giving us even an explanation

and I don't know if something happened to Yuno Gasai because I know him personally Yuno is a brother and I never thought he would do something like this

I hope Yuno is all right
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Active Member
Feb 25, 2020
if the game gets abandoned it really sucks but I can understand that life happens but to go radio silent without giving us even an explanation

and I don't know if something happened to Yuno Gasai because I know him personally Yuno a brother and I never thought he would do something like this

I hope Yuno all right
yeah hope nothing happened to Yuno, but that's not gonna stop me from being a pessimist, could just be a successful case of the dev wanting money, getting the money, dev has gone, some cases, if the dev isn't satisfied with the money coming in the game gets abandoned so they usually make the game look really good to draw in money on 1st release, pretty sure yuno had patrons before posting this game from the wallpapers and custom renders crowd, I mean yuno managed to get an RTX 4090 so hopefully didn't just bail on this after getting it, which would suck. if anything this is all thanks to the suckers who throw money at a 1st release because it's pretty.
Sep 3, 2020
yeah hope nothing happened to Yuno, but that's not gonna stop me from being a pessimist, could just be a successful case of the dev wanting money, getting the money, dev has gone, some cases, if the dev isn't satisfied with the money coming in the game gets abandoned so they usually make the game look really good to draw in money on 1st release, pretty sure yuno had patrons before posting this game from the wallpapers and custom renders crowd, I mean yuno managed to get an RTX 4090 so hopefully didn't just bail on this after getting it, which would suck. if anything this is all thanks to the suckers who throw money at a 1st release because it's pretty.
don't get me wrong yuno has always been bad at communication

and he was definitely wrong going radio silent without a word

but I know yuno he was not doing it for the money

yuno is not like that

but my brother you have every right to be upset and so am I


Apr 27, 2018
Oh, I don't know how everyone else does it but I just highlight the part I want to reply to, right-click, then it'll give you the option to either "quote" or "reply" to the highlighted part. Choose reply.
i've learned something here :WeSmart:

I actually enjoy sandboxes
you're an alien LOL. i see your point though, often times devs don't make use of what makes a sandbox good and only use it to pad out playtime and make their game seem to have more than what's really there. i do understand that it is necessary in some cases though. when it comes to omitting certain events and allowing for the freedom to engage in varied activities, in no particular order, a sandbox could come in handy for sure. it still needs to be intuitive though.
I actually had a conversation with someone else on this site and DPC's writing was briefly mentioned. Basically, DPC is a GREAT writer for self-contained scenes. "Moments", I guess. He really knows how to bring it all together with the dialogue, render posing, music, etc. It's just that in terms of character writing and overall plot, not so much. Honestly, I think one of the major reasons why BADIK is so popular is that it's so nostalgic for a lot of people who've watched American Pie, played games like Bully, and even the tried and true tropes from the late 90s to the early 2000s. (Just look at those old Disney Channel original movies and all that classic whiteboi rock stuff, man the nostalgia hits hard lol). Doesn't have to be too deep but has a certain charm to it that people just don't really see these days.
i can understand this appeal tbh. even though i'm of an entirely different time and origin, badik was still able to make me experience some nostalgia, just based off the visual aesthetics and the music totally carried. i haven't gotten as far in as you have, but if the writing later on is anything like you've described, i can't say i'm too excited to get into it. i haven't played acting lessons myself so badik was my introduction to his writing. i do feel as though some of the conflict is scripted well enough, but even to the standard i hold him at, others fall short. i think the difference in how we perceive the plot is due to the timespan over which we watch it unfold. i'm not caught up. never have been, i've never waited for an update from badik and so i immediately see the resolution to the conflict that supposedly too soooo long to write that there needed to be how many ever months between updates. honestly, i feel like i'd want to be even more disappointed if i had to wait, but at the same time, i understand just having the desire for more content be satiated. i just hate getting the feeling that i'm taking a creator's work more seriously than they are themselves. melodrama is all good and well but change is to be expected when a creator learns, grows and develops their technique. its easy to say this is his style of writing, but if this has persisted for years, unchanged, could you say that he's gotten any better at this?

Meh, I don't knock him for the writing so much. From what I've seen, Yuno was already well-known for his Daz renders or something (I don't really know. Literally anyone else probably does) and he just thought to make an attempt at a full-blown VN. I'm guessing he took so long because he kept the same hobby-mindset for making 3D renders. Go to work, come home, maybe work on it for an hour, maybe work it on the weekend. I can imagine all the time he wanted to put into it went into working on it. Not so much improving his skills. Honestly, that's fine. If an update suddenly comes out after 2 years or something, I'll still play it (if I'm still playing VNs at that time). It's good as a hobby for him and to make a little beer money from people who make questionable decisions with their money but as a project and potential full-time thing, it's dead in the water. I wouldn't feel guilty about it. It just kind of is what it is. It kind of goes back to judging based on a case-by-case basis. Just change the perspective on to view the project, I guess. Rather than a project someone seriously wants to make into an ongoing thing, it's more like a hobby someone does whenever he has the mind to work on it. This is all my own assumptions, btw. Don't take my word for it. He could be dealing with an 80 hour work week for all I know and really wants to make this work. I'm just assuming based on what I've seen.
yuno has been doing 3d rendering for a while now, i looked into it some time ago and i am willing to believe this was really just a shot in an alternate direction. while i do find it bothersome to think that he never did take his project too seriously, a major gripe for most people would be the fact that he crowd funded a "passion" project that he saw going nowhere. the patreon, the subscribestar, the itch.io, the tiers and promises, all false pretense. that's not at all a good look, but the majority will be more forgiving, i've noticed that.

Luckily(?), Yuno didn't really put out enough shit yet for me to make an accurate judgement on whether he's a milker. The whole vibe just feels so "casual" for it to feel like milking. Although, it doesn't help his case that he hasn't paused Patreon payments. If he was smart about it, at least. He would've rushed something out and make a post every 3 months but this feels like something else.

I'm honestly not sure about how many devs are milkers. I'm just usually averse to calling devs milkers. They might be, I don't know for sure. It's usually just more like a personal assumption I make than something objective. I admittedly just don't pay attention to most games that don't update often. I'm saying this after seeing tens of VNs just sputter out and go into development limbo (which is probably why I'm burnt out). For the ones I do follow, it feels like most of them are making an effort. At least half of them are even decently active on this site.

I think there a handful of devs that I've seen that just go full-blown milking. I'm not talking about the ones that start out with the ambition but whose initial enthusiasm eventually peter out (I feel like most don't know where to take the story after so long). I'm talking about "Yea, we just hired 1000 people!" then take a year to put something out, give an excuse about working with a new "something-or-other" but say they've got the hang of it now, and then still take just as much time even though there's apparently a whole-ass team working on it.

Yea, if a dev really shows passion. You really can't help but root for the game and the dev. I'm also kind of the opposite. I don't really like trying anything new. Especially if it's early dev (which is why I usually wait). 9 out of 10 times, it usually has terrible or no proofreading. A few updates come out and then ... it's abandoned.

Also, ay yo! Another fan.
i don't mean to say he's a milker either, some people in this thread seem to have a good impression of the guy and he's been consistent with 3d for a while now. i only mean to say that the majority being milkers makes this leave a bad impression on most people. at least, that's how i feel about it. i pay pretty close attention to the way devs work (i feel like many people would agree that being a creator for a living is an appealing idea so i envy them). your boy yuno got his rtx card, rendering on a whole other level right now, you'd think this would be the worst possible time for him to quit or go on hiatus but idk about the life he lives. either way though, i've followed too many devs that have been working on the same project seemingly indefinitely. on your last point, i feel like most people will refrain from trying new projects for reasons similar to your own, and for that reason, early/new developers don't see enough growth to remain committed to their project, which in turn, contributes to sudden abandonment. its a vicious cycle.
i see most developers only play the games that they're good at, can't close the story that they've been dragging on, way too uninspired


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
i've learned something here :WeSmart:

you're an alien LOL. i see your point though, often times devs don't make use of what makes a sandbox good and only use it to pad out playtime and make their game seem to have more than what's really there. i do understand that it is necessary in some cases though. when it comes to omitting certain events and allowing for the freedom to engage in varied activities, in no particular order, a sandbox could come in handy for sure. it still needs to be intuitive though.
Haha, idk man. I like the feeling of "making progress" instead of reading along with a story sometimes. It's a nice change of pace. There are for sure a few devs who do sandboxes correctly. I still for the most part like BADIK's free roams. They add a touch of immersion because it feels like you're actually controlling the player. It's just that it gets really fucking tedious when you're doing multiple runs. Having to do the same shit over and over again but also keeping in mind minute choices you need to make in order to get alternate lines or maybe a scene that ultimately don't actually affect the story, makes it a real slog. Started getting tedious in Ep 7 at the HOTs party free roam. Then Ep 9 was 90% to 95% that.

i haven't gotten as far in as you have, but if the writing later on is anything like you've described, i can't say i'm too excited to get into it
Well, it's not that blatant (for the most part). It just feels like a general trend that's creeping in like he's run out of ideas on how to write dialogue for some scenes. There are VNs that are a lot worse than that. Ones that make you think the writer is somehow embarrassed to be working on an AVN and they feel the need to beat you over the head with stuff. Or almost like they just have no business writing because they have no style of their own and they have no "voice". DPC has a voice. It's just that I noticed a little bit here and there it starting to get more generic.

Honestly, I'd say just try them. Don't take my word for it. Plus, you can avoid the pain of waiting over a year for Ep 9 so it might work a little better. There's also no harm in waiting for Ep 10. We'll hopefully get it before December (knock on wood). Ep 8 was supposed to make "major changes", Interlude was nice and I liked Zoey but felt like a waste of time, Ep 9 in relation to Ep 8 felt like it did some backtracking in some parts or no real progress was made for the story. It just kind of felt like cleaning up after Ep 8 while also having to handle the Halloween Party that had been delayed for over 2 years at that point (Most people assumed that we were going to get the Halloween Party in Ep 8 so there was a lot of built-up anticipation).

i haven't played acting lessons myself so badik was my introduction to his writing. i do feel as though some of the conflict is scripted well enough, but even to the standard i hold him at, others fall short. i think the difference in how we perceive the plot is due to the timespan over which we watch it unfold. i'm not caught up. never have been, i've never waited for an update from badik and so i immediately see the resolution to the conflict that supposedly too soooo long to write that there needed to be how many ever months between updates. honestly, i feel like i'd want to be even more disappointed if i had to wait, but at the same time, i understand just having the desire for more content be satiated. i just hate getting the feeling that i'm taking a creator's work more seriously than they are themselves. melodrama is all good and well but change is to be expected when a creator learns, grows and develops their technique. its easy to say this is his style of writing, but if this has persisted for years, unchanged, could you say that he's gotten any better at this?
Acting Lessons was his first VN and it wasn't bad (except for the ending lol). You can try it but if anything, I feel like DPC was even more melodramatic in that one. You could say he's improved since then in that regard.

Oh, yea. For sure, dude. Up until Ep 9, I was actively waiting for new updates. It gives you a lot of time to think about shit that doesn't make sense or is just kind of corny. Plus, you get to see others point those things out as well. You can still probably catch up. In that regard, it might be best to just wait a little longer. Ep 10 will most likely be released within the next few months anyway. So when you think about it, it's probably better to take your time. And again, Ep 9 didn't really do much to move the story forward. It was mostly 1. Ep 8 cleanup 2. Zoey's here, guys. Yay. and 3. The Halloween Party everyone waited over 2 years for. To be honest, it was a lot on DPC's plate to deliver on all that but at the same time he kind of did it to himself.

Hmm, I can't really think of any other solo dev/dev team who's has as obsessed and passionate about their game as DPC is towards BADIK. It sounds contradictory because I know I said he seems like he's losing interest but I feel like that was only a recent thing I started thinking. For the most part, he's been fully committed to the game and took it incredibly seriously. It was only for Ep 9 that I felt like something broke, like he was kind of burnt out.

Gotten better at writing? Meh, kinda. It's at least better than Acting Lessons. For everything else: character posing, render quality, game features, soundtrack arrangement, sheer number of renders and animations, etc. Yes. You could argue that DPC chose to "level up" other aspects of VN development while writing was mostly just marginally improved upon after getting more experience.

There's an argument that it's not so much his writing that takes a long time. It's everything else that eats up the bulk of time. In which case, DPC is still to blame because he doesn't really know when to just stop, make some compromises, and release the update. Which is why I say DPC has a lot of passion. It's like on the level of some kind of "artist" who can't make compromises for his "vision". It's just that, that passion is usually seen directed towards a bunch of pedantic crap nobody asked for.

I think at the very end, once BADIK is all finished, it's going to be a pretty cool game with a lot of bells and whistles no other dev has included in one, whole project. Only that comes at expense of an ongoing story with substance.

It's like, no one who plays the final version from beginning to end is going to complain about the lacking story when it feels like a cinematic experience and there all these intricate features included. On the flipside, those who are following along will just be filled with frustration at a story that just goes in circles while the dev is more worried about shining the pebbles on the side of the road instead of the actual road.

yuno has been doing 3d rendering for a while now, i looked into it some time ago and i am willing to believe this was really just a shot in an alternate direction. while i do find it bothersome to think that he never did take his project too seriously, a major gripe for most people would be the fact that he crowd funded a "passion" project that he saw going nowhere. the patreon, the subscribestar, the itch.io, the tiers and promises, all false pretense. that's not at all a good look, but the majority will be more forgiving, i've noticed that.
Yea, I kinda wish I knew what happened there to definitively tell. Was it that from the start or did he really have the drive and was too overwhelmed to continue? For the latter, I've experienced something similar so I can sympathize. I guess only Yuno himself would know. Plus, him treating it like a hobby is just my assumption so I'd take that with a grain of salt.

i don't mean to say he's a milker either, some people in this thread seem to have a good impression of the guy and he's been consistent with 3d for a while now. i only mean to say that the majority being milkers makes this leave a bad impression on most people. at least, that's how i feel about it.
Yea, I feel that. This was essentially a first impression for (from?) him. He kinda bunked it up.

your boy yuno got his rtx card, rendering on a whole other level right now, you'd think this would be the worst possible time for him to quit or go on hiatus but idk about the life he lives.
Poss. Maybe he just couldn't handle everything else that goes into a VN. Render posing, writing, etc. Also, look at DPC. He's got a whole army of machines dedicated to rendering and it's been currently 9 months since Ep 9. Plus, Yuno had some high quality renders from the start. It's like a stupid loop. Devs say they're going to upgrade graphics cards to chug shit out faster, upgrades, then proceed to work on higher quality renders that cancel out the time that was apparently going to be saved. In most cases, taking even longer actually.

either way though, i've followed too many devs that have been working on the same project seemingly indefinitely. on your last point, i feel like most people will refrain from trying new projects for reasons similar to your own, and for that reason, early/new developers don't see enough growth to remain committed to their project, which in turn, contributes to sudden abandonment. its a vicious cycle.
i see most developers only play the games that they're good at, can't close the story that they've been dragging on, way too uninspired
True, but I feel like that's just a natural filter. Not always for sure because there are good games that get abandoned due to lack of support. But for the most part, the good ones are going to break out and gain traction. There's usually some kind of hook or incredible renders. Something that sets it apart from being one of the countless, generic ones. Self-marketing also helps a fuck ton. Just look at FreshWomen.

Also, I think there are still people who try games on first release. I think they're also kind of starved for something good because of all those games that just drag on and on with the original spark kind of faded out now.

It's definitely a vicious cycle but I feel like I'm not wrong. It kind of relates back to what you said about passion. If a dev isn't fully committed to at least make it to a certain threshold (4 complete updates or 1,000 static renders) despite not gaining traction, seems like that's the dev's problem and it was most likely never going to be finished anyway.
Also, not in all cases but most if the proofreading is shit or the game itself is shit. It pretty much stays that way. It sounds harsh but I think that's the case. Usually the ones who have gone past that initial "Early Dev" stage are good and the ones that never make it out aren't. I think my personal rule usually works. Just look at Yuno. A fuck ton of initial popularity only for a first release and now we're here...

Which is why I try to tell people about smaller creators who've got some really good stuff, have a decent amount of updates, and have the resolve to keep chugging along.


Jun 17, 2020
Okey, now i am starting to wonder what's realy going on?!
Acquinted & The Grey Dream. One of the characters there looks alot like a character here.

From what i see now from both games i'm starting to think that both games are made by the same person, with two different accounts, but the other one isnt Abandoned yet this one is.
Both also started around augustus 2022.
If the creator here could reply pretty please, for now i am kinda hoping that ya are the same person, and will continu this story once ur done with that other one. and i think the rest also hopes the same, for that means that eventualy there is still some hope that the story will continu :D

But sorry in advance if ur not the same person.
Greetings Riggnarock


Jun 27, 2022
Damn. While it should come as a surprise to no one to see this game abandoned, the fact Milky City got an update one month later is really ironic. God of Porn what a twisted humor you have. :unsure:
your comment are funny but, idk what to feel about your signatures
and im not in the mood to read all of the thing above there.
  • Haha
Reactions: The Krogan Dude


Sep 17, 2018
And this is why I've almost stopped even downloading games until they get 3-4 updates.
So many abandoned VNs lately, it's starting to get a bit silly.

Not to mention onslaught of AI CG ones, which have bare minimum amount of content and never see 2nd update.
A shame for this one, it did feel interesting.


Jul 6, 2018
It was obvious that it would not end well, we told you, a problem that these games have is that because they have good renders and a good story, people let the dev do what they want and another example of that is Slim from the awakening who since 2021 has only He improved the prologue and didn't continue the story at all but his subscribers won't stop sucking his dick


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I want to give the developer the benefit of the doubt
But he hasn't said anything on patreon since may
Even just a quick post saying it's abandoned would be enough imo
It's when devs just disappear that I'm disappointed the most

Stuff like that just hurts other devs too
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