VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Acting Lessons [v1.0.2] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic story telling, i ended up playing the game not for the lewd scenes but to the see where the story ended. There is multiple endings to explore and fantastic and well developed characters to interact with, in terms of lewd content i would say its not the best game ive played on here however the story is a 10/10 compared to other games.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 326553

    I thought the game was really good. I wish Rena had more story and focus though I really liked her. I wish you weren't forced to be dating Megan for most of the game she was probably my least favorite out of the three girls main girls. Liam was hilarious too.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Duke Leo

    Wow! I've enjoyed Adult VNs since the early 2000s and this title changed my entire perspective on their potential. Of all of the games where you can attempt to go the distance with two women simultaneously, this game is one of the only ones where a poly/harem ending truly seems organic and realistic.

    I laughed, I cried, I wanked it. This was an amazing game!
    Likes: NAYAD
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, one day I was playing Being a DIK and I was obsessed with the game, so an idea came to my mind, why not try Dr. Pink Cake's other game? So, I downloaded acting lessons, with medium expectations when it came to his 1st game. At first the game was normal, but when the story was unfolding, I got so caught up in the story, I felt like I was living it, it was an incredible experience to play this game, the development of the story is wonderful, the possibility to choose the traits is brilliant, the girls are hot and beautiful, Liam is a fuckin legend, the idea of introducing him and the fraternity (DIK) was fantastic, the endings are awesome, everything about this game is perfect, Dr. Pink Cake is a genius, I will definitely support this guy. One day I was silly with being a dik being so good and I thought no game was going to beat him, but there is acting lessons, the best game in that style I've ever played, Incredible.
    But please don't make me choose to save between Maya and Josy at BaDIK and the one I don't choose dies kkkkk
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    WOW. I have never left a review on here before, but this game absolutely blew me away. I was skeptical that I would, reading others' reviews, but.. I experienced the entire gamut of emotions. Extremely well done. One of the best games (the best one?) I have played - not just on this site, but across mediums. Well done, DrPinkCake.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This is quite an emotional rollercoaster, and while there are sex scenes, I actually didn't jack it once because I wanted to get on with the story. There will be endless SPOILERS BELOW because I want to explain the journey I went on as how I would have rated the game fluctuated a fair bit.

    So first up the boring bits: The game looks amazing, there's a range of pretty girls, the renders are great, there's lots of images so rather than people being frozen in place as you talk to them it felt more connected, fitting music, etc. That would normally lead to me saying the game is well polished, and it is in those regards, but, especially considering it 's a completed release, I really wan't expecting it to crash as often as it did, I've played a bunch of unfinished games and never had them completely close down like that, but thankfully you could just load up the last autosave and skip to where you got to.

    So. I started this as I would any game on this site... telling everyone I wanted to date them and trying to fuck every lady I could. But this isn't some kinda corruption/blackmail/harem/rapey game so that hit me a bit wrong. I'd learnt that Liam was a great dude (and some stuff later on made me even happier I'd taken this approach) and I liked Melissa (not just because she was the prettiest but I also liked her and wanted to take care of her, quite unlike Meghan), so I decided to restart focusing on those 2...

    And this is where my problems with the game began. I decided not to offer Meghan help, but she shows up on my doorstep anyway, fair enough, then when my bro is telling me off for sleeping with Melissa there's no option to say it's not cheating because I'm not going to pursue Meghan. Despite choosing every non-relationshipy option I could I had to end up dating Meghan, even when turning down other girls I had to say it was to be faithful to her. I really hated this. Having my character say and do the opposite of what I want was just a crappy frustrating experience, at that point the game would have been a 2 in my mind.
    So I somehow end up in a threeway relationship with the understanding there'll be a big upcoming talk and I'll have to choose, so this has dragged out too long, I'm exicted to finally get rid of Meghan ... turns out even in that conversation I don't have the choice to do it.
    I feel this Meghan aspect was completely forced on me just to try to make a later event particularly dramatic, but honestly I was rather relieved by that point.

    So why am I giving it 4 stars? Because the game ended up being much more about my relationship to Liam for me. I love that guy, and wish I had a friend as good as that in my life. I was genuinely laughing at all the shit he'd do, and as the game went on I just got happier and happier about my decision to try and always be the best friend to him that I could before anything else. Also I didn't see the ending twist coming, I'm not sure how necessary it was, but it was at least unexpected.

    So yeah, great graphics and music, some crashes, a forced relationship that frustrated, but a damn good friend to get some laughs and hang out with... and I ultimately got an ending I could live with too and am writing this with a warm fuzzy glow... which kinda makes me not want to see what happens if I go back and change some of those choices because I get the feeling that it has the potential to all go horribly wrong.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First another amazing game by DrPinkCake the characters are all very sexy and the male supporting character is funny and improves the story. The story its self is very well written and leaves a lasting impact on you on how the characters react and change. The H scenes are top tier and get the job done well support the game and the creator if possible and check out there other projects you wont be disappointed
    Story 5-5
    H scenes 5-5
    Characters 5-5
    Dialogue 5-5
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say I've no words for how surprised this game left me. I started with one reason... but this game showed me so much good things i didnt expect.

    It give the story of life is strange a run for his money. Srlys, I love Life is Strange, but this game was yet more.

    I gonna go to my second run, and when i find better words to make a better review, maybe I back.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very good, but imo does lack that little push to make it great.

    The story is great. Extremely well done and in depth. Characters have a lot of personality and background. It almost feels as if you are watching a movie rather than playing a porn game. You can tell the creator tried really hard to make characters you would get to like and maybe even feel for as the story progressed.

    The main problem with this game imo is the porn factor. Although the sex scenes are plenty and decent, be prepared for some subpar animations that look like sexdolls trying to have sex. The models are also lacking, not in detail but rather in design. Some girls just look like they are made out of plastic while others are just lacking attractiveness. Ex: what is up with melissa's demonic /alien eyes? why does the crazy red haired girl look so inhuman? why is the main girl so plain looking?

    Great game, but DrPinkCake has another masterpiece porn game that makes this game look like a beta version, which has raised the bar so high that this game no longer deserves 5 stars in my opinion.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Best VN I've played by far. Wanting to explore the experience I journeyed through each ending... And even when skipping through most of what I had played, the music and images flitted by reminding me and making me sentimental again.

    Outstanding from beginning to end... The whole of it flows together so well that the story stirs and stays within you. If you find your heart swelling even a little for the characters, wishing you knew some of them in real life - well, we can start a club.

    Thank you for this gift, DrPinkCake.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the story, the characters, everything until I finished my playthrough. Then the entirety turned to ash as a single fucking date in the early chapters invalidated the entire thing. A singular date set as a trap that despite not being attached ruined the playthrough entirely.

    Not sure what kinda sadistic sob the creator is but fuck him, his game, and the horse he rode in on.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, this was my first AVN. It showed up in my recommended because of the positive reviews. I dismissed it since my first thought was that it'd be some cheesy bone-o-rama.

    Then it was on sale during christmas and I thought: "eh, it's only a few bucks"

    It turned out to be a great decision. It's been one of the best games I've ever played regarding the story.
    I can't grasp how it hooked me in. Of course there are adult scenes, but they are well put in the story. Most can be skipped and the few that aren't are brought in such a manner that they add to the story.

    This is a game for people who consider story over pleasure and they will not be dissapointed.

    The game adresses some serious topics and could trigger those who have been in similar situations.

    I do praise the artists integrity in telling his story and not be influenced by any comments. Although I would've preferred he'd gave some alternates, the certain events are fixed. Only the aftermath of influenced by your decisions, for better or worse.

    Some may consider the story telling techniques used cheap or forced, but to each his own. They worked for me.

    I've read somewhere he's thinking about DLC to show a little more background of the characters, something that would have my consideration.

    After a few playtroughs I feel like my first playtrough was the most sincere one. The other were curiosity and achievement hunting.

    This game is something else. I never would have bought it unless it showed up in my recommended. Some characters have I tie in with another AVN, Retrieving the past. I looked for that one and that one was exactly what I expected this game to be. That one focused on the adult themes, this one focused on the story.

    You could leave the adult scenes out of this one and still have a great game with an excellent story

    This game is a rare gem. I bought it for the lulz but it's story gripped me and moved me.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    so i finished this game(i played BADIK first and been curious about this one) just now and man, dr pink cake knows how to make an excellent adult visual novel. great characters and content/story). (y)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This situation is similar when you watch the first made movie from a cult status director. There are signs about the editor's great talent but movie is not perfect. Two main things was not comfortable for me. First is a character who is not avoidable so you must be in relationship with her. Second is a repeatable bug which force the the game to quit. Whitout autosave it could be worse but also annoying. If you can deal with problems like that you can reach a fantastic deep story about friendship and relationship with girls. Also get meaningful endings I tried all route.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, not sticking mainly to the topic of sex. An amazing role-playing game, surprising, the more we delve into history. Characters in the game are very well written in terms of personality.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a masterpiece, I have played several games from this site but I really believe that this is one of the best.
    Good render,nice animation...
    the story flowed full of emotion, draining tears...
    Oh Fuck!!


    but pleaseeee don't make ENDING like this in ur other games!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Goddamnit. I mean, this reflects how life is. Decisions, mistakes, no take-backs and living with the regrets that come with it..

    I loved this game - but it really brought up how much I hate how unfair life is.
    I hate how beauty cant ever just be left alone to remain beautiful. Why must we suffer like this, all the time? Why must the beautiful things always be sullied? Why must they always end? Just once. I would like to experience something that is never ruined. Just one fucking time!.. Please.

    ..Look at me. Shouting my frustration and sadness into the void on a forum like this. Which is really the testament of this game. It succeeded in portraying how unforgiving the world is and how beauty is but embers in the air we chase in an ever futile search for a place of happiness, meaning or fulfillment.. call it what you will. It's all temporary no matter how much we wish it weren't so.

    Most often we play games to escape this reality.
    But what we really deep down need might be just what this game did.

    To provoke reflection and confront the players with gutwrenching truths about who we are and what life really is like instead of what we wish it were.

    I'm so goddamn sad right now. But also maybe.. a bit better for it. Thank you Dr. PinkCake.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    i mean what can i say about this game. Easily the best VN ive ever played. The story, the characters, everything is incredible. Going back to play it after about a six months cause i've only just recovered from my first playthrough.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a truly exceptional game.
    Well constructed and engaging plot, topped with twists and emotional roller coasters.
    Credible, well-described, coherent and captivating characters.
    Obviously the girls are beautiful, the animations well done and the renders breathtaking.
    One of the few games in which the male character, who is not the MC, is nice and useful in a positive way for the continuation of the game.

    I highly recommend playing with it and trying all the possible endings!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I can not recommend this game enough.

    I remember the first time I played Life is Strange. I was going through a hard time in my life and during the climax of episode three, I lost my first girlfriend because we were separated and stopped nourishing the love we had. That game got me choked up.

    This game, it speaks as if to me personally. It is the only game where I stayed up until 4:00AM playing so that I may continue to progress through the story, then after getting less than 4 hours of sleep, coming back the next night to and playing through until 12:30AM just to complete and write a review for. This game got me choked up and never before have I been so close to tears from a video game. For years now, LiS has been my #1 game of all time, however I think this game, an adult game, has taken that spot.

    The characters are more intricate and deep than some people I know in real life. The story has twists and turns that always manage to keep you wanting to continue. You first ending will almost definitely have you wanting to replay for a different, better ending, as I plan to do after finishing this.

    I don't know where whoever wrote the story behind this game got their inspiration from but to them, keep writing, please! You are insanely talented and I have never wanted a sequel more. Especially with the ending I got.