VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Acting Lessons [v1.0.2] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    this might be one of the most underrated visual novels out there. I highly recommend you actually read the dialogue and not skip to the sex scenes
    the story is good. the sex scenes are great and the girls are really beautiful
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Sometimes it's hard to write a review for some of the games that I play because usually there's not enough substance to write about. Acting lessons is a slap in the face, it is brutal and unkind, it is realistic and harsh, a place where love and loss walk hand in hand on the boulevard of broken dreams. It has excellent replay value, the storylines are excellent, the artwork is fantastic, characters put together so well that you can't help but come back for more of the sadism.

    Having known loss, experienced some of the traumas and had to suffer the excruciating therapy similar to what the MC has to go through, I can deeply relate.

    Hands down, 5 stars.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story
    big impact with decisions and a very helpful hint system
    many turns of events (a bit too much for my taste)
    sometimes amazing tension and sometimes obvious plot twist

    All in all an amazing experience, if you like story, drama, romance, less for the porn-oriented people who want a quick wank
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    While BADIK was okay, the people told me the developer made another game before that one so I gave it a go.

    I missed out...

    This game is really good.
    Where to start from. Beautiful girls, perfect story emotional great twist, great mystery, the game had me in tears like a little kid... I LOVED IT, where was the last time any adult game made you feel anything aside getting hard? Yep, though as much. It's a hard thing to find, especially in adult games.

    Renders are really high quality, music is great, pacing is perfect.... its one of those things when everything just falls down to its place either randomly or by design and everything just fucking works perfectly.

    A really good VN with a complex and emotional story.

    Definitely 5/5
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played dozens of games on this site since I joined but none of them ever made me care for the characters in the game. I prefer to stay detached so I can enjoy all aspects of what the developer has to offer. This game on the other hand didn't just hit me in the feels. It took a giant sledgehammer and pounded them into oblivion. The story is extremely well written and so are the main characters. It really made me pause and think before taking the choices before me at each turn. The character renders are also brilliant. The only thing that I think can improve this game even more IMO is refining the sex animations but that is in no way a dealbreaker. If for some reason you haven't played this game, give it a chance. I "guaran-damn-tee" you won't regret it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've actually played some of Being A DIK before playing this one so I was super amused to see mentions of the DIKs in the dialogue. What I really like about this is that it's actually a story with adult elements and not just porn scenes one after the other slapped with a plot to even attempt to justify it. I like how the trait has a noticeable effect on the dialogue progression and choices. It adds more to the already great replay value of the game. I actually tried to replay for all main routes and ending skits. My personal ranking would be Melissa > Megan > Rena. I would personally recommend playing Megan's route first. Doing so gives more context and weight to the drama in the other two routes especially Melissa's. My only gripe was that the skip function would stop for some animations. Nevertheless, it is an excellent game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    absolutly brilliant Game! nice ...funny...erotik and a really wonderful story... mixed with a lot of sex... OMFG im in Love!
    thanks for the Game...
    i already played it 3 times with different joices.... and im willing to start a 4th time :-D
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The game set of to a great start but keeps on falling in each episode.
    The Renders and sex scene are good but story is not suitable for a game
    This game seems to me more like a comics than an actual game to me the reason this is simple the developer just forces Megan on the MC's lap whether you like it for not and it wouldn't have bothered me as much if i could ignore her or the romance option wasn't FORCED upon us MC will get romantically involved with Megan whether you like it or not and for me Meagan's character model is my least favorite of all even Leah was better choice than this
    and now if you want any other girl you will have to cheat (even if you dont call it cheating it is still hiding the truth) and this is not a harem game and so the consequence of that cheating is brought down upon us which was setup from the start
    Now to the Biggest Problem of this game the Protagonist or the Main Character-:(:mad:
    Where to even start with him? He is the Biggest Dumbest Retard i have came across in any game.
    1- He is stated to be strong(in athlete trait) who can hold his own against others if the fight is one on one . but throughout the game from start to finish he gets his ass handed to him by a Robber, Dick(Rena's Boyfriend) and the Ladies come to help and save his ass .
    2- He is stated to be smart as he got so much money and got retired way too early but he is such a moron that he cant fucking feel even the tiniest of sensation that the Main Villain of the game is Stalking him for day everywhere he goes ? And for the sake of it even if we let this slide ,

    There were 2 assaults in his home 1 of which was life threatening involving a gun for god sake and INSTEAD TO TAKING COUNTERMEASURES SO THAT SOMETHING LIKE THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN like taking police protection or installing security systems in the house MC SAYS "YOU KNOW WHAT HE GOT HIS THING BACK SO HE PROBABLY WONT COME BACK" and automatically assumes he and the girls are safe.

    This game would have been good if the Death was due to some accident in which he had to choose who to save but the drama was forced in such an unnatural and illogical way that it refused to go down my throat .
    People seem to love it thinking this game is thrilling and has nice story but the game totally FAILS as a game. and the story sucks because of a lot of problems with it.If it was a fantasy or the Villain was a Spy or an Agent then i could understand. That spy shit was something that author totally pulled out of his ass with out setting any backstory for the villain.

    I hope your Storytelling gets improved with your future games DrPinkCake.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Choices definitely carry over. Animations aren't the tip of the iceberg, but the characters (those of which can be romanced) are all very lovable and endearing.

    Liam is also the best best friend character in a VN. Period. Truly a homie for life.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    This is by far the single most disappointing game I've played here.

    The game starts off very strong and it does a great job of focusing on the relationships between the main characters as they help each other through hard times. There's also a lot of fun moments between the characters, and you have a fair amount of choices to make in the first few chapters. Megan is forced upon the main character at the start of the game, but he can start up other romantic endeavors if you wish. Then when things get a bit messy and the characters all have to sort out their feelings for one another, something big happens.

    There is a cliffhanger ending to one chapter and then a time skip that shoots you a couple of months into the future. And the story is no longer told in chronological order, but through flashbacks. This kills the momentum of the entire game. You are no longer wondering what will happen, but trying to figure out what did happen. And to make things worse, you are stripped of control of the main character and he begins to say and do some really stupid things that you would definitely not choose for him. The second last chapter has only three choices, while the last chapter has none whatsoever.

    So the whole game takes a big nose dive in the final stretch as it adds two new characters that nobody cares about and it loses almost everything that made it special. The last two chapters of the game are blatantly manipulative trash. It's sad to see a game squander so much potential and fall so far all because the author suddenly made massive changes to the style, tone, and mechanics of the game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game my number one favorites. Excellent writing and an emotional roller coaster.

    Story : 9/10 (You know or you will know why not 10/10 :(( )

    Characters : 9/10 ( Except redhair stupid bitch)

    Renders : 10/10

    and Melissa my favorite girl.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 616510

    Very complete game, the story from the beginning is interesting, the relationship between the characters is very pleasant and you feel that each has its own character, the branch of options that provides for the different endings is good even though the last two I leave a bittersweet chapter because there are several endings but they are very similar or you do not see that great weight in the actions as you should, which is a pity.

    The characters, visually are quite unique, which is appreciated because lately a large majority recycles characters, the scenarios are according to the situation and help what the game wants to show, in the hot scenes, at least Half of these scenes lacked diversity and that feeling of reward.

    Even as I said at the beginning, it is a very complete game, with unique characters both visually and in character, a game that must be played if or if.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has actual story. It has nice renders. It's a simple visual novel with multiple story paths. The story is split into chapters, at the end of each you get nice summary of your choices. The game feels complete and well thought. It's not like your typical nsfw-game, the sex scenes make sense in regards of the story, they don't feel as forced as in the other titles you may have seen here. It is much more a game then a porn.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn! i wish there was another ending posible for this game. it was quite surprising, but not necesarily unpleasent. Great storry line and very beautyful graphics. looking forwad to playing the dev's other game as well.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    What can we say about 'AL'? As his first attempt at game development, Dr PinkCake did a well-above-average job at creating a unique and polished story with a diverse cast. Now for all its praise, the game does have its fair share of flaws which we will go further into the review.

    In the first place, let's talk about the story and the MC's background. You take reins of a middle-aged man (his age is never specified),
    who in the past earned a satisfactory amount of wealth from the crypto-currency trade. Proceeding from there, you choose a trait among three (athletic, charismatic and well-read); these defining traits don't have any substantial influence over the story. Further, into the story you are given a party invitation by Liam, from said conversation comes to light that the MC was in a damaging relationship. Throughout this, is where you are introduced to the Main protagonist's best friend, Liam, a character that shows friendship towards the MC, and who goes against the skin-related-character-archetype, which some adult game developers tend to use and perpetuate to respond for a certain fetish. The story from there kicks in, once the MC is dragged into a grocery shop's robbery were he meets the main heroine and as a result, ends in a hospital.

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    There's not much else to say, besides that the renders, animations and performance were great and that the sound/music accompanying them was sufficiently adequate. The game is overall a good experience, but one who makes the player agency feel non-existent at points and which faults the player with hidden plots of conflict that can't really be solved or meddled with (forced into a relationship, forced poly relationship, cheating and some illogical character decisions). I would rate this game at 3,5 but since I can't, I'll rate it 4 since it is still a great game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have nothing more to add, this game is excellent - The characters are compelling and likable, the story is well-written and enjoyable on all levels., even with a little twist at the end (which i can't say i enjoyed but it truly caught me offguard). 5/5
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    In standard Dr. PinkCake style, this game is well made. It has a well written story (yes it actually has a story). The characters are well thought out, each has an identifiable personality they are faithful to. It has a mild branching story system, where you will always get the majority of the same scenes (possibly with different text) that might lead to 2-3 extra renders for the "better choices"
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is amazing! Dr. PinkCake is one hell of a story teller. This game has drama, meaningful choices, romance, plot twist, sexy scenes and will get you emotional envolved in the story. Only a true story teller can pull all of this off. This deserves to be a best seller and I couldn't be happier to rate this at 5 stars! Bravo
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 444674

    I've just recently come around to playing this game, so let me preface this by saying this game was very hard to rate properly. After finished I was fiddling with the idea of giving it a 4/5 or a 5/5. I couldn't decide. I've come to the conclusion that any faults I found with this were just some slight nitpicks of mine that overall did not take away from my enjoyment of this great great game.

    Without any spoilers, this game is definitely a roller coaster of emotions for an erotic game and more times than not that's extremely rare. You can tell DrPinkCake is passionate about his story and creations. While there are definitely your typical fuck buddy sluts in this game, you'd be surprised to find that there are very nuanced characters as well and a comedy gold character in Liam, your black best friend. (One of my favorite scenes comes from a campfire where the character plays truth or dare. I've never laughed so hard from a porn game in my life)

    The story can often times feel melodramatic, but that's not necesarily a bad thing. This story presents to you a passionate heart with plenty of feels ranging from the fluffy, cloud 9 feeling you get when you've actually conquered the crush you thought you'd never have, to a deep and hopeless tragic feeling that almost forces you to stop playing. Sprinkled with stomach cramping laughter all over the place.

    The only negatives I have with this are at times the character expressions just don't feel right to me. It's part of why I don't use preset expressions for my characters either. They appear too stiff at times. But that's about the only thing and it's just a nitpick.

    All in all, this was a great game that I should have played sooner, (but I'm sort of grateful that I waited so I wouldn't have to suffer from those suffocating cliffhangers like everyone before me did. Jesus Christ them cliffhangers...)

    If you're someone like me who values story in these games, I 100% recommend this one. At the very least, you should be entertained.

    Now I'm off to play Being A DIK.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is just perfect, one of my favorites. Each character has its own character, stories, the game is interesting, addictive and at the same time moving. For me the best game that has ever been created. I will not forget about it and I will come back to experience these beautiful moments again by playing it. If someone has not played this game yet, I heartily recommend it.

    I apologize for the mistakes if they appeared. I am writing through a google translator.