VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Acting Lessons [v1.0.2] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game i have played since 4 years playing erotic games, nearly 400, from here.
    After completeing this game i was so impressed that i bought it at steam to support the developer.

    Dont know what i should write more, i am even flashed.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok wow played through this the first time 30 mins ago and this was something else, like a really good book or a movie that really sucks you in, once you start playing you really cant stop until you have to, infact i got emotional and i dont get emotional often, a few movies or series' make me go over the edge but this game was the first one to do it to me i really felt like i was in the game, i felt like i was the one talking, felt like.. i dont even know.

    If you read this and are thinking about playing this, i dont even know just play it this game is a work of art
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    While I am not a fan of the "nuclear option" that the dev went with at the end of C.6, there is no question that this is a superbly well made adult game.

    Renders, h-scenes, story-telling, soundtrack choice are all top notch. Attention to detail was also amazing, from initially concealing the MC's face in the photo to the really sweet epilogue for the maybe 2% of people who'd actually choose to explore the "going back to the old girlfriend" route. (I played to 8 endings - there's actually 22 possible in the game).

    Special mention goes to the editing. It isn't just best in class, it's actually better than many Hollywood movies. The jump cut from Megan talking about Liam to Liam at the night club, for example, was better than any transition Znyder could pull off in his $250m budget BvS, heh.

    Easily 5/5.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I loved this game. It had great characters, a nice storyline. The characters did not feel forced upon you like most games. However, the game was ruined at the ending. I lost all interest after chapter 5.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first review I've ever written, because I feel that this game deserves it.

    Up until now, this must be the best VN I've played. The strory kept me interested in the game until the very end. While in many games, I tend to skip dialogue, that was not the case in this one.

    Choices actually matter and can change the outcome significantly. The plot twists keep the game very interesting.

    Characters are well designed and before you know it, you start to relate to them.

    I'm not one for many words, but I recommend to each and every one of you to give this game a try.

    Many thanks to the developper for this awesome experience.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Acting Lessons - a hidden gem of the Visual Novel (VN) games!

    Story/Originality/Amount of content/Grammar - 9/10
    I found the story quite original and interesting, the writing is good and the dialogues are enjoyable. On top of that there are plenty of witty & also silly jokes that made me laugh out loud during the play-through and there aren't many games around that fulfill all those check-boxes. The dialogues are well polished and grammar overall is very good. The amount of content is decent - you get plenty of choices, which creates branching in the story-line and affects the ending of the game.​
    The characters are diverse not only by their looks, but also their personalities to much enjoyment of the fan base.​
    Without spoiling the story, there is a choice during the game that feels a bit forced onto the player. I've seen some bad reviews of this game based on that alone, but I think it doesn't do justice to this game. I wasn't all that upset by it, in fact, I even kinda saw something like that coming as things were going a little bit too well. It complements the message the game is trying to send to the player - that we cannot always get all we want and that life puts us through tough choices.​
    The last 2 episodes are rather heavy story-wise, but they also nicely tie together all the previous episodes and lead into the ending, which is quite touching if you really get invested in the story and it definitely was the case for me.​
    There are a total of 22 ending variations which just shows to me how well thought out the story was by the developer.​

    Renders/Animations - 8/10
    The quality of renders is good. It's possible to tell that there are some renders which have been rendered anew and added to the game later since the quality of those are better, but overall it doesn't ruin the experience. The animations are a mixed bag though - there are some good ones mixed with some pretty awkward ones, so that is mainly the reason for a lower score in this category.​

    Sound/Voice Acting - 10/10
    The soundtrack is amazing! Probably the part of the game I enjoyed the most cause the tunes are catchy, appropriate to the scenes and well timed. I never got tired of listening to them even if they repeated in some of the scenes. There's no voice acting as far as I recall, but the game does well without those anyway.​

    Playability/Performance/Bugs - 10/10
    I didn't experience any bugs or problems during my play-through. The interface is simple and serves its purpose. The dialogue screen is easily readable and doesn't obstruct the scenes. The only thing I'd prefer to have is the possibility to name the saves (and option to delete them within the save/load screen) so that it's easier to tell them apart when doing multiple play-throughs with different choices.​

    Overall this is an amazing VN game! I'd give it 4.5* out of 5* the only half-star taken away for some weaker animations, but if looking past that the game deserves 5* as it stands out in the crowd of VN games I've played so far. Definitely a recommend!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a rare game that comes along in a genre where most of us are looking for a quick fap that manages to touch the little bit of human in us all without coming off as preachy or condescending. I wish the player character had a little bit more room to show life and depth, because he is far outclassed in every respect.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    Quite honestly the best adult VN i've ever played.

    The fap aspect of this game is really low but the story is definitely one to read if you're into that. Liam is the most fun and interesting character I've got to know in a long time.

    Definitely worth a shot if you want a good story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! I'm quite speechless about this game.

    I discovered the author with being a DIK and i'm glad i have tried this one.

    What to say that isn't already said on those reviews: i never ever ever thought that i could cry on a sex game like this. The characters touched me deep in the heart you got all, sadness, joy, remorse everything.

    The story is soooo good, the music is definitively chosen to match the scenes. The characters are awesome they are real and you get attached emotionally.

    Ok that's a sex game so let's talk about this: Not really great. The animation and the scene are the only downside of this game but with all i said previously that doesn't matter anymore. You don't see that as a fap material but about a story with some kink.

    Just congrats to the author this game is the best i played until now.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Credits must be given for the well thought out story line. One of the best games ever played on this community. Please bring some more games like this with cheating and twists. Thank you!

    Story: 9.5/10
    Graphics: 8/10
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Maybe the closest thing to a perfect VN I've seen so far. The MC is likable and not a total creep. The characters are fleshed out and interesting. The comic relief is ACTUALLY funny. It's Heart-warming and Heart-breaking. The renders are top notch. It's easy to truly care about the main characters of the story. And IT HAS AN ENDING!! I've gone though it three times with thee different endings. Two are very sweet with the third being bitter-sweet. I know there are more endings, but I haven't gotten to them yet. I can't recommend this enough. It's a VN masterpiece.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    used to hating 3d porn games when i get into this site coz trauma of bad 3dcg lol, but since i play most rpgm gem out there im running out of options...

    then i see this game.. wow most reviewed on the site, screenshot not bad, reviews says story also good it also mention crytocurrency another favourite of mine..

    (ok! this will be a good fap) thats what i was thought..
    but holy shit.. this not what i was expected! i came for the fap but decided to continue for the plot, the humour, the character build, how the story connected, the CGs, the.. feels, its all on point..

    if you looking for a good fap its not really the game, tho the render and CGs are good im actually starting to like 3dCG because of this game.
    it was hella roller coster ride of emotions. good job dev! 10/10 would cry again..
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best game i played so far in this site every character have so much to tell Liam is best side character this game is just a masterpiece it makes you smile laugh cry its really something and plot twist mann thanks for creating this art
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not the type to post reviews. Really I'm a play-and-move-on type guy. Except, this game. This motherfucking game really hit me. I have never laughed, teared up (tore up? idk) and smiled at a game before. Except this fucking game takes the cake as one of the most phenomenal games I have ever played. You're a dick for making me tear up like that. Much love.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great, definitely deserves attention. The story is good, characters are well written and have proper development. There is plenty of humor in the game and its surprisingly funny. The sex scenes are not ... excellent... If you want to fap move along if you want to feel go right ahead... you'll be feeling alright... So all in all 6 hours well spend 10/10 would cry again...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Trully beautiful. Nice story with amazing characters. Our decisions really matters. I was also really impressed by dialogues - really hight level.
    Sometimes i felt "Life is Strange Vibes" - and thats something truelly amazing.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    loved every bit of it. at start i thought the story isn't that great. you get everyone and everything works out. but well. plot twist happened when I didnt expect it. and look at it. masterpiece. I cried so much for the whole time. I came here to try this game our. But then i just started to enjoy the story. And the game took another turn for me. I even forgot its a sexual game. I would love if this was a story game like others. I love these kinds of games because they actually show the true love between the characters. The sex scenes really help you with what their feeling. Id love this to be a normal game. And everyone to accept it as normal game. not as a sex game. I wish good luck to the creator @DrPinkCake in his future games. And a thing i want to mention is. support this guy on patreon. He deserves it. Hes actually making games. Not like others that start to create a game just for the quick money and abandon the game. or make the game 5 years and never finish it. He finishes his games and pretty quick. Best regards Neisza
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Acting lesson is an amazing game. Great story, beautiful render and adorable character. the only problem i have is this game is not fapable. The story is so engaging while the sex scene is not able to measured up, and after the game told me that my bro liam is dying of cancer i just concentrated finishing the story just to make sure that he is gonna be okay.

    All in all , amazing game deserving 5 star rating but as a porn game its not that great.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never expected to play that good adult game. Wow, this story make me cry. It is beautiful but i am really sad we cannot save both girls. Why? :( OMG i will not forget this game ever. Great job and I wish the best to the author who let this story out.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is without a doubt the BEST GAME ON THIS SITE. It has everything you could possibly want, great characters, great story, great CG, great animations, a ton of choices and THE BEST SENSE OF HUMOR out of any other VN.

    All of the characters are extremely well designed and captivating, Melissa is the best though. If you haven't played it yet fix it now, there is no way you won't like this game.

    Story - 10/10
    CG - 10/10
    Characters 10/10
    Animation - 10/10
    Humor - 10/10
    Melissa - 11/10