VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Acting Lessons [v1.0.2] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    just i finish second time this game in couple of days.. it is the best and have a great story, i wish in that moment when i must to choose about what girl to save to find a option to save both and all 3 be happy in L.A
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    - outstanding CGI's, animation's
    - you need to replay this game few times to get all ending's, you wont get bored, each playthrough is different
    - best title i have encountered here, it's just wow
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10. Who knew an adult game could be so... powerful? Emotional rollercoaster but a masterpiece of art. Sure, there's some great lewd scenes, but I was jus taken on a journey that hits you deep in the core... damn.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I have a love-hate relationship with DrPinkCake and this game is the reason! Genuinely interesting characters, well written throughout, and a finale that leaves me extremely conflicted. Bravo!

    The art is well done, nothing obviously 'janky' except where done for obvious comedic value. From memory all the characters and sets looked to be new, rather than just re-using the same purchased assets which is always a pleasant bonus.

    I'm not much of a 'sound' person, so as long as nothing stands out as either particularly bad or good, I don't tend to notice. Here everything 'just worked'.

    The storyline(s) were written well, handled several situations that were partially or entirely unexpected in this genre of game, and handled them well.

    Of particular note is the prominent male character of this story, who manages to be highly memorable in a positive way and doesn't fall into the usual trap of being nothing more than a simple 'rival' for the player to challenge and then ignore.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually don't read these kind of things, but after like a couple of seconds of holding the skip button, I read some of the stuff and it was pretty good. After reading through, I have to say, I really enjoyed it. It was both fun and nice. It felt like decisions really did matter, and the major characters had depth to them. Thanks!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is dank AF. Was expecting a generic lewd game with not much to it, and ended up crying with my dick out. Actually one of the best visual novels I have ever had the pleasure to play. Plenty of sex, plenty of story, good humor and really one of the best games I have played, and this includes normal games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Story, Story, Story.

    This game succeeds on the Characters and their development through the game and the overall story. It is nice to see a heroic MC that can be flawed vs the myriad douchey brother clones out there now, as well as a supporting cast that isn't lifeless sex dolls. Yes the MC is a babe magnet as this is a Fab game after all, but every major character is relatable, "real" and develops as the game progresses.

    The stills are good with the animations being inconsistent, sometimes they are good sometimes they are rather weak, which can be over looked because the game succeed in so many other areas. Each girl has a different personality so bedding them sometimes is quick other times it takes longer. Also you meet characters at different times within the story so each episode has more than one opportunity to get laid, in most cases.

    The game uses a hidden relationship meter that doesn't feel overly rigid, meaning it doesn't require perfect scores to unlock content. While choices do gate content the choices are straight forward, you never feel like content is hidden by a series of unrelated choices.

    There is NO grinding what so ever, meaning you never feel like the dev wasting your time to pad for lack of content. Also this game is FINISHED! yes you get a complete game with a beginning, middle and ending. Also the ending feels like an actual ending, as well as multiple endings of which all the ones I have experienced feel like an ending based on the consequences of my choices. Just to be clear i have not tried all the endings nor played out all the major choices. I know for myself this game has replay ability even though it is heavily story and character driven. To put this in context i am NOT a completionist, so I want to replay the game for its ownsake.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The story was really well written. There were a lot of unexpected twists that could not be avoided. It would have been interesting to see if a twist (at certain parts) could be affected by the decisions made. Characters 10/10
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is a fucking magnum opus, despite I disagree with some parts of how the story twisted its really well written, the characters do develop in a succesful way, theres no simple meet and fuck and the player really feels like driving the story to whatever the end of the course is.

    this is a fucking 10/10, Liam is without doubt, the best character, a fucking man with a heart of gold.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I started playing Acting Lessons with a lot of hype.

    Indeed, being still quite new to this world, freshly unconditionally converted to it by another incredible game after almost giving up on it due to starting with random bad ones, I expected nothing but an awesome, rewarding journey out of one of the most praised VNs, that basically everyone loves.

    Well, let's get thit straight, I wasn't disappointed. It was all I hoped for, and even more - being different from what I expected, yet fulfilling everything.

    While said previous game filled me with joy and incredibly good feelings all the way through it, leaving me full of happiness and eager to get back to it everytime I had to turn it off because, well, life... Acting Lessons had moments that did the same, and others that threw me into deep distress. Basically it had the same effect, I couldn't stay away from it for very long, but for very different reasons. Some moments in AL are so heavy, triggering mixed feelings everywhere, leaving me confused, sad, lost... But still wanting to fight to make it right.

    Being able to get me this deep into it is no small feat... One moment in the game I was almost devastated, and another one I actually lost it, was close to crying so I turned off the game and got back to it after a few minutes. Some choices I made were so hard to make that I spent a long time just staring at the screen, not knowing what to do. And some choices I made came back to bite my ass long after I thought their consequences were done.

    If anything, the most incontestable proof that this game is something else, for me, is that I played it twice in a row - just to try and follow a path I was sad to left aside. That's very, very rare for me - I almost never come back to something I already know. AL ditched this habit like it was nothing.

    On to characters now. Character development is astonishing in the game. Megan got me easily - obviously she's made for it. But Melissa, for example - I don't like her style, originally, and yet I felt deep feelings for her as well as the game was progressing. Liam won me over as the game progressed, being that friend everyone wants. I laughed out loud a few times thanks to his misplaced reactions. Even the other characters I didn't really like, such as Rena, were very well built.

    Pacing of the game is very good also. No rush, you take the time to know the characters, to get close to them, and yet it's full of events. Sex scenes are awesome - and happens very logically, at the right moments, expanding as the relation between characters does. Really nice !

    To summarize, I see AL as a masterpiece. A real piece of art. AL is deep and dark - yet leaving you with an incredibly rewarding feeling at the time. If I had only one complain to make... It's too short ! But well, for this quality of product, it will always be...

    A must play, and a must enjoy. Will remain forever one of my favorites, for sure.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best game I've ever played in the topic. This is the first time I've ever played a game like this over and over again. All the characters are real, and they're great compared to all the fake blackcovers that jump into our arms.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Most awesome game I have ever played. Best story line I have ever seen in a game, totally relatable, beautiful faces, beautiful images, engaging content, a roller costed ride of emotions, thanks doctor, can't describe my joy, you got another patron, keep making games like this, you are the best in what you do ok
  13. E
    5.00 star(s)


    First of all, you really have to know that this isn't a game you play with one hand, it's not about accumulating ALL THE SEX SCENES. The scenes are just adding a bit more adult flavour to this awesome game. The characters are really fleshed out and absolutely lovable. Liam really is your best friend and my 2nd or 3rd favourite character over all (he switches places with Megan for 2nd or 3rd, Melissa is my number 1 by a mile). The story is really nice and teaches some really nice and heartfelt lessons about taking responsibility for your actions, in the same vein of not thinking too much about your past actions and also moving on from hard times in your life. What I noticed now and I don't think it's intended, but DrPinkCake showed that you can't always have your cake and eat it too, sadly. But that's an important life lesson as well.

    I think it could even help people living with depression, life-threatening illnesses or those who've lost loved-ones to work through it in a game-y sort of way, but I'm no real expert, it might as well backfire.

    The animations were good, I like being able to take control of the speed because in other cases it's just ridiculously fast. I love that there are a lot of POV scenes, I'll always take more of those.

    As I've said before, Liam is the best. You might think from the way he appears in the header of this thread and during start up that there are some sort of NTR scenes, but as they said in-game: Liam is your best friend, and it shows. His scenes are probably my favourite, just the intro to his fun side at the Inferno Nightclub had me holding my stomach from laughing so hard.

    I could probably go even more in depth but that would just spoil things. Here are just some general tips: If you want to have fun with the two broads, choose Charismatic Personality; if you want to romance Melissa or Rena, choose Athletic; and if you go for Megan, choose Well-Read. But that's all I'm going to say. Have fun with this wonderful game, and expect more crying than fapping.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My initial playthrough left me disappointed , but after replaying it I have to agree with the vast majority of reviews that the game is excellent. Beautiful story, renders and music. Definitely one of the few games I would consider a "must play".
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great characters, and very well done renders make this VN one of the best out there. Most of VNs creators here are too focused on sexy parts of their game, which is important part, but creating story that is sexy, interesting and funny is something that is hard to find and DrPinkieCake just naild it here.

    I went through all endings, and they are all satisfiing in their own way, so i can't really decide which ending could be considered "best". So it all depend on preferences of a player.

    I think the fire thing could be done in different way, but overall it doesn't degrade the value of this VN.

    It deserves 5/5 stars undoubtedly. It's must play.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been downloading and playing games in this site for over a year now and this is the first time I'm going to submit a feedback (even had a hard time trying to find out how to create one) Anyway, this game is such as a Masterpiece. Thank you for creating such a wonderful game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's 4:30 AM and I can't believe I stayed up this late just to finish this game.
    Appropriate twists, and just the right amount of feels.
    I think I loved the part about mental health the most, seeing as there is triumph in therapy and moving on. I love that part about the game.
    It may seem hamfisted about the binary choice you have to make near the end, but man, life is like that.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    ネ ロ

    When I started this game I would never have thought that an adult game will make my chest feel tight. I wasn't prepared for this emotional roller coaster of a game. First I thought "yeah I just go my comfy harem play-through, like normally, but then the feelings hit me. And that is what I call an excellent rpg. When you grow attached to the character. And this game, this writing, achieved it just in a few hours. At some point, I reached a stage where I wasn't playing for the adult content anymore. I was playing for the story, that is more captivating then most of Hollywood's movies nowadays. DrPinkCake, you've created a master piece. This game, for me, tops every adult game I've played so far. Renders, animations are beautiful. Story is really moving. Character writing is perfect. I'm looking forward to find more gems like this.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game out there and a must play for everyone because of its damn high quality.

    The renders are extremely high quality, the characters are all very well rounded and have their own personality so they don't feel like different skins that you can fuck but actual characters you want to interact with. The pacing is great and keeps you on the edge of your seat and then there is the story. Let me just say I came for the faps and stayed for the feels. H games don't make you feel the way this one does, it is simply amazing.

    DrPinkCake, thank you for this masterpiece
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, pretty girls and good models. Renders are quality and some nice animations to boot too!
    One nearly feels bad when cheating on some of the girls ;)
    Its a good renpy game with a decent pace, with lots of material and dose not leave you dry for long periods of time like some others. Good amount of choices which actually changed the story instead of just giving you less.