VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Acting Lessons [v1.0.2] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Tony Chopper

    Amazing game. Choices definitely carry over. Animations aren't the tip of the iceberg, but the characters (those of which can be romanced) are all very lovable and endearing.

    Definitely one of the best games around. Captivating characters, tight plot with choices that make it twist like you'd never expect, amazing graphics and music. Huge amount of love was put into this game, that's easy to see.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great! I've just recently started getting into playing adult games, and this is one of the most realistic ones I've come across so far. The characters and dialogue are very believable and there's some insane twists.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Disabled Account #1278362

    This game is basically a must play in terms of 3DCG games.


    - The girls are generally just awesome (especially Rena and Melissa)
    - Single best wingman/bro character in the world of adult games
    - The plot is quite good, with several twists

    - That one thing
    - I dislike that Rena's path requires you to cheat on the other girls.

    I mean, just play it, its all around a top tier game.

    Final Rating: 5*
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I started playings these VNs just recently but this one is by far my favorite, especially with Liam and Megan. It's the first time a character feels like a real friend and Megan is a really interresting and kinda naive character, that's what made me like this game so much. And it's one of the rare times i haven't fuck all the girls I met in the game :LOL::LOL:
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Rycharde's Realm

    Great game. Characters are three-dimensional with believable personalities and histories. Your selection of models and the renders are great. The dreams and flashbacks, an outstanding way of adding background and personality. Luv that cake thing between the episodes. Hope to find other games you worked on, both new and old, in the future. :)

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    My top one of a short list of VN that a keep saved on a external drive.
    Like i have said in a post, renders are good, seen better but they're good, the story is amasing, every time a play, i get so much in it that it feel like i'm the MC itself and it's the only game that got me to shed a tear, made my laugh, basically live a roller coaster of emotions, hell i even had a taste for murder cause of Leah and Melissa step dad.
    About the caracters, they were well defined, each one of them had there own personality that made them likable or willing to kill then.
    DrPinkCake, please keep up the good work and most of all, do what your own brain tell you to do and don't listen to much those who criticize you on how you laid your story and your caraters, you're the artist not them, fllow yout hearth and head and come back to us with another game like this one.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best games around. Captivating characters, tight plot with choices that make it twist like you'd never expect, amazing graphics and music. Huge amount of love was put into this game, that's easy to see.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    i love it! has romance, comedy and sadly tragedy as well...but overall i had a blast! would have been perfect if no one "you know". The characters look great and beautiful. Not so with the mc though. I bet you can do better with the animations but satisfying enough.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    11/10 Absolute masterpiece. Stop reading reviews and go play the game, and please don't skip the text, this is not your average adult game and shouldn't be played like that, just take it seriously and make your choices like you would in real life.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    Visual novels don't get much better than this. What really sets it apart is the variety of entertainment this gem can offer. All models & environments are highly detailed, character personalities/interactions are superb, and the story is very interesting. The jokes can be pretty hilarious, there are engaging plot twists, very tense moments, and the presentation overall is top notch.

    There is an option at the beginning of the game to enable hints about character reactions to dialogue choices. This is a very rare but useful feature that I wish more VNs would use. The game is also split into separate chapters with relationship recaps that allow you to see your standing with each person. These features give the game a very polished and organized feel. On that note, no bugs or typos that I noticed.

    5/5 and an absolute must play, even if you don't usually like this type of game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Devo dizer... Eu enrolei para experienciar esse game, sou um grande fã de jogos com ótimas histórias, mas esse em especial me trouxe muitos sentimentos e momentos para refletir sobre a vida e as pessoas à minha volta... uma verdadeira obra de arte!

    I must admit... took me a long time to try this game, i'm a huge fan of games with great narratives, but this one in special brought me a lot of feelings and time to think about life and people around me... a true piece of art!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. This game is something else. It's hard for me to even put it all together.

    I have never laughed so hard playing adult game, and I have never cried or teared so many times.

    Characters are so good and well written. This is the first time that I really feel like I have a friend in game. Liam is awesome on every level and dialogues between him and MC are freakin hillarious.

    This is also the first time that I care so much about one character (Megan) that I won't start a new game playing differently as I'd feel like I'm cheating on her. Right now I can't imagine seeing her sad face as I'm rejecting her to see this story differently. That would break my heart. This is so freakin weird to feel this way as it's only a game, but this dev actually achieved it and also made me want to reject all other women focusing on just the one.

    Also this game made me realize that I want to play games like this, games that are something more, games that give you all sorts of emotions, not just brainless fuckfest like some games.

    There's so much I wanted to write about AL and forgot, but this game is just a pure gem and if you like meaningful VNs, don't hesitate to play it. 10/10
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Here's my review of the game. Obviously spoilers.

    The characters aren't some two dimensional set piece in the game. Each character we met had personality and their own set of circumstances. We start liking them; empathize with them; we become emotionally invested in them.

    Killing off one of the girls is a cheap way to get a response from the reader, like a jump scare from a movie. Once you calm down you'd think 'why the fuck was that even there?'.

    The developer made this whole game filled with characters we like then completely tore it down and kicked us in the balls. If Liam died we wouldn't be surprised. We knew early on he had cancer, we were prepared for it to happen and we were expecting it. Liam dying would actually make me feel sad but instead the ending just made me angry.

    90% of the game was about us liking these characters and the last 10% completely fucking shit on the carpet. Killing one of your main characters without warning doesn't automatically make the game a tear-jerker game.

    Then lets talk about Leah. She has a major role in the ending but because of how bad the ending was her character suffered for it. We hardly see Leah throughout the game (I rejected her very early in the game), and when we do see her we don't see anything that would even hint with anything being wrong with her. If she was clingy then us readers would have had time to guess that something might be wrong with her.

    I know what a red herring is, but the developer could have just made a random stranger the bad guy and it would still have made a lot of sense.

    The only instance we see that something might be up with Leah is the end where Rena dragged a different nurse to hook up Liam instead of Leah. The chemo starts working and we can assume that Leah was killing Liam. This is the kind of subtle hint I would like to see but we get nothing. We don't see Leah acting creepy or clingy at all. Nothing.

    Overall I enjoyed the game at the beginning and I had hoped that it would continue to be better for subsequent chapters but it fell off a fucking cliff towards the end. The characters had life in them and they were unique in thier own way. What I did not like was how the developer tried to make this into a cut-rate tear-jerker game towards the end.

    If I were to give it a score out of 5 I would give it a 3/5.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Minor flaws, but overall an incredibly high quality game with a lot of care and effort put into and how rare is it to actually play a fully finished quality game like this? Some emotional pandering tweaked me down a bit, but I cared about the characters and liked their uniqueness and personalities and it immersed me enough to care about what happened, a good sign of storytelling.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Choices definitely carry over. Animations aren't the tip of the iceberg, but the characters (those of which can be romanced) are all very lovable and endearing.

    Liam is also the best best friend character in a VN. Period. Truly a homie for life.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Definitely an overrated game.
    The animations are not that good. And the game relies too heavily in story elements and the old and dated VN style, without real mechanics to keep the player entertained.

    But the models look great and it has a good amount of content.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's be honest, most of ppl here download this kind of game to beat their meat, BUT THIS GAME IS UNBELIEVABLY BEAUTIFUL!! Theres a lotta path to go trough and its actually made a difference and it can be HUGE! this game is able to make me laugh my ass off and cry.. I really don't want this to end.. Guys please.. if you have mney to spare, PRETTY PLEASE DONATE TO DR. PINK CAKE!! they deserve it soooo much!
    last word, i wanna say sorry to the other girl but renna is just for me.. i'm very sorry :(
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The game begins so good for me. But suddenly seems like the developer ran out of ideas and tries to enlarge the game to get more money.
    When we are ending the game we think that at least we can have an endgame with both Melissa and Megan, but suddenly you have to choose, making some decisions from the beginning of the game a totally waaste of time.
    Being cautious trying to keep both of them but at the end you know that half of thee time you had put on the game is worthless.
    In addition, i prefer not darker themes like a friend having cancer and falling into death because it remainds me of some bad situatiionsi had to live in the past but i respect that some people like it as a way to add some realism to the game. But in my oppinion, if u want to see sad things u have the real live for it and i like this kind of games to be free of this, it´s ok in other kind of games but not in this one (for me).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is Complete...

    I actually played this VN/Game about a month ago, and although it has a few quirky characters, I really enjoyed it, and even played it through several different times to check out the various endings...

    The visuals in this VN/Game are fairy decent for the most part... The characters mostly looked unique, with only a couple of them feeling plastic or a tid bit exaggerated... The backdrops were a mixture of unique and a couple familiar ones I may have seen before... The cut scenes and rehearsal scenes were a nice touch and went along well with the nature of the story...

    The script was written rather well, with only the tiniest of grammar mistakes, and you could follow the story with ease... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who is doing alright for himself financially, and is basically retired at a young age... He has an extremely oddball best friend, who is, in essence, the comic relief in the story... That character may be slightly over the top, but he made me chuckle now and then, and played out well, as basically a childhood friend who never really grew up... But in his defense, he is extremely loyal to the protagonist, and also a bit protective (kind of like a brother to the protagonist)… The plot gets really rolling after the protagonist receives a head injury during a corner store robbery where he first meets the main heroine, who is a young woman aspiring to become an actress... He sort of instantly falls for her and circumstances sort of allow for the protagonist to offer her to stay at his place for a while... From there the story branches out with various female characters coming into his life...

    This is where this VN/Game shines the most, because it is full of choices that have a lasting effect on how the plot evolves... Your choices actually begin to matter after a certain point... The main love interest sort of stays the main love interest, but your choices will eventually effect if you stay with her, or if you end up with someone else in your life, in the end... There are even choices that lead to a couple scenes of violence, against threats to the protagonist, depending on your choices... I don't want to give away too much, because there are some surprises that just need to be experienced, in order to see just how well thought out this whole VN/Game was by the developers... You just don't see a whole lot of these visual novel story driven games with branching effects based on choices, in western market style VN/Games, all that often... Besides the satire and plenty of erotic scenes, there is more depth to how the story plays out and how some characters eventually interact with one another, as well as the protagonist... There are plenty of romantic moments, farcical antics, a bit of intrigue, a tid bit of tragedy, a very tiny bit of violence, and plenty of fun moments...

    I tried several paths, never using a walkthrough at all, trying to focus on one particular love interest or another to see what sort of changes I could experience and endings I could experience... Some were a bit sad while still feeling joyous and fulfilling, while others were very romantic and fun, etc... Of course I have my favorites, but it's best you experience them for yourself...

    Overall, even though this VN/Game is not always perfect, I really enjoyed the multiple play throughs of this VN/Game... I love having choices make a difference in how the story ends... The romance and surprises you run into, as the story plays out, made me feel the emotions the authors intended, and at times it didn't always take itself too seriously... The comedy (in the way of the best friend) added some light heartedness to the story as it played out... You really just need to read/play this one to get a better sense of what I've been trying to describe, without giving too much away... And if you are not one of those folks who stays in the theater as the credits roll, you really should stick around till the very end, no matter which ending you go for, just to see the short stints at the very end... Absolutely priceless... Bravo to the developers on this one...
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent storytelling with a heartwarming message. Yes it has flaws in its execution & pacing and it could very well be written smoother. But it doesn't need to be flawless to be an excellent adventure. One I wont be forgetting anytime soon.