4.20 star(s) 57 Votes


Apr 26, 2018
i can´t find a queen bee, anyone knows why? i have a fee bees in the bee hive but i can´t make them into a queen

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Eh... was reading the game description... it's actually Hindu Mythology not Hindi... Hindi is the Language spoken by some of the Hindus. x_x
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New Member
Aug 15, 2018
For Everyone wanting to Edit the game...
Note: This is what worked for me after some experimentation, Following the author's readme will probably work for most. I just wanted to compile everything in one doc for anyone who ran into issues like me.
First download the TWS file provided by the author, this is what you will be opening in Twine.

(I recommend the 1.4)
To install sugarcube: place your sugarcube-2 file into Twine 1.4.2\targets
Once in twine, wake sure you select it in Story format options.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
@fallenkezef - By movies do you mean GIFs or my compressed version (WEBM) with the anti-grind file?

If the second, only the html included (or the one I posted a few pages ago) works with the compressed version. @FA80 or I would have to make a version that merged our respective changes.


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
Just a quick hello!

It's been a terrible awful month - no spare time at all. I don't see any respite in the near future either. So it's more fingers crossed than solid plans and deadlines for development at the moment. I've also not been that active here, so I have missed a lot of messages. For this I just want to apologies, though again I don't spy improvements in the near future.

I'm getting a job in a new place this February, so it'll most likely take much of my time settling in. So, again, more fingers crossed than solid plans at the moment.

To sate any itch you may have in the meanwhile - I believe the Free Cities pregmod is grand and gets updated daily (farm too).
Also Epaddder's Ren'Py Version: Adam and Gaia : THXE was updated this very January. Uhhh!!!

Mental hugs all around! Stay warm and well fed in this freezing cold winter!
Dear Beorn or was it Boern? So hard to remember :p

Thanks for giving an update on your status. Good luck with your new job, success and joy! Of course I hope you will find time to finish your game :)

tried the antigrind file and the movies do not work. Any fix for this?
@fallenkezef - By movies do you mean GIFs or my compressed version (WEBM) with the anti-grind file?

If the second, only the html included (or the one I posted a few pages ago) works with the compressed version. @FA80 or I would have to make a version that merged our respective changes.
I would not mind to make a new antigrind. Is the 2.2 tws on 1st page already updated? If so I can use it as base?


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
Made some kind of walkthrough for Nut / Nephtys since it is asked quite often. Couldn't edit the wiki so I added some notes to other matriarchs and uploaded it as a text file. You may find it next to my antigrind mod ( ).


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
@FA80 - The TWS on the front page does have the widget active, but there is a small error in that file that I corrected a couple weeks ago (When the last modding discussion came up).

Here is my up to date file.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
@FA80 - No problem, but no the issue I was referring to was When I was copy/pasting my txt source file into the tws I accidentally missed a "<" at the start of a "<<nobr>>"


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
@FA80 - No problem, but no the issue I was referring to was When I was copy/pasting my txt source file into the tws I accidentally missed a "<" at the start of a "<<nobr>>"
Ah, okay. But... the cloth thingy is a bug?! Or was it just my file that had trouble? There is a passage "Give Clothes" but it didn't work for me, couldn't assign elves to villages. So I wrote a workaround for that... but I'm still not really sure if that's a bug (code seems good) or was a issue with my copy only.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
@FA80 - looking at the original .tws file compared to the edit one, the clothing part is the same in both... So maybe it's an unimplemented feature or maybe it's just something that slipped through before release.


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
@FA80 - looking at the original .tws file compared to the edit one, the clothing part is the same in both... So maybe it's an unimplemented feature or maybe it's just something that slipped through before release.
Yeah, but it didn't work for me... does it work for you? Or anyone else? If so I could remove my workaround...


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
@FA80 - The code won't work for anyone in the original file. :)

<<if $activeSlave.home is "Elven" and $activeSlave.clothes is 0>>
<<button "Give clothes">><<replace "#miniscene">><<display "SlaveTalk">><</replace>><</button>>
When you hit the button you replace that part of the passage with the "SlaveTalk" passage, it's the same code as is actually used by all the "Talk" buttons when you go to interact with a girl.

<<for $i to 0; $i lt $slaves.length; $i++>>
<<if $activeSlave.ID == $slaves[$i].ID>>
<<set $slaves[$i] to $activeSlave>>
<div id="miniscene1">>

<<button "Talk about the World">>
    <<replace "#miniscene1">>
    <<if $FatherBeloved is 1>>
        <<set $activeSlave.relation += 5>>
    <<elseif $FatherDear is 1>>
        <<set $activeSlave.relation += 3>>
        <<set $activeSlave.relation += 1>>
    <<display "TalkWorld">>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<<if $activeSlave.relation gte 5>>
<<button "Talk about philosophy">>
    <<replace "#miniscene1">>
    <<if $FatherBeloved is 1>>
        <<set $activeSlave.relation += 5>>
    <<elseif $FatherDear is 1>>
        <<set $activeSlave.relation += 3>>
        <<set $activeSlave.relation += 1>>
    <<display "TalkPhilosophy">>


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<<if $activeSlave.relation gte 10>>
<<button "Talk about love">>
    <<replace "#miniscene1">>
    <<if $FatherBeloved is 1>>
        <<set $activeSlave.relation += 5>>
    <<elseif $FatherDear is 1>>
        <<set $activeSlave.relation += 3>>
        <<set $activeSlave.relation += 1>>

    <<display "TalkLove">>


That passage doesn't check for anything related specifically to Elven girls and clothes. :whistle:


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
Yh, your probably right... "fixed" the problem exactly there but didn't see the problem :D thx for the hint. If I'd be sure what Beorn wanted I would fix it and offer a "fixed" mod. Well, a proper fixed mod though, not a workaround.

Also wonder if there is need for bigger houses or if thats only my wish? Was thinking yesterday about a n"expand" option when you got all 5 houses or just offering more... or making some new longhouses for more space... but that would also need extra working slots... sounds like lots of work though (also to get more food). On the other hand it gets a bit cramped endgame and I refuse to kick out my poor little princesses.


Sep 17, 2017
Is it possible to screw up when recruiting the head girls so that it is impossible ever bring them to the tent. I've spent a week in game looking for Nut, but haven found her. A while ago I entered some kind of tomb but nothing happened, I also built something the mummy house. Please help.
4.20 star(s) 57 Votes