Hello, first of all I would like to say that my opinion is perfectly subjective and that I am not trying to denigrate the work provided
I really like the story, the different environments are cool, the characters all have a role and a personality. At this level I have no problem with the game.
The game allows you to interact with whoever you want and you are free to do what you want with the characters. To be honest I only play games with romance tags and no harem or otherwise avoidable. Here it's avoidable and only Lilith interests me. I really like the fact that we learn more about her as the story progresses because we ultimately know very little about her.
In my opinion, she is also the only one with human proportions, the others are disproportionate and absolutely do not hide their impulses. (yes it's a game, I know, but it totally distracts me from them) I would add that even in the details she is cute. I think she is clearly the star assumed by the author (I also have a fetish for demons, I admit it ^^)
I hope that if there is a romance with Lilith, it will be well done, without fan service, coherent and emotional. This character exudes so much sweetness and warmth that it would be a shame to waste.
Oh and keep it up with the humor, it's neither stupid nor forced. I think it's well balanced