
New Member
Oct 23, 2021
I've tried v1.0 some time ago and wasn't aware of the "situation" here, and after trying v2.0 I thought this was the direction the game was heading in (and thought it was a significant improvement), but alas it turns these are sorta 2 separate games.

The controls are awful, yes, even if you can get used to them, it's still a faulty design.
It's not as hard as it is tedious and frustrating, altho it's also broken in terms of mechanics too.

For example if you stop right above or below a shaft/trap and need to kick some enemies before you can continue, then you can no longer roll (after you attack) which shouldn't be the case as now you're forced to be grabbed by the trap. This can be easily fixed by swapping S+D for CTRL or CTRL+D/S/etc. This will also help rid of the accidental rolls.

Also I dunno if it's only on my end, but I can't even seem to be able to step back/go left, so I can position better.
This is retarded if it's by design, especially how handicapped you are in terms of movements (especially when you have to crouch for the majority of some levels).

Also there's no option to move while crouched (why?) which is making some levels needlessly frustrating and some situations impossible, in short you are not failing due to skill or lack there of, but rather bcs of broken controls/gameplay mechanics.

The running kick is awesome at least until you try to use it, bcs in the majority of cases you end up grabbed eventho you timed it properly. The combat system could've been much much MUCH better, especially if the only mode wasn't "run away from a mob while trying not to get fucked (both literally and figuratively). Something like PURE ONYX or generally decent beat em up would've been much more fun.

Not to mention the exploration and additional mechanics like puzzles which the other version of the game had.
This version feels more like a step backwards and rather reminds me of the primordial very old adult side scroller games (not in a good way tho).
Maybe the Chalk battles had it's caveats too, but as a whole the game felt more engaging and offered variety.

Guyin Cognito

Gentleman Pervert
Feb 23, 2018
I've tried v1.0 some time ago and wasn't aware of the "situation" here, and after trying v2.0 I thought this was the direction the game was heading in (and thought it was a significant improvement), but alas it turns these are sorta 2 separate games.

The controls are awful, yes, even if you can get used to them, it's still a faulty design.
It's not as hard as it is tedious and frustrating, altho it's also broken in terms of mechanics too.

For example if you stop right above or below a shaft/trap and need to kick some enemies before you can continue, then you can no longer roll (after you attack) which shouldn't be the case as now you're forced to be grabbed by the trap. This can be easily fixed by swapping S+D for CTRL or CTRL+D/S/etc. This will also help rid of the accidental rolls.

Also I dunno if it's only on my end, but I can't even seem to be able to step back/go left, so I can position better.
This is retarded if it's by design, especially how handicapped you are in terms of movements (especially when you have to crouch for the majority of some levels).

Also there's no option to move while crouched (why?) which is making some levels needlessly frustrating and some situations impossible, in short you are not failing due to skill or lack there of, but rather bcs of broken controls/gameplay mechanics.

The running kick is awesome at least until you try to use it, bcs in the majority of cases you end up grabbed eventho you timed it properly. The combat system could've been much much MUCH better, especially if the only mode wasn't "run away from a mob while trying not to get fucked (both literally and figuratively). Something like PURE ONYX or generally decent beat em up would've been much more fun.

Not to mention the exploration and additional mechanics like puzzles which the other version of the game had.
This version feels more like a step backwards and rather reminds me of the primordial very old adult side scroller games (not in a good way tho).
Maybe the Chalk battles had it's caveats too, but as a whole the game felt more engaging and offered variety.
Lord, how I wish there was a way for me to ensure everyone knew what was going on with this thing...

(NOTE: you having played previous versions, I expect you at least sort of know some of this. I am also just taking the opportunity to re-tell everyone the updated version of the whole story.)

So, they're two separate games now, but they didn't start that way. The "chalk" game was the original concept (supposedly based on some much older game they made for phones like a decade earlier), and the side-scroller was a bonus mini-game for kickstarter backers at a certain donation tier ($40+). It was, at one point, incorporated into the main game on the menu screen, but as a separately playable mini-game. It has never been a fully integrated part of the main game (which in retrospect I think would have been good, and it seems I'm not alone).

Once the whole project reached a certain level of completion, they tried to put it on Steam, and Steam said, "That's cool, except for the dog in that mini-game. We can't have that." Now, the dog is there because fans/backers voted for the dog. They couldn't just kick out the dog. So, they decided to fully remove the mini-game and make it a separate thing altogether. They came to the conclusion that the main game was not selling well enough on its own, and they needed a way to provide the now separate mini-game to people. So, they started a subscribestar page. Previous backers did NOT get any kind of free access to the subscribestar. They also cut off our emails with free ongoing updates of the game(s) and polls/questions about feedback.

Now, the original main game (chalk) has been put on indefinite hiatus, because the mini-game (side-scroller) has become the greater money-maker. They hope that if they earn enough from the side-scroller that maybe, someday, they'll be able to go back and finish the chalk game. In the meantime, they are using the money they get to fund adding extra playable characters to the side-scroller.


Aug 15, 2018
Art and Animation are very standout and good, controls could definitely use some work. Jump kicks and running kicks basically wont hit their target without you being grabbed unless you're in precisely the right spot before doing it.

It feels very old fashioned as a game in the RoR sidescroller Genre, and its for that reason I like it. If it manages to get anywhere, it'll be neat to see in a few months.


Dec 25, 2019
Well, I beat the game in one sitting. I figured out if you go into the pause menu and the change the difficulty from casual to normal, it gets easier. (normal has to be grayed out) Also, if you get killed and restart the level, it also could get easier. The spawns are completely random, so it could be that you get better spawns. The "winning" scene at the end is also dope.


Aug 6, 2017
Game had great animation and scenes, too bad it's overshadowed by janky controls,almost destroyed my A and D button because kept cancelling my attacks mid-animation

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
What an incredibly frustrating and stupid experience.
It looks really good but how did they manage to make it play so bad?
Just google around, someone's bound to be dumb enough to upload the ~3 sex animations the game has.
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The Hentai Witcher
Jun 2, 2018
Played a bit and I think what would help the most would be making the hitboxes for the enemies smaller. I found myself needing to kick a bit earlier than you think you would. Also maybe slow down that tentacle low crawling fuck because if he even gets you once it doesn't really seem possible to recover without starting a kick before he even gets up from the ground. Animations are solid ofc but that is some janky gameplay.


Sep 23, 2017
Holy shit I didnt even realize they don't have a level select so if you don't complete it all in one go, welp time to start from the beginning, fuck that noise
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Guyin Cognito

Gentleman Pervert
Feb 23, 2018
Holy shit I didnt even realize they don't have a level select so if you don't complete it all in one go, welp time to start from the beginning, fuck that noise
Ultimately, I agree. However, reading this has reminded me that I grew up in an era where most games were much longer, MUCH harder, and had no level select or save. You felt damn lucky to even get a password let alone a cheat code, and you'd go crazy if you came back later and couldn't tell whether you wrote down an uppercase S a lowercase s or a 5, or an I or l or 1, or an a or @, etc. We had to have a system for that shit. You'd put a horizontal line above uppercase letters and below lower case letters, and you put a dot above numbers and below symbols. This game is ten minutes long. There were times I had to leave my NES turned on for 3 days straight to finish a game, and I thanked god those games came with unlimited Continues.


Conversation Conqueror
Nov 2, 2017
do you mean like altered beast but i know that was a fighting game the rpgs had saves well some of them lol. but yes this is kinda like the old games with that aspect.


May 14, 2017
Alright. So this game has some of the best artwork and animation I've seen in a NSFW game... but it also has some rather stale and janky gameplay as everyone's mentioned.

I wonder if the game dev would be open to feedback with pairing their artwork with another (better / more experienced) game dev or programmer to help them improve the gameplay... Could take the artwork/characters and just put it into a whole new game at this point.


Oct 31, 2023
I'm honestly amazed by the number of people who can't beat a game with all of 3 buttons. Even with one hand this game still leaves to fingers free and I guess everybody stuck those up their asses.

Crouch, attack, and forward is all you need to beat this game. It's wild to me how people will just lie and say the enemies stunlock you when every hit you land flinches enemies like mad to the point that you the player are literally stunlocking them.

I'm sure a lot of people here beat DS too but holding two buttons and occasionally mashing one is too hard? Ok. Lol

I don't even know why this irritates me so. It got me worse than the people who harp on about the search function.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2022
I'm honestly amazed by the number of people who can't beat a game with all of 3 buttons. Even with one hand this game still leaves to fingers free and I guess everybody stuck those up their asses.

Crouch, attack, and forward is all you need to beat this game. It's wild to me how people will just lie and say the enemies stunlock you when every hit you land flinches enemies like mad to the point that you the player are literally stunlocking them.

I'm sure a lot of people here beat DS too but holding two buttons and occasionally mashing one is too hard? Ok. Lol

I don't even know why this irritates me so. It got me worse than the people who harp on about the search function.
stop crying geez
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