adult visual novels suck at the momment


Oct 10, 2019
If they just reclassified them for what there where.
Picture books.
They do that though? It's in the very name of the genre. Visual Novel is just another words for picture book really. If someone wants to call them games it's his choice, but if you know what they are than what is the point bashing them. I, for example, don't like first person shooters and consider them dumb and primitive, but I simply don't play them, because I know what FPS is and avoid them. If you don't like VNs just ignore it, many people do like them and won't stop loving them even if you repeat "games should have gameplay!!!" ten times, just like people won't stop playing shooters even if I tell them that moving crosshairs around the screen and clicking your mouse is primitive gameplay for braindeads :cautious:


Game Developer
Oct 13, 2022
The thing is.
They call visual novels games.
And are therefore judge by the standerd of being a game.
If they just reclassified them for what there where.
Picture books.
I woudnt care less.
I think it's a bit derogatory to say that a Viusal Novel isn't a game, I can understand how some may come to that conclusion from a player's point of view but from a developer stance Visual Novels are made just about the same way a game is made and it shares features.

It uses the exact same standard UIs most games have such as Settings, Save/Load systems, Dialog, Buttons etc. And it's also made using the same software.

Sure it may not have 'gameplay' in the sense that you'd like where you're constantly having to make decisions, click buttons in order or manage a tycoon but that doesn't make it a book, it just makes it a less interactive game than most due to it being narrative driven.

That's just my take on it at least... although the even the oxford dictionary which Google uses would consider a VN a game.

The funniest part about calling it a Picture book and not a video game is.... well....



Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
I know it’s smut but still have it make sense
Why? it's fantasy, make believe, people using their imagination, some of the most well known and loved stories make no sense.

A little girl falls down a hole and meets a talking rabbit and a smoking caterpillar,
A man in tights jumps around and then suddenly can fly around and depending on what hour of the day it is he can either fly freely in space or needs a special suit??
007 in a moon base?
sharks having a meat eaters anonymous meeting..."fish are friends, not food"

Fantasy is NOT about making sense, it's about letting your imagination run wild and that goes for smut too.
Maybe instead of saying adult visual novels suck because they don't conform to your standards you might try using "seeking" or "req" and ask people to recommend games that would fit your tastes?


Oct 10, 2019
I think it's a bit derogatory to say that a Viusal Novel isn't a game
Why? Is being a game some kind of badge of honor? I would argue being a book is more prestigious than being a game :KEK: You can even brag to your normie friends that you read a lot :sneaky:

The funniest part about calling it a Picture book and not a video game is
That definition states that video game is a game, and novel is not a game.
Oct 14, 2022
They do that though? It's in the very name of the genre. Visual Novel is just another words for picture book really. If someone wants to call them games it's his choice, but if you know what they are than what is the point bashing them. I, for example, don't like first person shooters and consider them dumb and primitive, but I simply don't play them, because I know what FPS is and avoid them. If you don't like VNs just ignore it, many people do like them and won't stop loving them even if you repeat "games should have gameplay!!!" ten times, just like people won't stop playing shooters even if I tell them that moving crosshairs around the screen and clicking your mouse is primitive gameplay for braindeads :cautious:
I am aware.
Doesnt make it any less frustrating when trying to find a porn game.
So much trash.

I think it's a bit derogatory to say that a Viusal Novel isn't a game, I can understand how some may come to that conclusion from a player's point of view but from a developer stance Visual Novels are made just about the same way a game is made and it shares features.

It uses the exact same standard UIs most games have such as Settings, Save/Load systems, Dialog, Buttons etc. And it's also made using the same software.

Sure it may not have 'gameplay' in the sense that you'd like where you're constantly having to make decisions, click buttons in order or manage a tycoon but that doesn't make it a book, it just makes it a less interactive game than most due to it being narrative driven.

That's just my take on it at least... although the even the oxford dictionary which Google uses would consider a VN a game.
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The funniest part about calling it a Picture book and not a video game is.... well....

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Why are institutions always so far behind with the rest of the world?

Your point of view is outdated.
Unfortunately in this day and age standards have dropped.
I miss the time when games weren't trying to be movies.

To counter your arguements.
Audio books arent consider music despite it uses sounds instead of reading.

You can argue that cartoons and anime are the same.
If so why name them differently?

Visual novels are books for the same reason movies are movies and games are games.
It is what they offer not how they are made.
Or are you claiming that movies who use cgi are games?
Or movies that having reading in them are books?
They are a description of what you can expect.
And when i read games i read gameplay.
Not: Press ctrl until sex scene because of horrible writting.
And make no mistake.
Most visual novels are crap.
The fact people like crap isnt a suprise to anyone.
Smoking, soccer, shooters, diveristy, etc.
Calling visual novels a game is an insult.
But one that wont change.
Visual novels as anoying as they are sell.
And i wish i knew why people settle for third rate story telling.
Oct 14, 2022
Why? it's fantasy, make believe, people using their imagination, some of the most well known and loved stories make no sense.
Fantasy still have an internal consistancy that a lot of writters forget about these days.
Like Elves have pointy ear's, long hair, a long lifespan and a superiorty complex.
Change any of these and you no longer have an elf.

But lets take a simple example of bad story telling:
You write about a spieces that have blue skin, can run 120 miles per hour without getting tired.
Then two page's later you write there tired of all the running and there skin is green.
That is the kind of crap that ruins any story.

Fiction needs to remain internal consistant or it just because boring.
Like those child games where they go:
Nuhu my silver sword cuts through you black plate.
No my black plate is immune to your silver sword.

Rules exist for a good reason.


God of Pregnancy
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2023
I am proud I am evolving my own VN into a Mass Effect-lite. Providing good and evil options so you can either be a happy-go-lucky against all odds good futa who gets a loving harem or a miserable mindbroken bitch who hates and fucks everything and acts accordingly. Why? Because its the duality of man. Do we act good or do we give someone the finger? Do we speed and cut someone off or do we wait because its more logical to drive safe and not consider 2 seconds of time saved to be greater than patience and safety.

Threads like this are funny to me, but i hope you enjoy your sandbox games. I like those too, but I chose an easier game to make for now. Maybe one day I will make a better Lab Rats, until then, im gonna complete Projekt Moon and smile because i am having fun… I hope you do too.


Apr 19, 2021
Why? it's fantasy, make believe, people using their imagination, some of the most well known and loved stories make no sense.

A little girl falls down a hole and meets a talking rabbit and a smoking caterpillar,
A man in tights jumps around and then suddenly can fly around and depending on what hour of the day it is he can either fly freely in space or needs a special suit??
007 in a moon base?
sharks having a meat eaters anonymous meeting..."fish are friends, not food"

Fantasy is NOT about making sense, it's about letting your imagination run wild and that goes for smut too.
Maybe instead of saying adult visual novels suck because they don't conform to your standards you might try using "seeking" or "req" and ask people to recommend games that would fit your tastes?
Or just don’t have rape or attempted rape in fantasy unless you can do the subject justice.

it’s not about conforming to my ideals I want to get lost in these worlds and in the works it’s just not the best it’s like there story half ass. But I don’t mind a debate


Apr 19, 2021
I am proud I am evolving my own VN into a Mass Effect-lite. Providing good and evil options so you can either be a happy-go-lucky against all odds good futa who gets a loving harem or a miserable mindbroken bitch who hates and fucks everything and acts accordingly. Why? Because its the duality of man. Do we act good or do we give someone the finger? Do we speed and cut someone off or do we wait because its more logical to drive safe and not consider 2 seconds of time saved to be greater than patience and safety.

Threads like this are funny to me, but i hope you enjoy your sandbox games. I like those too, but I chose an easier game to make for now. Maybe one day I will make a better Lab Rats, until then, im gonna complete Projekt Moon and smile because i am having fun… I hope you do too.
I am very interested in this


God of Pregnancy
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2023
I am very interested in this
It will still be a VN. I am too green and dont have the donations, time, staff or art team to try to make such a game but now you see why some might like a VN that provides choices and lets you openly choose your own adventure. Its a more wordsy version of Secret of Monkey Island or Life is Strange.
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Reactions: blackroses90


Apr 19, 2021
It will still be a VN. I am too green and dont have the donations, time, staff or art team to try to make such a game but now you see why some might like a VN that provides choices and lets you openly choose your own adventure. Its a more wordsy version of Secret of Monkey Island or Life is Strange.
That sounds amazing when your Patreon drops let me know I will support it tho the futa thing is a little eh but if you land the story aspect that would be amazing


God of Pregnancy
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2023
That sounds amazing when your Patreon drops let me know I will support it tho the futa thing is a little eh but if you land the story aspect that would be amazing
I have one patron right now. I am just a honest person making a fun story as a hobby with some friends playtesting for me and hoping i get a little fun money for it. The P symbol below my name takes you to it.