3.30 star(s) 12 Votes


Game Developer
Feb 12, 2018
So there will be more, more obvious chances to enslave people later if you missed them when you first got the chance? That's good. I've had to restart several times when I realised that I'd missed the only chance there is to get someone.

That's unfortunate, I guess you can't do anything about that unless you decide to find another artist.

Maybe you could handwave it that having the Control power gives her a chance to master the book rather than succumb to it?
Yeah, I'll need one of my other artists to make art for that scene to match when I have a chance, but I haven't had a chance yet.

I try not to handwave logical consequences of a scenario if I can. With my writing, I try to think through what would logically happen given the rules I established for each character's goals and personality, and how the magic system works. Trying to change the rules to make a certain plot point happen or not happen could lead to inconsistencies in the lore so I try to avoid it.


Oct 9, 2017
sry guys i am stuck at floor 16 and i cant find a way to pass the dam lake is it blocking the path. can someone tell me the solution plz?


Game Developer
Feb 12, 2018
I didn't make the OP so the megaupload link isn't mine; and i can't edit the first post. I upload to Newgrounds, Gamejolt, and Itch.io when I have a new version ready.


Oct 15, 2018
Overall I enjoyed it to play this game, but without the walkthrough this game is a totally pain in the ***.
There a so many choices that are only possible if x criteria's are met and/or if you choose one ability exactly at one sentences in the whole conservation.
Even with the walkthrough you need to make preparations or restart the whole game because you could not reach one of the many conditions.
That's the main problem that I have with this game.
But as I said above, overall I still like this game. The content is great and diverse and there is always the desire to finish a path.

I'm also a Breast Expansion lover so I loved the two Bimbofication path's and the Cowsandra milk pump part.

I would love to see a continuation of the second Bimbofication path, where you have a chance to prevent to get bimbofied by Val if you enter the dungeon (which leads to a bad end) and instead get control over her and her bimbo army.
Also I would love to see a interaction with the double bimbofied Val and Ms. Rack (the ending of the first Bimbofy event line which leads to a new game+). Double bimbofied Val really looks great!

Third and last: Do you want to extend the Milk Pump Interactions? Currently we have only the loop-interaction with Cowsandra and Sarah if in her tough form. Even if both of them got bigger breast due to the milking out of this event their breast size still remains the same.

Would love to see a option to use the milk pump to get the girls bigger breast/to be a cow like Cowsandra.


Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
Overall I enjoyed it to play this game, but without the walkthrough this game is a totally pain in the ***.
There a so many choices that are only possible if x criteria's are met and/or if you choose one ability exactly at one sentences in the whole conservation.
Even with the walkthrough you need to make preparations or restart the whole game because you could not reach one of the many conditions.
That's the main problem that I have with this game.
But as I said above, overall I still like this game. The content is great and diverse and there is always the desire to finish a path.
dev mentioned somewhere theyre working on it, but the way theyre Dev-ing it'll take a while. i no longer remember the original wording i think it was along the lines of too much content, too much still planned, will organize later after content is finalized.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Has there been anything mentioned about why the next update is taking so long? Is it just that the dev's idle game is taking priority, or is there another issue similar to what caused the massive 0.55 delay? I saw that the Patreon had a patron-only "partial" update over a month ago, and was expecting the actual update to come out not long after that, but... Yeah. That was on September 15. I can usually be patient for this kind of thing, but having any information locked behind a Patreon paywall is pretty frustrating.

(Speaking of versions, the one in this thread is out of date, and has been for two and a half months.)
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Dec 10, 2017
Has there been anything mentioned about why the next update is taking so long? Is it just that the dev's idle game is taking priority, or is there another issue similar to what caused the massive 0.55 delay? I saw that the Patreon had a patron-only "partial" update over a month ago, and was expecting the actual update to come out not long after that, but... Yeah. That was on September 15. I can usually be patient for this kind of thing, but having any information locked behind a Patreon paywall is pretty frustrating.

(Speaking of versions, the one in this thread is out of date, and has been for two and a half months.)
AFAIK, it's literally just because of the idle/clicker game taking priority... which is supposedly a side-project which lately feels like the main project to the point that AH (the game I personally am interested in) seems to be an after thought at best.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Yeah, it's a shame. I think it's because an idle game is a "low-hanging fruit" that caused it to become more widely accepted than Adventure High, coupled with the fact that this game was effectively "dead" for an extended period and lost a lot of the followers it used to have. Seeing the reviews in this thread, I imagine that didn't help either. It's unfortunate, because having played a bunch of other games I found on here, I can safely say that for all its faults, this one is easily the most suited to my actual tastes, and a lot of the times the things I dislike most about other games are what games like this one are criticized for not doing.

Still, looking at the Patreon page (which is pretty much all locked posts, but I can see the titles) gives me the impression that there might be something else going on here. It doesn't look like the game is being ignored. Almost like there's maybe a new story route being added and the update is being held back until more of it is finished? But of course I can't tell.
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Dec 10, 2017
Yeah, it's a shame. I think it's because an idle game is a "low-hanging fruit" that caused it to become more widely accepted than Adventure High, coupled with the fact that this game was effectively "dead" for an extended period and lost a lot of the followers it used to have. Seeing the reviews in this thread, I imagine that didn't help either.
You're basically spot on about the "low-hanging fruit" deal. I've tried the game. It was super slow and super dull. I even used an autoclicker solely to try and make it go a little faster but even then, it was slow.
I like idle games, but that one feels like "yeah, this one is easier to work on than my ACTUAL game so I'm not going to bother with my actual game".
I used to be a patron (read: USED) but I stopped around the lack of 0.55 information. I remember the live version being available on the wiki due to it had been MONTHS since we had last heard ANYTHING and that version was buggy as hell, at best.

I know the game was going to be ported into Unity but it seems like nothing ever came of that... which worries me.

Throw in that, like you mentioned, there'll probably be YET ANOTHER route in this game... like I wrote in my review, it has so many unfinished routes that it's sad.

I remember the game being released the 20th every month for the public. Now, I just sit like "Well, guess it's the 20th so the boring AF idle game is released now I guess... does that mean we'll get more info about AH? No? Oh, okay."

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
I like idle games, but that one feels like "yeah, this one is easier to work on than my ACTUAL game so I'm not going to bother with my actual game".
I actually don't think that one's all that much easier to develop (unless the difference is with the programs used to develop it and/or messy code from when it was first developed, rather than the choice of genre), as both games have their basic framework already implemented and Spiral Clicker seems to be doing more to reach outside of said framework, lately. But by "low-hanging fruit" I was referring to the players, and how Spiral Clicker has had a much more positive reception from what I've seen. It's likely because idle games are easier to play (or not play, as the case may be), and an unfinished idle game seems to bother people less, since any content is just... there. And especially in crowdfunded development like Patreon, putting less focus on the project that has less mass appeal risks losing your income. The fact is, unlike Adventure High, I've actually seen people playing Spiral Clicker. (Including on my Steam friend list. Dude just makes his porn habits public, and I'm afraid to ask if he's aware of it.)

As for the Unity port, from what I understand someone was commissioned to do it, but then they dropped off the face of the Earth. I rarely follow incomplete projects, let alone fan-funded stuff like Patreon, but it seems like this sort of thing has been ridiculously common even in my extremely small glimpse into that culture. Guess that's what happens when your only means of hiring help is to find some stranger on the internet who says, "Sure, I'll do it."

I disagree about the too many routes being the problem, though. The game is incomplete, and this will always be apparent in some way, but the main point of the game is being able to do a bunch of different things, so I feel it would be even worse if that incompletion manifested as being railroaded into one or two routes. A perfect example of this is the bimbo route, which actually has both a complete route and an additional NG+ version. As someone who hates bimbofication, I'm slightly miffed that it got so much more attention than other routes, but there's still content in the game for things that I care more about. I can only imagine how much worse it would be if all of the development up to this point had been focused entirely on the parts I don't care for, and the whole "use spells in different ways in different conversations" feature was mostly unimplemented except for the two or three points where you split into a different route.

Ironically, my theory about the delay for the current update is based on exactly that: a focus on making sure there's more content in one particular route before releasing the update, possibly in response to people complaining about the previous updates.

The one thing I think would be beneficial for the game in its current state, however, would be to add more "loops" and repeating events, to allow for shifting between routes more easily and make it harder to "miss" some of them. Ideally there would always be an opening to head in the direction of a NG+, at least for some of the more basic routes like the school conquest one. For example, having Val have a chance to show up at your house to visit you and potentially be enslaved, or being able to attend not-secret classes where you have the option to cause trouble and get detention. Or if you didn't tell Cassandra off in the right way, she'd start harassing you in the hallways and eventually loop back to the dialogue where you're able to challenge her to a fight. Stuff like that could go a long way towards making the unfinished parts feel less like a "dead end".

Yeesh. Never thought I'd be going on at length about game design in a porn game.
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Dec 10, 2017
Hey, you got your opinion on these things, I got mine! I'm just glad you didn't attempt to start a flame war/start bashing me for my views on things vs yours.

I won't reply to everything at once (TL;DR: busy) so I'll just comment on a few of the things.

I actually don't think that one's all that much easier to develop (unless the difference is with the programs used to develop it and/or messy code from when it was first developed, rather than the choice of genre), as both games have their basic framework already implemented and Spiral Clicker seems to be doing more to reach outside of said framework, lately. But by "low-hanging fruit" I was referring to the players, and how Spiral Clicker has had a much more positive reception from what I've seen. It's likely because idle games are easier to play (or not play, as the case may be), and an unfinished idle game seems to bother people less, since any content is just... there. And especially in crowdfunded development like Patreon, putting less focus on the project that has less mass appeal risks losing your income. The fact is, unlike Adventure High, I've actually seen people playing Spiral Clicker. (Including on my Steam friend list. Dude just makes his porn habits public, and I'm afraid to ask if he's aware of it.)
I... I honestly worry about your friend in that case... that or he just doesn't care. One of the two, I guess?

As for low-hanging fruit: What I mean is, compare an idle clicker to a RPG game (as AH is a RPG/VN mix).
RPG: You need to create encounters, you need to create a story, you need to create maps, you need to create a setting etc. Basically, there's a lot of things you need to actually include in the game to consider it "barely a game to begin with". This is going to take a bit of time to create even the groundwork for.

CLICKER: Does it have something you can click on? Well, game's complete. Everything else is literally just expansions to the base game, be it CG's, new enemies, new characters etc. The idea of a clicker game is that... you click on something. Whether it's monsters (such as Clicker Heroes) or a giant cookie (Cookie Clicker) or... literally anything inbetween. The base idea is that you "finish" a game the instance you can click on something in a clicker game. Everything BEYOND being able to click on something is a bonus (my opinion - feel free to ignore it, should you want to - I take little offense from it).
As such, I consider idle/clicker games "easier to make" compared to basically every other genre that there is (that's including VN's, as they need a coherent story).

In regards to "actually seeing people play SC," the game's not available on Steam so really, how many can you say that you've seen "playing the game"? It's pretty unfair comparing "how many people play a game on Steam vs a game that's only available online unless you decide to DL it" because there's going to be a massive shift in numbers due to knowledge of it existing to begin with.

As for the Unity port, from what I understand someone was commissioned to do it, but then they dropped off the face of the Earth. I rarely follow incomplete projects, let alone fan-funded stuff like Patreon, but it seems like this sort of thing has been ridiculously common even in my extremely small glimpse into that culture. Guess that's what happens when your only means of hiring help is to find some stranger on the internet who says, "Sure, I'll do it."
Don't quote me on this but I remember hearing that he apparently had two different people working on the game but neither of them actually finished it... and he's not learning Unity, AFAIK. And if he is, I'm wrong there and I apologize. I have nothing further to add to this one.

I disagree about the too many routes being the problem, though. The game is incomplete, and this will always be apparent in some way, but the main point of the game is being able to do a bunch of different things, so I feel it would be even worse if that incompletion manifested as being railroaded into one or two routes. A perfect example of this is the bimbo route, which actually has both a complete route and an additional NG+ version.
On one hand, I agree with you. But on the other hand, my complaint is that "if you have 20+ unfinished routes, stop adding new ones and try to flesh out already existing routes."

Quick question: What's more tempting - finding out that a game has 500 routes of which FIVE is complete and the others are literally 1-2 scenes (so basically no content beyond starting them and maybe finding out 1 thing about them) OR a game that has 20 routes but all of them are complete, with more being added in the future? (Random numbers from the top of my head). And yes, I'm completely serious with this question. For me, it's the latter - if I know that I can only do five specific routes because the others have no content, I'm going to avoid them because... what'd the point be? That's my issue with the Redemption route, among others - the complete and utter lack of content.

Every time I start up the game, I'm forced to make 1 of 3 choices:
-Do the Bimbo World Ending (which I've done so often I honestly lost count)
-Do the Mysterious Book route (which I honestly don't care too much about, despite liking Julia, I feel she has a VERY minor role in a route that should literally be about her in my opinion).
-Enslave 10+ people and do the Enslavement Ending.

If I don't choose any of those 3, I'm forced to do half-done routes that leads either to nothing (such as the Redemption, Heroic or Submissive routes)... or force myself to do one of those endings regardless. It's literally a catch-22 - either you do unfinished routes that you're interested in... and then have no content. OR you re-run the exact same 3 endings due to lack of content in every other ending.

I don't have anything to add to the last part in general so I don't quote that part.

With that said, I respect your opinion. I don't AGREE with it, but I RESPECT it. You have your opinion. I have my opinion. Hope you have a nice day regardless!
(And hopefully there will be some updates to this game because I like the idea behind it but the slow updates bores me senseless).

Side-note: I'm just curious, what's with the double spaces in your message? No offense intended, I just noticed it when quoting.
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Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
I'm not eager to get into an argument about a porn game, but I've definitely gottta disagree with some of your points. Before I get to that, though...

As for low-hanging fruit: What I mean is, compare an idle clicker to a RPG game (as AH is a RPG/VN mix).
RPG: You need to create encounters, you need to create a story, you need to create maps, you need to create a setting etc. Basically, there's a lot of things you need to actually include in the game to consider it "barely a game to begin with". This is going to take a bit of time to create even the groundwork for.
Well, you've gotta remember that we're talking about updates right now, not making a game from scratch. Currently, adding new scenes to Adventure High should be no more difficult than adding new characters/scenes to Spiral Clicker. And some of the recent clicker updates have also added content involving new game mechanics, which adds some difficulty to it. From what I can tell, none of the coming updates for Adventure High seem to be adding new game mechanics or areas or anything like that. If they did, then that would answer my question as to what the delay in updates is.

It's pretty unfair comparing "how many people play a game on Steam vs a game that's only available online unless you decide to DL it"
Steam was just an example. I'm also counting discussions I've seen on other forums (and this one), the number of plays on sites like Newgrounds, and stuff like that. I just pointed out the Steam thing because how ridiculous it was when I got a notification in the corner saying "[name] is now playing Spiral Clicker". Like, "Dude, what? I should say something... But then he's gonna ask how I recognize Spiral Clicker. >.>"

Anywho, as for the routes... One thing I think is an issue is how we define "content". I'm not playing this game just to get to the endings, and for that matter, I think a lot of the things called "routes" aren't meant to have "endings" anyway. Perhaps it would be better to call some of them "branches" or "side stories". As far as I'm concerned, a "completed route" is just one that's not going to have anything new added in the future. The game shouldn't really be treated as something where you do "a playthrough" to get to "the ending", but just as something to explore whatever content is there. To be honest, I usually prefer games where I can play through all content within one single "playthrough", although that obviously wouldn't be possible in a game like this. That's why I keep a bunch of different saves everywhere, so that I can explore all possible branches of content at my leisure. (Which brings us to the issue of how horribly the game's save system works, which is apparently an issue with the engine...) Frankly, even if the game was complete, I would still hate the thought of going back to the beginning every time I wanted to do a different route.

But I think what it comes down to is what I consider to be the "content". (EDIT: I just realized I repeated myself. Give me a moment to proofread and make this sound less retarded. Nope, too exhausted to think of a way to improve it. Pretend this paragraph started in a way that sounded better.) All I'm here for is the erotic mind control, and witnessing its various methods of implementation/use. Each scene added to each story or sidestory basically amounts to the entirety of what I'm after. As I said, I'm not here to get to some ending, and any "completed route" just means to me that it's not gonna get new content. As much as I'd like to see more content added to my favorite routes, I'm not eager to see them reach an "end". (So, I mean, I guess it's good that the bimbo route is complete. Except it's probably not really, since it got an entire second route and I still see people requesting more of it. Man, I hate bimbofication. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, especially if you went through all the trouble to steal it from someone else. It's like the mind control equivalent of those people who wait in line to buy some new game console just so they can break it. /rant)

Side-note: I'm just curious, what's with the double spaces in your message? No offense intended, I just noticed it when quoting.
Double spaces? You mean like between paragraphs, or between sentences? It looks like you do the same thing with your paragraphs, so as for the sentences... I dunno. That's how I was taught to do it, and it makes logical sense. Put more space between your sentences than you put between words in the same sentence. It's actually always bugged me that some websites delete one of the spaces when you make your post.
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Dec 10, 2017
Well, you've gotta remember that we're talking about updates right now, not making a game from scratch. Currently, adding new scenes to Adventure High should be no more difficult than adding new characters/scenes to Spiral Clicker. And some of the recent clicker updates have also added content involving new game mechanics, which adds some difficulty to it. From what I can tell, none of the coming updates for Adventure High seem to be adding new game mechanics or areas or anything like that. If they did, then that would answer my question as to what the delay in updates is.
I'm not arguing about that. I'm saying that, in the end, it's much easier to make a clicker game (less coding involved) than it is for a RPG/VN/other game (even platformers need somewhat more programming).

Steam was just an example. I'm also counting discussions I've seen on other forums (and this one), the number of plays on sites like Newgrounds, and stuff like that. I just pointed out the Steam thing because how ridiculous it was when I got a notification in the corner saying "[name] is now playing Spiral Clicker". Like, "Dude, what? I should say something... But then he's gonna ask how I recognize Spiral Clicker. >.>"
...Might be a good idea not to bring that up. Up to you, really.

Anywho, as for the routes... One thing I think is an issue is how we define "content". I'm not playing this game just to get to the endings, and for that matter, I think a lot of the things called "routes" aren't meant to have "endings" anyway. Perhaps it would be better to call some of them "branches" or "side stories". As far as I'm concerned, a "completed route" is just one that's not going to have anything new added in the future. The game shouldn't really be treated as something where you do "a playthrough" to get to "the ending", but just as something to explore whatever content is there. To be honest, I usually prefer games where I can play through all content within one single "playthrough", although that obviously wouldn't be possible in a game like this. That's why I keep a bunch of different saves everywhere, so that I can explore all possible branches of content at my leisure. (Which brings us to the issue of how horribly the game's save system works, which is apparently an issue with the engine...) Frankly, even if the game was complete, I would still hate the thought of going back to the beginning every time I wanted to do a different route.
The problem with calling them "branches"/"sidestories" is that they're officially called routes. That's literally the only reason I call them that.
I, personally, prefer when a "route" has an ending and "sidestories" are more indepth for specific characters (such as Sarah's Home plot - it's literally just to find out a bit more about her past, which I'm fine with).

But I think what it comes down to is what I consider to be the "content". (EDIT: I just realized I repeated myself. Give me a moment to proofread and make this sound less retarded. Nope, too exhausted to think of a way to improve it. Pretend this paragraph started in a way that sounded better.) All I'm here for is the erotic mind control, and witnessing its various methods of implementation/use. Each scene added to each story or sidestory basically amounts to the entirety of what I'm after. As I said, I'm not here to get to some ending, and any "completed route" just means to me that it's not gonna get new content. As much as I'd like to see more content added to my favorite routes, I'm not eager to see them reach an "end". (So, I mean, I guess it's good that the bimbo route is complete. Except it's probably not really, since it got an entire second route and I still see people requesting more of it. Man, I hate bimbofication. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, especially if you went through all the trouble to steal it from someone else. It's like the mind control equivalent of those people who wait in line to buy some new game console just so they can break it. /rant)
I have mixed feelings when it comes to bimboficiation (also only reason I didn't say anything about that in the last post was because I honestly had nothing to say about it).
On one hand, I like busty blondes.
On the other hand, I really fucking stupid people (bimbos or otherwise).
That's one of the main reasons I like Dr. Tiff - big tits and isn't a complete and utter moron (other than during the Bimbo's Gone Wild route which is kinda eh for me).

Double spaces? You mean like between paragraphs, or between sentences? It looks like you do the same thing with your paragraphs, so as for the sentences... I dunno. That's how I was taught to do it, and it makes logical sense. Put more space between your sentences than you put between words in the same sentence. It's actually always bugged me that some websites delete one of the spaces when you make your post.
Yeah, for some reason it becomes 2 spaces instead of 1 if you quote someone (making it look [ like this] instead of [like this]. I rarely quote people (because I rarely post here) so I didn't notice until now. Weird.

Like I said in my last post, while I might not AGREE with your opinion on most things, I see no reason not to ACCEPT it. If you don't agree with my points - that's fair. I don't agree with all of your points. Do I think less of you as a result? No, because I have literally never spoken to you prior to now (at least to my knowledge).

As long as people aren't complete assholes and bash on someone for having a different opinion, I tend to ignore them to begin with. Had you bashed me for having a different opinion than you, I'd not bother replying in the first place.

Finally, Julia and Dr. Tiff are best waifus. Change my mind.
3.30 star(s) 12 Votes