Okay so I REALLY like this game. The "enslave everyone by hypnosis/Mind Control" stuff is right up my alley and the personality change is a nice bonus, but DANG is it a chore to do some things. :noexpression:
I guess this might be because FLASH is still a pretty stiff platform for games or maybe the structure of the whole thing is similar to a Twine game, but keeping track of anything is pretty hard. That includes story progress, quests or even characters.
The best would be a more dynamic system with days and maybe characters moving around, but that's a nightmare to make in a dynamic engine let alone something like FLASH so I'd say just letting the characters "exist" in the world would be enough.
I imagine things are like this cuz either it's hard to code exceptions for every event if the characters are constantly present or to make it obvious for players when something new can be done with them, but both can be solved by having a "chat" option and highlights on their icons respectively.
If nothing else most of this could be fixed by having a "diary" or "notes" like system in the menu where your characters are managed so people can keep track of or be reminded of events that happened before they left the game, but this is just my personal point of view, I'm not trying to criticise anyone's creative vision.
An actual problem of mine is with the VERY strict and single chance requirements for some of the events. Like have a specific character, with a specific personality while meeting another character for the first time and pick the right option with them and have the right spell at hand or you're NEVER getting another chance is kinda annoying.

This might be a form of challenge so players can't just breeze through the game and so need to experiment or try to get things in the right order, but not having any clues or warnings so people can CHOOSE to "Do something and fail it then." is unfair at best and these events should be more about "alternative" routes of getting something rather than the only one.
Also I'd mention things like using spells on characters outside of conversations is confusing, not having a gallery for scenes we've already seen is a bummer and not having a form of "monsterpedia" to at least outline criticals and resists makes fights more of a "Spam the strongest attacks cuz elements don't seem to make sense here." unless someone can literally memorize every monster's tactics by pure trial and error.
As I said, I REALLY like this game and if most of these problems are all about "Still in development, will be expanded/fixed later." then I can get that, but that doesn't change that these things still get in the way of playing and I can't wait to see how things are planned to be improved.