VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Adverse Effects [Final] [CellStudios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    As much as we want more, there's nothing wrong with a short and to the point quality game.

    This had everything needed. As much as many folk are tired of the incest genre. It is practically a guaranteed to succeed because of how many fans there are.

    Now you do get to choose, you can call her landlady or some other creative name/title instead of Mom/Mother.

    And this game carters to the client demand quite well. There were scenes for the doctor too.
    If there were any renders for the neighbor lady who taught the mc to cook, she would've needed scenes too. I'm sure some of the players still want that.
    But hey, this is a fairly good quality game and it gets to the point.
    I'm content.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6356557

    Short but incredibly sexy

    The renders are great . Good model details , lovely use of lighting, post process effects.

    The only downside is due to its short length we don't get to enjoy more scenes.

    It feels pointels talking about the story as there isnt much of it . It serves its purpose to fit the game length.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is concise, between the son and mother there's a lot of emphasis about kindness and care, for me it feels really genuine and personal. I prefer these kind of stories with few characters, which explained motive and background. Frankly there's no complex and convoluted story just simple pent up impulses build up over the years.

    The renders looks really good, each still image shows significant emotion. Enough animated scenes for lewd scenes. I'm really glad that for each encounter there's kink of choice.

    In my humble opinion, since the game is short, it wouldn't be too much work to add a few sound effects to the lewd scenes, it would elevate the level of immersion to a new ground. I really encourage the the developer to take a look at Summer Heat where, subtle small sound effects employed really well.

    I know, i shouldn't compare to other games in the review, but somehow i feel resemblance with Measuring My Cum, what i also found really impressive work.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous mature models, loved this game! Genuinely hope for a direct sequel where MC now a successful developer and his "mamas" welcome more women helpfully the friendly nurse to their circle and turn that mean bitch Piper in to an obedient sub.
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    not much of a plot and short on delivery so not really a VN more Visual short story. the image in the OP suggests a possible threesome but this turned out to be false hope. what IS here is well done as having no big idea to deliver it does not outstay it's welcome. unfortunately it remains too short to be a viable purchase and too plotless to be memorable for me.

    the art is good by this sites standards and fairly involved, though why an MC who has held a long attraction to this woman, would not even glance at her crotch area while giving her a foot rub, is a question only the dev can answer. a missed moment of icing on this cake.

    the writing is strong with this one. at no point while reading did my immersion break. it is very well delivered and doesn't fall into the word-repetitive trap many other dev/writers fall into from having a limited vocabulary. this leads to a natural read which is rare and a massive plus point for any VN lover.

    certainly worth a few bob if it floats your boat but i see this more as a small step towards the devs future. if they take what they have showcased here and add a decent plot that captures imagination and deliver it at the same pace, along with a lengthy 8 hours or more of game play, well......
    expand that imagination and take us on a journey dev
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This game reminds me of Measuring my cum. So, I'll be comparing these two games. First of all, its more fast paced. Second, its shorter. And while I like renders and writing, I cannot give five stars because of shortness and fast pace.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    What are these crazy ratings? Who is increasing the rating?
    The game is of the maximum average level, if not lower:
    - only 3 characters including the main character;
    - there is no real choice, no matter how hard I try not to ignore the redhead - the game decided everything for me;
    - incredibly short game - lasting about 1 hour with very slow reading;
    - no interesting plot.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Super comfy good times wincest.
    Really good lookin models, great tags, good animation, mom was a super cutie, doctor was pretty hot.
    bonus scene was fun, and the preggers scenes peak.
    10/10 would nut again.
    thx for this, plz make more.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Short, but sweet. There was a good bit of effort in this, but Like I said relatively short. Still the effort put in made it well worth while. Liked the option of choosing your "Landlady's" pubic hair as an option.
    Complaints, I mean this erotica, but the setting seemed a bit...unrealistic. I mean most settings are, but this one felt a little too...? Most either make a joke about it or put in a justification at least a relatively good one. This one...meh.
    Overall, like I said, a good one. The effort at the rendering and even the spelling is great. The story is...okay, not horrible or anything just if you want a fap this will do it, if you want a story...its okay.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent. Complete nice little gem. Great graphics, decent storyline, perfect characters. Made the MILF Mom an actual forty year old, very hot.

    Great tags for a short VN.

    Only Con although made to be a short VN the major moment that the two of them get together should be a little longer, maybe even dimmer on the lighting, more angles, and even a few more words. Felt really too short.

    Easily a 5 star for a quick completed game, same for the kinks picked for a story. Yes its a little vanilla, which makes it perfect for a short VN.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually do not write reviews, but I have to leave something from me here.

    Very good game. I really like the ''landlady'' and doctor models.
    - Nice renders, story, animations.
    - I really like that we have a choice whether MC's ekhm.... ''landlady'' has a bush down there.. or she is shaved or trimmed.

    I recommend checking it out. ;)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice and short story, just as advertised. It took me around one hour and left me satisfied. The game strikes a nice balance of prelude and getting into the action. Having customizable pubic hair is a novelty, but I guess that won't scale well with longer games.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense

    With games like this I can see why vanilla fans are very protective of what they consume, this was for me the perfect way to cap off my Saturday.

    To the pro:

    - Gorgeous renders
    - Although short but sweet thist story was well written. I love when the female milfs in these games are the aggressor. These are some pills I tell you.
    - FANTASTIC LIGHTING. Yes, it deserved all caps.
    - Sexy models, Judith is a top notched model as is the doctor.
    - Hot sex scenes

    To the cons:
    - People making the dev make various types of bushes because they think every woman in the world has a pussy like a 12 year old. This really isn't a con just had to say it.

    To summarize this:

    Cell Studios is elite, keep great content like this coming. And please guys like and subscribe to him. Make him rich.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game! It's good to see short games. It doesn't always have to be about games that take 5 years to be completed, a perfect game to play in one go. The story and the build-up are more than enough; there are hot scenes, and Milf + Bush are always a perfect combination. I don't know how difficult it is to implement the bush selector, but if in doubt, bush only is the way to go, thanks to the Dev!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I recently replayed Emi again, and was hoping for more. Turns out we might be getting more of that. And This game as a bonus is a cherry on top.
    I love this game as it was exactly what I like. Recommend this game, and support the developer if you can.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed it. Great work. Nicely written music choice was good. I love a nice romantic incest story. And i actually like that the story was short i mean it could have been a tad bit longer but that's no biggie this was fine. I would rather have one this short than have one that is waay to long and have shit tons of crappy tags in it not every body likes to see every tag under the sun and drag out development for a really long story just to milk patreons. Matter of fact if you can make more stories like this i would be more willing to support the Dev. What i liked was it is finished and it had a nice sweet romantic touch. The animations was good to. All around good story, beautiful women and i love incest. My fav is Mom/Son but Brother/Sister and Aunt/Nephew is good. Maybe next time add a Sister into the mix. Just no Lesbian stuff not really into that.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Short & sweet. Beautiful renders & animations. Premise is the standard mom/son incest story. Narrative is straight forward, nothing stellar. Ending is good, everyone wins. Only sin is the game being too short.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice renders & animations. Story feels a bit short, the beginning is ok but there is a tempo shift at a point in the story. After that everything goes pretty fast. The music is alright. All in all a short but sweet novella.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    For me, it's the story of two people who work hard to have a good life and, by a stroke of fate, managed to find their desire and happiness. with great scene and scenery . And don't forget the doctor, just for those who watched until the end....
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I believe its only flaw is being short.
    But not too short, it just doesn't try to inflate gameplay time with grinding or whatever. It is 'just' what a Visual Novel, by definition, means. Considering the amount of scenes it contains what could be a single episode of a longer game, but condensed and faster since it is focused on one character.

    So, we have:
    Good visual, as in renders and animation.
    Including a good-looking mother, which is ofc one, if not the most, important aspect considering this game concept.
    Story is fine, it plays its purpose here.
    You do have a few options (although I didn't go back and try all the others ones). But for me that's a good sign, which means I was satisfied with the conclusion I got.

    The doctor plus scene/story variation is a good addiction. Gives a little bit more content.
    I think this structure could be maintained in future standalone games.

    One other thing that I believe became worth mentioning, is that the dev didn't try removing skip (Ctrl, although I didn't test xD), didn't remove scrollback (middle mouse), etc.
    Is it the 'expected standard'? Surely. But worth mentioning considering what has been surfacing these days lmao

    So, a concise story with enough renders for a quick, but not too quick, VN experience.